(Warning: Please be guided is not suitable for young readers)

Chaya has done drying her hair when her phone rings. She knows already who that caller is. She put Moven own ringtone so that she can distinguish right away even without looking at the phone screen.

She answered the call but before she says hello, Moven spoken.

"Chaya hurry up come to me please."

Without any hesitation, she rushed away to Moven's room. She still wearing her bathrobe and haven't change to her sleeping attire. She was afraid that Moven got some emergency. It was the first time he called her during bedtime.

Chaya's facial expression was worried as she came near to Moven. "Wa-What! A-are you hurt?" Inspecting his body.

"No, I mean I need to go to the toilet. My stomach is aching. I think I ate something during dinner." He said smiling.

"Oh!" She helped him up from bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

She stayed outside then scanned herself and realized what she was wearing. She knocked her head twice for being stupid. The bathrobe she uses was not that thick. She was not wearing anything inside. She was thinking to go back to her room and change.

However, she was afraid that Moven might slip inside or something unexpectedly bad might happens if she will leave. Having second thoughts, she just waits and stays where she is right now.

She properly tied the knot of her bathrobe so that it will not lose easily. Just as she finished, the bathroom door opened. Moven quite stayed a little longer inside.

As Chaya helped him back to his bed, he slightly glances her bathrobe. It was not a thick one; she did not wear anything inside. Even though it's a dark color bathrobe but her nipples shown were strongly alive. His temples were sweating and his lower part was reacting.

Her bathrobe slowly has shown some skin near the chest area as she bends to help Moven sat his bed and leaning his back to the headboard. He looks fixedly at Chaya.

When she was prepared to leave, Moven suddenly grabbed her hands closer to him.

Chaya shocked as she landed into his arms. She stopped breathing as she lifted her head. Their faces were inch closer. She can feel her heart was like a bomb that was ready to blow. The bedroom was almost dark and the only light were switch on was near the doorway.

She closes her eyes; she felt his lips touching hers then his tongue slowly enters her mouth.

Lee Moven could not control himself. He did not think straight when he snatched her. He kissed her gently, holding his both hands to her face. His eyes brightened as she looked into her eyes.

He could no longer hold; he carefully loosens her bathrobe. Her mesmerizing expression shyness made Moven love even more. His body was obviously aroused, and now that it definitely started.

Chaya does not know how but when she opened her eyes, she was half-naked exposing her breasts. Moven was kissing her down neck as she grabbed his hair. She slightly growled.

His fingers brushed passed her skin which sending desire down to her spine. She then realized that Moven was not yet recovers.


Moven heard her but he had been focusing on something. He stopped and stared at her.


Chaya closed her eyes she was too shy to look at him. Her both arms still wrapped around his neck.

"You're still in—injured."

Moven smiled and says; "It's okay I can handle it."

Then he whispered in her ears, "You will be the one to drive."

Chaya was blushing and hot as she heard him. From there they continued. He was pulling her bathrobe off. Though it was not their first time, he still slowly takes time so that both of them will satisfy. The most intimate act with her to some moves until they reached the so-called climax.

She was too sleepy and tired. She was exhausted not knowing that she rested in his chest. Moven's eyes gazed at Chaya. He strokes his hands to her hair and kissed her forehead then fall asleep.

The next morning Yoon Chaya rouses and get out in a hurry. She slowly rushed out from the bedroom of Moven. She went straight to her bathroom and took a quick shower. She stopped in front of the mirror staring herself and feeling blank.

There were hickeys all over her body. They were wild last night. Even she could believe herself what she did all her life. She totally out of control, she was not like this before.

She did stupidity again. She does not know why she never refuses last night. She was not even drunk for an excuse but she was normal back then. How can she face him later? What will be there relationship now?

Her mind has been ready to explode from overthinking. She finally left the bathroom and changed to her working uniform.

She calmed herself before she went out and goes to Moven's room.


Moven woke up right after Chaya left. He was so rushed last night without asking her permission. He did not regret any of it actually.

However, he was thinking about the feelings for Chaya. She might feel distant with what had happened to them recently. Will she feel awkward to him?

Before he could think further, the door opened and Chaya walked in. Moven still lying in his bed as Chaya approached closely. They both were looking at each other without a blink. It took a few minutes before Moven talked first.

"Chaya, I know it was sudden but I won't say sorry about what happen to us last night. I don't even regret it because I honestly feel something for you. Are you mad?" Moven continued talking while staring at her without taking his eyes off her.

"I know this is too much to ask but we both know we are not in a younger age and both adults. But I want you to know that I will wait for you and pursue you until you will feel the same to me."

Chaya doesn't know what to respond but just looking at him thoroughly. That was quite shocking revelation early morning. It is really a big unexpected confession.