It has been two consecutive days raining outside when Tung Kim drove out from the hospital basement parking area. It has been two weeks she has been avoiding Wang Jary not to cross their paths. It was so hard on her knowing about that night.

Unexpected circumstances for her. She was not ready to face him even more. She does not know what to say. She doesn't know what she would feel in front of him.

Her mind tries to forget all about him for a moment. She needed to ease her mind for once, without thinking about him. She usually went straight home after work lately. She already done some groceries the other day so no need for her to waste time but go straight home. Tomorrow is her day off so she will stay at home and rest.

After 20 minutes, she arrived at her condominium parking area. She took the elevator and pressed the top floor. Upon opening the door, she saw someone lying on the floor. She was shocked rushing to him. It was Jary.

His forehead was hot like burning with fire as she touches it. She opened her pad and helped him get up. He was so heavy, Tung Kim thought. She struggled getting him inside her place. She gave it full strength to reach her bedroom.

She immediately left to get some medicines for colds and a bottle of water as she went back to him. She failed to feed him the drug so she doesn't have any choice but to put it in her mouth then transfer it to Jary.

Thank God it works. She was relieved that Jary shallow it with water. She goes to her bathroom to get some hand towel to wipes it to his body. Changed his clothes too, luckily, she had some men's shirt unused.

She was freshening up before heading to bed. She needs to set an alarm for Jary to take another medicine.

However, she could not fall asleep knowing Jary's unwell. She keeps on looking at him in her bed. The feeling of something she couldn't explain.

At some point, she used to be alone in her bed. It has been quite lonely sometimes but now someone next to her.

She stared at him for how long. She couldn't help but touched his face, his eyes, his lips. He is still burning. She looked up the wall clock, five minutes more to go before the alarm strikes for medicine.

When the alarm rang, she turned it off then got up to get the medicine for Jary. She still feed it to her mouth and passed through him. When she makes sure that his temperature slowly down before she closes her eyes to sleep.

Wang Jary slowly opened his eyes when he felt something in his body. His eyes were wondering up the ceiling. Unfamiliar ceiling that made him totally wake up. He looked around and saw a feminine design inside the bedroom.

He turned his head down and saw Tung Kim sleeping beside him. Her arm was wrapping around his body. Why am I here? He could not remember about her last night. He thought.

He continued watching her sleeping. His lips curve upward before he closes his eyes to sleep back.


Tung Kim, the first to rise up early morning. She automatically placed her hand to Jary's forehead.

"He is still hot." She was murmuring silently. She got out from the bed, gets the Forehead Infrared Thermometer.

"It's 38 degrees. He needs to drink another medicine for the fever."

She walked out from the room and went straight to her kitchen. Making porridge for Jary, just a few minutes it has done cooking. She cooled it a little bit so that he can eat it.

Carrying the tray with porridge, she goes back to her room.

When she was already inside, she saw Jary opened his eyes. She rushed towards him and placing the tray in the side table.

"Don't get up you are still in fever. You have to eat this so you can take another medicine later." A soft little voice that rang Jary's ears that totally woke him up.

Tung Kim sits him up to the headboard. She feeds him slowly; she even blows the porridge before giving it to his mouth.

Wang Jary's admired Kim comforting him. Even though, he could not taste the food but he still eats it. Seeing Kim taking care of him makes his heart fonder. He tried to eat all the porridge in the bowl that she prepared for him but he couldn't.

Tung Kim was pleased to see that Jary ate the food she cooked for him. It may not eat all in the bowl. Yet, she was satisfied the result that he was willing to be cure immediately.

(Warning: Please be guided is not suitable for young readers)

After eating, Tung Kim gave him the med and let him take more rest. His temperature decreases a little. As soon she placed the glass, Jary grabbed her hand. She glanced at him with innocent look. Holding her hands tightly that he wished not to let go.

"Do you need anything?" she asked.

"Come, sleep with me. I just want to hug you." Grinning smile shyly.


Before she resists, Jary pulled her into the bed. He hugs her and closes his eyes. Tung Kim did not refuse and returned his embrace.

He kisses her hair then lifts up her chin and kissed her lips. His kissed turned into a deepen one that almost she could not breathe.

She felt her heart race faster when they let go. She hesitated for a moment before her eyes shifted down to his lips.

The expression of Jary's face tells it all. Slowly, he was kissing her again. He did not bother about his condition. All he knew that he wanted her that much.

One breath after another making her heart and body feels tickled. Making Tung Kim dizzy when Jary's hands were kind of busy removing her clothes one by one.

Slowly moved upward, all her arms were encircling his neck. She pulled him closer.

His hands were start travelling all over Kim's body.


He still is kissing her and his hands still moving around her body.


Tung Kim gulped which is trying to calm herself.

"You are still not feeling well."

Jary did not listen to her. He keeps on licking her and sucking her neck while his hands were crawling downward and tugging her nipples.