
A beautiful sunset that marks the end of the day can be seen in the coastline beside a bustling city that was full of lights, smoke and noise. A blot of gray cloud can be seen from above devouring the beach little by little as pollution slowly spreads thru the air, sand and water. A heavy smog covers the whole city due to the factories and cars can be seen everywhere.

Amidst the gray clouds, busy people can be seen walking at an alley between tall buildings were top floors can't be seen.

A dirty child with his mother is lying down at a corner of the road begging for alms as people ignore them as they pass by. The mother was dirty and skinny. But If one take a closer look, they can see that she was beautiful when she was young.

The child look like 7 years old at most due to the thin and small structure of his body but in truth he was already 10 years old. His body was so thin that anyone can see that he is suffering from malnutrition. But when one looks closer, a hint of focus and concentration can be seen in the corner of his eyes as he look around as if looking for something.

As people was walking in the busy road, the child stands up and walk near a man who was busy talking to his phone. The man suddenly notice the child and put away his phone warily as he suddenly remembered that this alley is known for the numerous pickpocketing incidents that are shown on the news.

a sudden thought pass through his mind. 'Thief!'. As he suddenly grips his phone tightly and grabs his back pocket to protect his wallet.

But as he grab his pocket, he didn't feel his wallet and suddenly became confuse.

"You little rascal!" Said the man as he point to the dirty child.

The child was stunned as confusion was shown in his face.

The man slap the child as he said "Give it back!"

The child was thrown back as tears can be seen forming on his eyes. He was scared because he had seen many scenes like this played out as people will beat a thief to death once a pickpocketer was catch here.

His mom suddenly rush to protect him as soon as she saw the man preparing to stomp the child.

"Sir! Please stop! He didn't do anything!"

The man didn't stop as he prepared to kick them

"That's my last money! Give me back my wallet!"

The people around them notice the commotion as a burly man with his followers suddenly appear out of nowhere as he prepare to join in the beating. Many people living here knows that he is the most violent thug in this place and his gang was the greatest reason why this alley was prominent to robbery.

"That's right! Give it to him!" As he also kick the mother and child and secretly dropped an empty wallet near the boy.


The people kicking stop. The man didn't notice the drop but has see the wallet beside the boy

"Aha! I told you!" But as soon as he opened it. "Wait! Where is the money?!"

"I don't know! Please sir! I beg you! We didn't know why it is there. We don't have any money!" As the mom plead for mercy.

The man kick harder this time and the thugs also join. As the woman covered her son, she spoke in a low voice.

"Blake, be strong! Live!" As blood drip to his face while one can see the mix of anger and sadness on his expression.

After the few beatings, the man and the thugs stop to rest as they notice that the mother has stopped breathing.

The child cried as the most important woman of his life died just like that. The crowd just watch as pity can be seen in their eyes. But they didn't take action for they almost see this kind of scene play a lot of times. Also no one will care if a beggar died.

The child then looked at the man and the thugs resembling a ferocious beast ready to pounce at them any moment.

As the man notice the dead mother. He shouted panicking. "This isn't my fault! Who knew this woman can't take a beating" as he hurry up and try to escape from the scene. While the head of the thugs said in a low voice as he whispered to the child

"I dont like your eyes rascal. Business is business" as he prepare one last ruthless slap.

What he didn't notice was an object was flying over his head.


A pillar of light crash behind the child as the whole alley was thrown into chaos.

A whirlpool can be seen as text appeared on a red surface

[Calama initialization...]

[searching for nearby lifeforms...]

[bestowing status windows... established!]


[calculating world level.. world level 3...]

[setting up the portal... established!]

[undead portal stabalization... count down to connection: 24:00:00...]
