Rosenfield Family

The world stills. It was as if the time stop. But the fogs, winds, and waves are still moving. All humans stopped what they are doing and stood at daze. Even the ones that are driving in a highways miraculously stops and accidents didn't occur.

As soon as Blake opens his eyes, he notice that he was standing in the middle of an empty space. He was surrounded by white space and floating in the air with no floor below him.

He tried to recall what happened. The wallet. That man. Those thugs. Those people that are surrounding them that pity can be seen in their eyes but no one steps forward. Anger starts to surface in his face

[Body restructuring in process... 1%]

Blake was startled when he heard those words and look around to find where it came from.

He turned around and notice that there was a whirlpool of black suspended in the air. It was expanding and contracting that one will mistake it like it was breathing.

It seems that the sound come from this whirlpool

'Body restructuring? Where is this place? What happened to my mother?'

[This place is specimen Blake Azacarion's mind. The body is destroyed due to the establishment of the undead portal which disintigrates all lifeforms within 50 kilometers. But due to the integration of Calama, all lifeforms affected will be revived]

Blake was startled. He only thought of the questions but didn't really say it out loud. It was as if the whirlpool is communicating with him.

'Undead portal? Calama?' These unfamiliar words come from the whirlpool that makes him confuse more.

[Your planet was chosen by Calama. Calama is a system that connects infinite worlds in this universe. Different portal decends to different places. Undead portal connects to the world - "Mentery"]

'Mentery? Why is this name sounds familiar?' Blake suddenly felt that this name was calling for his soul.

[fetching information for the world - 'Mentery' ....]


- a grade 4 world

- undead world where the death energy is abundant

- primary races: skeletons, ghouls and ghosts]

It is too much information for a ten year old beggar to analyze this data. Even a kid in a normal household will be baffled in these information. But surprisingly, Blake was listening attentively. One might also see the understanding in his eyes. And then all of a sudden blake thought of something

'Wait, revived?! so my mother is still alive?' Blake thought having a glimmer of hope as joy can be seen in his face

[... Searching database for Blake Azacarion's mother...]

[...Leah Rosenfield. An aristocrat of the level 3 world - pangaea until the the year 5420. Forced to live in the slums until 5423, where she was killed due to beating.]

"But you said all lifeforms will revive!!" His face became stiff until desperation crept in his face again.

[All dead lifeforms before the connection of Calama will not be revived]


Blake collapsed to the floor screaming and crying.

The space was so silent that his crying is the only thing that can be heard

Surprisingly the whirlpool didn't respond to his screams and as if waiting Blake to calm down.

He tried to remember all the things that he and his mother suffered in the past years.


Blake was born as an aristocrat. But even with his family's high standing in the world, he and his mother were isolated due to associating with an outer worldly being.

But even in isolation, Blake was still treated as a aristocrat child and was taught high quality education like any nobility. This was due to his grandfather who was the head of the family at that time

His grandfather only has his mother as a daughter so that he intends to spoil her so much. even though Pangaea has rules about punishment for association with other worldly beings, he didn't care and just silenced those that protested.

His grandfather even throw the grandest celebration on the planet for Blake's birth!

It is the power that belongs to one of the three most powerful families in Pangaea!

Its just that his other relatives was so jealous of his mother that they isolate them and even ridicule his mother for having an affair with a stranger.

They even grew hatred in silence especially when Blake was discovered is an incredible genius!

Everyone was shocked, astonished and flabbergasted when he learned to read and write at the age of 1!

What's even more surprising is that he start to tackle subjects that are taken by university students at the age of 5!

His secret was that he loves to read. It was encoded in his DNA that reading is the same as eating meals to him. The nutritions are the knowledge of every book he reads.

But everyday that Blake's knowledge expand, his relatives' envy starts to worsen.

It starts with the kids silently bullying Blake by tearing his books. Then writing to books that make them unreadable. It became worse when the children starts to burn the books that Blake were reading at that time!

Until one of the three powerful families, the Gomez, starts to send gifts to the Rosenfield family and his mother.

Jose Gomez wants to court his mother and have their family united, having only to discard Blake as a condition.

But when his mother disagreed.

"Leah! Having two of our families unite is a privilage! Soon I will became head of Gomez. We will rule the whole Pangaea and you will be my queen! What is the point of keeping a bastard like him when you can have the whole world!!"

Jose Gomez points at Blake with anger can be seen in his eyes.

That's the only memory of the Gomez with Blake.

After a year, his grandfather's got sick that he became bedridden. That's where the nightmare starts.

His grandfather's brother, Victor Rosenfield, start to assume the head position of their family.

And His first order was to exile Blake! He even exiled Leah when she objected.

Even the family elders acknowledge such order! No one other than Leah objected!

What comes next was the revenge of Jose. He want to let Leah know that no one must decline a Gomez!

He mobilized his family to have Leah's own businesses fell one by one and even acquire their home with paying only 1 gold coin!

At that time Blake was 7 years when he starts to manage his mother's business.

He even clash head to head with the Gomez while handling the business!

His only disadvantage?

Experience and numbers!

Every business battle was fought like a grandmasters playing a chess game. But the players are a 7 year old child and a woman against several old man!

What suppose to be a one sided massacre lead to a year long war!

It was just that unrefined talent cannot win to the experiences of old businessman and politicians.

All that matters is the result and the result is that Blake and his mother has lost badly.

Blake was 8 when they were thrown in that alley. Having people monitor them, it was the prison of the families. The Rosenfield and Gomez don't want any aristocrats in normal prison to draw the line of aristocrats and normal people. And also to let the people passing in that alley that the consequence of offending their families will make one beg for their lives.

2 years of an aristocrat and genius youth was spent looking at the people passing in that tiny road.

It was already a miracle that Blake and his mom survived in that alley for three years just for having 1 gold coin. Blake even save a single copper!


Blake starts to calm down. He know that he cannot change anything anymore.

What he need is an opportunity

An opportunity that will change the course his destiny!