
Blake stopped crying. He stared at the whirlpool while standing and wiping his tears

'Sigh. I guess i'll just create if there is none.'

"What will be the changes in the world that will happen due to this connection?"

Blake ask the questions that buggering his mind the most.

[level 3 world - pangaea will expand three times its normal size. ...

All intelligent lifeforms will be connected to Calama and will be grant analyzing powers to provide general information for the same level as then or below....

Some Skills will be provided for higher class species....

Mana will flow to Pangaea...


Different information starts to flood as words from the sphere don't seem to stop.

Blake listen attentively and somehow start to write in a paper that came out from nothing.

[body restructuring... 48%]

"What happens after body restructuring? Can my body be remodeled to a different person?

A plan starts to surface on Blake's mind. Revenge is just the second step he need to take. He need to realize his mother's last word first.

[The body can only be the same as before the disintegratio-]

'This is not good.'

Blake hoped that he can change his face. The two families are still on his tail even though the world is changing.

[-n. Dual races can pick one main race while having a sub race that will change the body composition. But looks are almost the same]

'That's it! My father came from another world! Maybe I can make some small adjustments to my face details. Let me pick my races]

[Body restructuring... 50%.. pause]

[figuring Blake azcarion's available race from the bloodline...]

[3 available races found...]

[please select one..




'3? Spirit and skeleton? One must be from my father.' Blake thought

'I guess that doesn't matter. I'll go with skeleton race as the main and spirit as my sub then'

Blake pick the race without hesitation due to one reason, The undead portal. It was near him so being a skeleton will not be suspicious.

he will create ab image of being an outer worlder. Also, having a skull face will be a lot different from his current face.

He don't know how he have a spirit bloodline but he just want to be not considered human as possible.

[primary race: Skeleton race has been picked... sub race: spirit has been been picked]

[bloodline merging...]

[Body restructure adjusting...]

[adjustment complete..]

[body restructuring... 51%...]





[body restructuring complete]

[Generating stats...]

Text flash on the surface of the whirlpool

[Blake Azcarion

Primary Race: Skeleton

Sub Race: Spirit

Accupation: None

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 20

Vitality: 4

Luck: 2

Bone durability: 20/20

Spirit energy: 10/10]

He tried his best to recall whats a spirit race looks like. He browse his memories for legends, myths, and even rpg games. But none came to mind.

"Hey! Can you clarify me What is a spirit race?"

[fetching from the database...

Spirit race

-Race purely rely on nature

-Doesn't have a physical form]

'So vague?'

Blake thought that the information was so little.

'Maybe my father's race? Or maybe he has dual race?'

Mystery start to shroud his father that he hasn't seen since birth

Blake look at his stats and confirmed that all his stats are for a 10 year old child. Except the intelligence of course.

Blake estimate that an average adult male will have 10 point of strength while the boss thug will have 15 points at least.

[bestowing skill for the high class bloodline...]

And then suddenly a small box pop on the corner of Blake's eyes

[skeleton skill: unyielding will lvl1 (passive) acquired

Spirit skill: self heal lvl1 (active) acquired]

He tried check the two skills

[unyielding will (passive) - fear is never in your dictionary. Mental and psychological attacks will not affect your state of mind. You will not stop on achieving your objective no matter what happens.

Skill activation: acquisition of the skill

Active time: Indefinite

Cooldown: N/A

Manacost : 0

Effect: immune to fear & other mental attacks. Concentration heighten]

[self heal (active) - "the nature will be your medicine. No matter how grave your wound is, the environment will take care of you. All it takes is to embrace the nature's flow.

Skill activation: Shout or think "self-heal"

Activation time: instant

Cooldown: 20 mins

Spirit Energy required: 4 points

Effect: any injuries will be completely healed instantly except for dismember of any part of the body. Dismemberment may be healed if the limb is connected within 10 seconds.]

Blake look thoughtfully and was amazed to have 2 skills. It means his skeleton and spirit bloodline are both high levelled!

Both skill will be of great help to him for the long run.

He then look at the whirlpool one last question

"Do time stopped as soon as Calama connects us all living beings?"

[it didn't. All living beings "paused" any activities and will be awakened at the same time.]

Blake nodded knowing that it was the same as what he expected. He glance at the whirlpool and said

"Thank you for the knowledge. You can send me out"

A smile slowly crept in his mouth as a plan has been hatched.

It is time.