The Battlefield!

Jun walks through the grand doors with me in his arms. He seemed keen on not allowing me to walk, that was fine, my legs and body were already feeling fatigued from the walk over here.

This body of mine was seriously in a dire situation.

Entering a huge room comes into view, a number of paintings cover the walls of the room. The painting was of men and woman, they all have the same golden horns as I do!

Some of the individuals look demonic, some angelic. Old, young, thin, fat it didn't matter the variety of the painted individuals was vast. Seeing as all of them had golden horns, I think it was safe to assume that they were my ancestors.

Besides those the room was glittering with spiritual energy, it was floating around the air without a care. It made this room felt different from the rest of the house, only because the spiritual energy was so thick. It seems someone must have enchanted the whole of the room.

That's when I notice the pots of flowing blue threes, there were sapling spirit trees, they help to purify the air and also release spiritual energy.

My broken and tattered spirit veins felt even better just from breathing in the air within this room. It was quite a good environment; I was right to assume that I'd been born into a wealthy and powerful family.

'I can make something even better than this!' My teacher whispers in my ears. I just rolled my eyes at her…this woman…actually, I wasn't sure if she was a woman at all. I knew that she was the core of the system per se, but that didn't mean that she was anything then.

I shake the thoughts from my head, it's best not to get hung up on that!

The large room itself was host to a huge table, and there was a lot of people seated at the table. However, the one that stood out the most was the man that was sitting at the head of the table. He's an older man but that doesn't take away from his strong presence. He was quite a large and robust looking fellow. He had a head of grey hair and a neat and trimmed beard that was also white.

Coming out of his head are also two large golden horns. His eyes are the same liquor color as mine, however, minus the white circle and the ancient letters under my eyes. It would seem that those are probably traits that I inherited from my Mother.

His posture was perfect, he looked like an upstanding military man. There was an overbearingly strong pressure the emanated from him, I felt my hands start to shake ever so slightly. This man was a beast, he was strong!

In comparison to my broken and malnourished body, I felt like an ant that was standing in front of a dragon. If he was careless with his energy, I'm sure he could crush me!

This man was none other than my Grandfather, Maximums Morninghelm!

Clenching my hand into a fist; I wouldn't let his presence scare me. I wouldn't falter this man was my first target. I'd gain his affections and then I wouldn't have to worry about anyone coming from behind and cornering me. With him in my corner, it was like an unstoppable vanguard that no one could penetrate!

I'd have all the protection that I would need to grow, I'd only have to worry about threats that were coming from the front. With that in mind, I'd be able to start weeding out the poisonous snakes that were living in my house!

This was a war that I needed to win if I wanted to ensure my own survival.

Not only serving as a shield, but he'd also serve as a blade that I would use to cut down those that stand in my way. I felt the blood in my body start to heat up at the thought of killing those that tried to have me killed!

It wouldn't be an impossible task either, from what I can remember my Grandfather was really close to me when I was a baby. He'd always doted on me and spent a lot of time with me, but then when I was five and my parents had been mysteriously slain.

He'd been away taking care of something and couldn't return. This was how I fell into the clutches of my aunts. It was a year ago that he'd returned but by then my confidence had been all but eroded into nothingness.

I'd been taught that by my Aunt's that my Grandfather would punish me if I displeased him and all sorts of other slanderous lies.

But I knew that those were all false statement, my aunts wouldn't have tried to keep me away from my Grandfather as much as they did if that was the case. I was the only link back to his son, and the heir to his estate!

These wrongs would be righted, even if I have to carve up a body!

Other than my Grandfather, the only person that I could recognize from the table of people was the woman to the right of my Grandfather.

She had lavender-colored hair that was pulled up into a simple twist, with tendrils falling down. Her golden horns curl around her ear slightly. Her eyes are narrowed into fine slights as they look at me, they're the color of grass, and just as poisonous as venom.

She has a few wrinkles around her eyes and her mouth, but for the most part, she looks very youthful. She's dressed in a beautiful skintight black dress, that's low cut and highlights her cleavage and a huge diamond necklace rested around her throat.

Indeed, she was beautiful on the outside, but inside she was rotten to the core. This was my aunt Mora.

Looking around the table at the others in the room, I could tell that they were important people, but I really didn't know any of them. I'd been completely isolated and left without education by the hands of my aunt.

Sadly, even before I never cared much for the affairs of the Beast Kin, since I had nothing to do with them.

"Ahem," Jun clears his throat and stands a few feet back from the table of people, with me still in his arms.

Everyone's eyes if they weren't already are now focused on me.

"The Little Miss Cloud has arrived and asked for you, Master," Jun says directly talking to my Grandfather.

Looking back towards my Grandfather, I see a murderous look appear on his face as he looks at me. His strict facial features appeared even stricter as his eye surveyed over me.

I was defiantly a sight to behold if anything I was surprised more eyebrows and questions weren't being raised if this was a joke. I didn't look like the Young Miss of a great household in the least, I looked worse than the servants even.

These were clothes that would be worn by a street urchin that was struggled to survive, not to mention the gaunt look of my skin and my lack of fat even though I was a child that was still growing.

My Grandfather's jaw was set in a grim line as he finished looking over me. If it was the old me, I'd be quaking in my bone, but I was still and poised.

This situation couldn't have been any better either, plenty of important figures and I was dressed and malnourished in front of them. No doubt there would be a temper tantrum that would be thrown at my state of being.

I could tell that my Grandfather was about to begin speaking, but I wouldn't allow him to speak first. I would be the one to draw the first word.

Tapping on Jun's arm, I give him a look that says, 'put me down.' Understanding, he lowers me to the ground, and I quickly smooth out my patchwork dress and make my way towards the left side of my Grandfather's seat, away from my Aunt.

"Grandfather! Aren't you happy to see me? You didn't even greet me!" I pout as I try to reach out a grab him arm. But the chair was a little too high for me. I'd have to make do with grabbing his leg.

I willed my eyes to produce tears, and make it look like I was upset.

At that moment, the only thought going through Maximus's head was that his Granddaughter was adorable! Her large liquor colored eyes were glazing over with tears, and her little face was set in a pout.

Not many wouldn't be moved by the look that was on her face. However, at the same time, a great many other thoughts started to creep into his mind.

Why in the world was his Granddaughter dresses in such away?

He could also tell that her body was weak, starved basically, when she grabbed his leg if he wasn't careful, he thought she might snap in half. Her hair was dirty, and her body lightly gave off the stench of blood.

His emotions were once against swept away from adoration to murderous rage at the state of his Granddaughter!