A Shrewd Eyed Little Girl

"Listen good," I say stroking her trembling face that was already puffing up.

"Don't you ever slander me again. I will kill you, and I wouldn't make it a quick death, believe me. As my given right as the Young Miss to this great house and clan, you shall obey me!" I breathe out as I tighten my hand on her face.

She squirms but doesn't make a sound.

"Lead me in a circle again, and I'll pluck out your eyeballs," I tell her releasing my grip.

"Now stand up, Bitch, and take me to my Grandfather, now!" I growl at her.

Seeming to understand that there was no escape or chance of her fooling me, she pulls herself to a standing position and began to lead the way forward. This time we didn't make a circle, and she led me down a hall that I hadn't seen before.

Soon the whole entire feeling of the house began to change. It began to get warmer and the interior became even grander and more overpowering.

Golden gilded chairs and picture frames came into view, the carpet and decoration became more and more abundant. It was also getting livelier as we began to reach the interior.

I look towards Marissa, but I find that she's got her head lowered and a look of pure fear swirls in her eyes. It'd appear that she'd listen to me for now, I'm sure once she got back to her master's it'd be another story. But that didn't bother me in the least, let her master's try and silence me again.

I'd cut off their heads if they'd dare! This house would face a new discipline, and they'd learn to obey.

Evil thought began to swirl around in my mind as I thought of all the way that I'd like to clean up the trash in this household. I'd treat them to a fate much worse, that what they deserved if they'd bully and beat to death a small child that was their own blood!

With this thought, I felt some new information float into my head.

It seems that I still had support at least, it was my aunt Marinda, that had married into the Keelin household. It would seem that my uncle doted on her dearly and she'd tried her best to help me when the abuse had started, but she'd been driven away by her sisters and their husbands.

I'd almost forgotten about her; my memories are still a little fuzzy.

I felt a small little fire of warmth light up my heart, it seems even still at least one had loved this child. The rest, however, had been more concerned with consuming the whole of the clan and taking my position that I'd gained from birthright as my father being the firstborn.

What a pity for them! I'd eat them all alive; I wouldn't even leave the bone. I'd teach them an enjoyable lesson and then show them out!

As we reached a grand foyer, I noticed that I could see more servants walking around all of them carrying out their duties. They were all dressed nicely, a few of them would case looks in our direction every so often.

None of them made any verbal comments, but they made enough comments with their eyes. I simply smile and continue to follow Marissa.

'Many prying eyes are watching you,' the enchanting voice of my teacher says.

'I know, I've felt them since we left the circle I was being walked around,' I say nonchalantly as we turn another corner.

It wasn't unexpected for someone to be watching me, there were so many servants and prying eyes to be found in the area that we'd just walked through.

Soon, we left the endless hallways and small area and reached a huge hallway. There were many doors on the hallway, but we stopped at a door that was grand and had the carved design of a giant fox-like creature, with two horns coming out of its head and nine tails stretching out behind it.

Marissa reaching her right hand up and raps her knuckles against the wooden door and take a small step backward as she bows her head slightly. In the next second the door is opened up and a man's face appears in front of us.

He was quite good looking actually. His skin was a warm earthen brown, that complements his warm sun-kissed hair that had two fluffy lion ears growing atop them. His steel-grey eyes are beastly in nature and are narrowed into deep slits as they look down at Marissa.

He's dressed in a butler uniform that is pressed and prime, he exuded an air of diligence and authority. I see a golden tail swing slightly behind him.

His face is quite familiar, digging into my memories I find him. His name was Jun and he's my Grandfather's butler. He was quite nice to me in my memories, he'd given me candy and a warm greeting whenever he saw me.

Of course, when he did see me, I was being paraded around by my aunt.

Actually, the whole misunderstanding had arisen because this child was so timid, she'd been shy and that was due to the fact of her abusive treatment from her aunts. She'd learned not to speak up about it to anyone, which had cost her a timely demise.

Jun cast his eyes towards Marissa, and she shuddered and lowered her body even further into a bow. Turning his attention to me a look of surprise flashed across his face. But he quickly masks it as he gives me a warm smile.

Stepping forward he dips a hand across his chest and performs a bow. "Young Miss, what might I do for you? Your Grandfather's currently in a meeting with your aunt," he says with a smile. His voice was like a soft breeze it drifts through the air and made my heart skip a beat.

'Hehe,' the snickering voice of my teacher sounds in my heat. I clear my throat and try to steady my beating heart, soon it fell back into a normal rhythm.

"I've come to see, Grandfather," I reply with a sweet voice. Not displaying an ounce of arrogance like I had in front of Marissa. Those that had been nice to me before my reincarnation would have my utmost respect.

They'd been kind to me even when I'd been weak, they'd been true friends and respectful to me as was my birthright.

A glimmer of intrigue glitter through those steel grey eyes of his, but then they narrow as they turn his attention back towards Marissa. His eyes are cruel as looking her like she nothing more than a worm in front of him.

Those eyes could see the truth, I thought slyly to myself.

"What is the Young Miss, dress like this?" He asks her.

Ah... he was going to spoil my fun.

She doesn't lift her head, she keeps cowering.

"Jun take me to see Grandfather," I said stepping forward and grabbing his pant leg.

Looking down he bends down and wraps an arm around my body and holds me with one arm underneath my butt.

"Of course, Young Miss," turning he pushes the door open.

"You follow me," he says coldly to Marissa.