Whisked Away

"Grandfather, I'm hungry," I say to him.

He had a far off look in his eyes as he stared at the maid that was still on the ground and then he looked down at me with a conflicted look in his eyes.

Throughout the whole exchange, a lot of emotions and thoughts were running through the head of the Mornighelm family's leader. His only Granddaughter from his son, the one that would inherit his title as head of the clan was obviously being treated horribly.

Not even that but she was being treated worse than a servant, he couldn't help but look at his eldest daughter. He'd left his granddaughters in the care of his daughters, hoping that they could provide her with love in place of her parents. He'd believed that she needed a mother's touch…

However, it seems that they'd been doing the opposite of what he'd hoped!

Even though he'd punished the servant, he didn't feel any of the weight of the guilt he had lifted from his shoulders. He'd been too busy managing the family to realize that she'd been neglected and mistreated.

It was his own foolish trust that had brought these troubles upon her. He thought that he could trust his own kin to take care of their blood.

Looking down at his Granddaughter, who was adorable, he couldn't help but sigh in frustration. Maybe, her mistreatment was to be expected, she'd been born between a Beast Kin and a Fairy Folk.

Something that just wasn't done! She was in the eyes of most just a halfbreed, a disgrace, and stain on the family name. He knew not much of his daughters in law's family, they were reclusive as much of the fairy folk tended to be.

He couldn't send her away to them, even if he could they might mistreat her as well.

Clenching his fist, he looks down at the small child in his arms and made a firm decision in his heart. He'd support her and wouldn't allow any more harm to befall her.

"Everyone, I believe you should leave us. I must tend to my Granddaughter," he says pushing his seat back and standing up with me in his arms.

The room was silent, but most gave a soft bow of their head in agreement. He turned his attention to look towards my aunt. She was the picture-perfect look of calm as he looked down at her. I felt an unlimited amount of hate when I looked at her.

All in good time and I'd take care of her.

"Father, might I also tend to Cloud?" She asks raising her lavender eyes to look at him.

"There no need," he responds gruffly as he turns away from her.

Walking around the table he heads back towards the door; I was still tucked away in his arms. It was quite soothing to be this close to him, his spiritual energy was calm now. Jun was still standing at the door, looking quite dignified.

He opens the door and we step out into the hallway, and he steps out as well closing the door behind him.

"Jun bring the doctor to my quarters, also tell the chiefs to prepare a meal for Cloud," he tells Jun with a backward glance as he began to walk off.

I see Jun give a bow and then quickly head off to carry out the orders. We don't walk far before we enter head up a staircase and make our way forward.

'Looks like you've won him over,' my teacher chuckles in my ear.

'It would appear that way. But I can show my real intention now that there wouldn't be an audience around,' I say softly to her.

Soon we're in a section of the house that was quiet and had very few servants, opening a door he steps into it and it's a bedroom. It was quite a large bedroom, and it felt the same way that the room had felt, I notice a few of the same saplings within it.

"Cloud, I'll leave you here to get cleaned up, I'll send a few maids in. Then I'll get you food and have a doctor look at your hand," my grandfather says placing me down onto the huge bed.

His towering frame making me feel even smaller once he's stood up.

"Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to stay?" He asks me with a concerned expression.

"No, I'll be okay," I tell him with a small smile.

He nods his head, and then turns and head back out the door. He shuts it softly and I fall backward onto the bed letting out a small breath of air.

I'd successfully escaped from my aunt, and it seems that my Grandfather would support me. I'd be safe for now. A wave of relief washes over my body, and I felt my whole body start to ache. It was in really bad shape.

Knock Knock.

"Hello Young Miss, may we come in?" A soft voice asks from behind the door.

"Yes," I say weakly.

The door opens and two maids come in the door, dresses in a beautiful maid's outfit. They give me a small bow and then start to speak.

"We've been instructed to bath you and dress you," the maid that spoke had soft blonde hair that was tied with a simple black ribbon, I saw two black cats' ears coming out of her head. Her eyes are shut, and she speaks softly.

"Okay," I say softly.

After that they quickly whisked me away into the bathroom and drew me a bath. She'd stripped me out of my clothes and then began to delicately and carefully wash my thin body. They'd quickly and dutifully carried out their task.

The whole time they cleaned, I was noticing a thick layer of dirt that came off my flesh. It felt quite comfortable to be free of dirt. This sort of treatment was something that this body had sorely missed out on.

That was probably in part to me being treated as literal trash, due to my spirit veins and my luck. However, this didn't mean that the body lacked potential, it was impossible that I'd been born with broken veins.

Especially being half fairy folk. Peeking an eye open, I found that the thick layer of magical energy coating my body was trying desperately to invade my body.

Because the veins we're ruined there was no way for it to enter. I just shook my head; this girl would have been hailed as a genius of a genius if her veins hadn't been mutilated.

Sitting in the bath, I couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. It was a pain, to have ruined veins was one thing. But to have a conspiring family was another thing entirely.

'We'll just kill them!' The bewitching voice of my teacher drifted into my ears.

'You're not wrong, however, there is no point in taking revenge to just kill them. We'll make them suffer slowly; you've got to repay all the evils that's been done to you. For every sin they've committed against you; you must strike a hundred times harder,' I snort, as I slowly sink into the water.

'Indeed,' she whispers softly.