Squeaky Clean

Getting out of the tub, the water slosh's light and I find that the once clean water was filthy. All the dirt and grime had been cleaned off of my body. It looks as if I'd cleaned off a year's worth of dirt.

Rubbing a hand along my water covered arm, I find that my skin is soft and doesn't feel gritty at all anymore. It felt like smooth satin, I was also sparkling like ivory. I press a hand to my chest and frown a little.

I'd forgotten that I was in the body of a child for a second. I was flat as a washboard.

'Hehe,' the ringing laughter of my teacher's voice echo's in my head. That damned big-chested woman! I was still growing there was hope that I would turn into a captivating woman. Once, I rid this body of its malnourishment.

I just hope that no lasting damage had been done.

"Why'd they have to go and starve me?" I grumble to myself. They couldn't have just beat me and beat me, at least that would be better than starving.

No instead, I'd been beaten and starved. Double the damage had been imparted onto this small body.

"Young Miss shall I dry your hair?" The blonde-haired maid asks me softly.

Turning to look at her, I find that she'd got a towel and brush in her hand. It looks like these maids had some understanding of their job, not that my Grandfather would have sent one that would treat me badly.

"Yes, please," I say softly.

She walks forward and gets down on her knees and begins to lightly towel dry my hair. She was careful not to pull too hard on my horns and once she'd lightly dried my hair. She began to brush the hair with the hairbrush.

It felt like heaven to have someone tenderly take care of my hair. After a bit, I heard her mutter a small spell and I felt hot air slowly began to dry my hair. It was a comfortable temperature that soothed my body.

It looks her a little while to completely finish drying my long mane of hair. But she finished and then moved onto brushing my tail as well. It felt weird at first and then it began to feel very pleasant.

Once she was finished, she stood up and mutters another spell, this time a gust of wind blows across my body and dries the remaining water that was on my skin. Smiling, I drag a hand through my hair and find that it's completely dry and silky smooth.

I curl my tail around my body and rub the soft fur. This was something new I'd never had a tail in my last life. But it seems simple enough to control, it was like having another limb, that sometimes moves on its own.

"Young Miss, how do you feel?" She asks with a smile.

"Perfect, thank you," I replied with a bright smile, a small hint of blush crawls onto her cheeks.

"You do this servant a great honor with your words, Young Miss," she says bowing hastily.

These were high-quality servants, indeed. Much better than Marissa and the ones that my aunt would send to tend to me.

"Do you have any clothes for me to wear?" I ask her as I curl my tail around my body.

She bows again. "We've prepared a dress and all the other necessities for the Young Miss," she explains as she held an arm out in the direction of the bathroom door. The other maid that had come in with her appearance and I see she's got a dress draped over her arm, with a bag in her other hand.

She was a huge woman; I saw two black and round teddy bear ears atop her head. She had a bit of a rounder face than the other made, but that was probably due to the fact that she was a bear Beast Kin. By nature, she was going to be larger due to her heritage.

She got closer and I saw that she hair a beautiful black dress with intricate lacework on her arm. She hangs the dress on one of the hooks in the bathroom, that was at a height where I could reach it.

Getting a closer look at the dress that had been brought, it was a beautifully crafted dress that was a slim fit and had a heavy lace that reaches up to my neck and down my shoulder and around my chest. The rest was made from a silky looking black material. The bottom of the dress had a slight flare to it.

The sleeves of the dress are decorated with a white cuff. It was beautiful and elegant.

"It beautiful," I mutter as I walk over and run a hand down the fabric of the dress. It was as smooth and soft as it looked.

"Would you like our help, Young Miss?" The maid that brought the dress in asked me. Her voice was a bit gruff in comparison to the other maid, but it was still warm.

I glance between the dress and the maids. I was more than capable of dressing myself.

"Thank you, but I can do it myself from here. Please wait outside for me," I tell them as I reach a hand out for the bag still in her hand.

She quickly places it in my hand and takes a small step backward and bow. They both leave the bathroom and I let out a small breath.

Opening the bag that she's given me I found all the important things. A pair of underwear, and socks and a pair of shoes, there was also a simple neckless with the symbol of a nine-tail fox on it.

The only thing missing was a bra, but I remember there was no need with such a small chest. I wanted to cry.

Grabbing the underwear, I slide them up to my legs and into place. I was a little surprised, I wasn't that embarrassed by my nudity, in my last life I'd rarely liked to be naked. Maybe, this was a trait of the Beast Kin.

I'd have to read up about them, I thought as I take the socks and slide them up to my knees, there black knees highs. I was starting to feel like a doll.

Reaching out, I remove the dress from the hanger, and undo the zipper and step into the dress and slide it up to my arms. It went on easily and without any struggle, it felt like this dress had been made to fit my body.

It fit almost a little too well. Could someone had taken my measurements, but when did they have the time to do that?

Shrugging, I reach a hand back and try to grab the zipper but fail.

'Let me help,' my teacher says.

An invisible force pulls the zipper up for my, it zips up around my neck, there a slot in the dress for my tail to come out from, it was very comfortable to wear. Rummaging through the bag, I grab the black heels and strap them onto my feet.

Grabbing the necklace out of the bag, I easily clasp it around my neck. Twisting around, I try to look at myself. Then I remember that there is a full-length mirror, walking forward I look into the mirror.

My cheeks are still a little gaunt and I look a little starved. It was safe to say that I was both on the thin and small side for children my age. But now that all the dirt and muck had been cleaned from my face, body, and hair.

I found that I was even prettier, the egotistical princess look was even stronger. I'd been pretty in my last life, but this was an almost inhuman beauty compared to what I'd looked like.

My liquor colored iris seems to burn with a renewed fire, the white halo around my eyes pop even more. The dirty matted hair was no more either. In its place was beautiful pin straight locks of snowy white hair. My bangs fall around my forehead shifting delicately around my horns.

I felt royal and dignified with the all black outfit standing out against my skin and hair. It was a striking combination. I smirk as I stare into the mirror, this was a far more befitting look for the Young Miss of the Morninghelm household.