Aquiring skills

Hulf.... Puff...

Running through the forest Hong Meng asked "little red!!!!!




Have to!










Behind him was a hord of animals chasing him for meat. There were wolves, hyenas, tigers, monkeys, lions and a rabbit on top...

Wait a rabbit?

Why is the freaking rabbit on top of a lion and it is even giving it orders!!!!!

" Host your really blaming the wrong person ah, it was the system that transported you and it was based on where you can grow best" . ^_^ "and the rabbit is probably on the top of the food chain here"

Answered the cute and adorable system fairy.

And why is our MC running for dear life? Well it all started a few hours ago

A few hours ago

"sigh, Isn't the MC supposed to have like a fast cultivation or something? I wonder just whyT_T why is it when I am cultivating it feels to slow" lamented our main character who just started using the cultivation technique.

"host your soul is to weak truthfully the unlimited soul cultivation technique is more based on your soul strength and right now it's kinda like 0.001+0.001, like the great sage once said even if 0 adds any amount of zeros in the end it is still zero."

Again being mocked for being weak, Hong Meng went on a rampage in the sand until he felt hungry.


" host actually if you want to cultivate it is better to kill living beings like animals and humans that way the system can help you take their soul power and make it into sp which you can use to buy stuff in the store or as nourishment for your own, But it will take a part of the soul power as tax. And that way you can eat at the same time. "

Thinking it makes sense Hong Meng went on to the forest and soon found a rabbit chewing on a leaf and attacked!!

Then failed because it was to fast.... Then all hell went loose. Animals popped up from everywhere and chased after him. And here we are running around like a child that can't even beat a rabbit.

Hong Meng "aaargh f***, f*** I! Am! A! 7 year old child and you expect a normal 7 year old to beat a rabbit that is already the boss of a lion"

And with the burst of anger he soon left all those beast behind and hid in the shrubs.

When the coast was clear he started walking back the the beach to be safe.

At the beach

he saw the ocean waves and though" oh yeah

I could have just hunt fishes instead. "

" but host compared to wild animals fishes have less soul power unless they are sea kings" the sweet voice of little red rang

"welp ant meat is still meat and i am too hungry" so he took a stick laying on the sides and sharpened it a bit then went into the water. Hong meng tried hunting fish like in a cooking video he watched where the fisherman hunted using a harpoon.

He closed his eyes and tried to feel the fish in the ocean and..... Wait for it...soon it was like he could see an entire circle around him and

Stab!! He got a fish

Ding! Succesfully aquired" observation haki"

"yes food success hahahahahahahaa i can do it if i try! Hahahahaha"

Soon he was eating like a starved beast and eating the fish raw.

Afte he was satisfied he remembered the skill he got and got happier because he can actually make skills then he opened the system

Name: Hong Meng

Age: 7 yrs old

World :one piece

Skill: observation haki, basic soul usage, cultivation technique: unlimited soul cultivation technique

Realm: none(needs 100 sp to reach next realm)

Sp(soul power) :1

"a fish is only 1 sp that means i need to kill 100 fish to get to houtian" whelp first things first lets make skills. Remembering the feeling of catching the fish he close his eyes and thought" there were three types of haki observation, armor and overlord, since observation is like focusing on observing around my body using my soul then armor haki should be like focusing on my body and condensing it. " and soon he was feeling his whole body every cell he tried condensing them and then

Ding! Skill aquired navy six iron block

" hm? Iron block why isn't it armor haki?"

Thinking about the difference about iron block and armor haki time passed.

In the middle of the night he stood up laughing" hahahaha i'm so stupid it was will! hahahahaha using the body of course i would get body arts of navy six instead of haki, haki is more like using the will making things harder instead of condensing the cells in the body it is to make the cells harder, thats why overlord haki is only for those that want to be free to do what they want because they have the kings will or rather intention of making others submit to themselves, its like spiritual pressure in bleach". Hong meng was enlightened and started using armor haki on his hands to confirm his guess. Soon his arms turned black and when he removed his intentions it turned back. Which proved his guess and soon he tried covering as much of the beach as he can and excerting dominance over it. Soon a few fish floated up and he stabbed them with his wooden stick covered in armor haki.

As he killed the fishes he started to gain his first batch of sp and soon he got a bunch of dead fish and though about storing them in the inventory then he noticed his inventory gor bigger almost twice as big if before he only had space the size of 1x1x1 now he have the size of a 3x3x3 he asked "little red why did my inventory get bigger?" "stupid host of course it would get bigger the system is connected to your soul and as your soul gets stronger your soul space gets bigger and the inventory is your soul space and stop disturbing me don't you know a lady needs her beauty sleep and its the middle of the night"she said pouting

"oh ok sorry thanks" said hong meng but inside he roared" what lady your still a little loli.! " and with his food crisis solved he soon fell asleep in the beach as it was a tiring day.