In a black room...... (cough) in a small apartment (typing noise)...... Hong Meng was writing a web novel, his only source of income. It was his 30th birthday. According to urban legend, a man who keeps his virginity until 30 will become a wizard. Thinking about that he sighed. “ If I wanna be a God instead of a wizard. Does that mean I have to be a virgin until death?”
30 years later ........
He was on his death bead.
And on he went to a journey to be God.
5 stars to continue to post more as one cant judge from 1 chapter in novel //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Reveal Spoiler
I can't give you 5 star now, cuz this is just the beginning. Release 3 chapter more ,and i will give you 5 star.--------------------------------------------- - - - -
................................................................................ . good but again no update . ................................................................................
Ok the first review I made was just harsh so let me lay out my gripes. The author essentially created a wish fulfillment novel, which by all means isn't a bad thing the best of us wants to escape into the world the author creates or be immersed in the writing and character. But if you expect anything of that callibur you will me immensely disappointed in this novel. Let me explain the world building is essentially done for the author I mean it is a fan fiction, especially since he's using the world of one piece as his base but the result? Well poor world building, which may I add disappoints me considering that he's borrowing the work of others, terrible grammatical scentence structures and oh god the godamn excessive use of cliches A system? Not a bad cliche but in his writing it's a personified loli. Seriously? Over powered main character? A dumb cultivation chart that has nothing to do with the original work, oh it's to add originality? Give me a break that was out the window when he made the MC start in one piece Essentially this is a pile of crap and yes I went there. I read this so you didn't have to but if you want to continue then be my guest friend, just don't say I didn't warn you