Battling spirit beasts part 1

The next day I was fully equipped with the essence tool teacher gave me yesterday, I filled it with all kinds of hidden weapons and their ammunition. The breaking of Xiao wu's haircomb did't happen as she was in a room with Dugu Yan who wasn't a working student. Then soon I left the two girls alone to clean their own work along with mine cause I was going to do my first kill in the Spirit forest with my new teacher.

On the way to the forest my teacher was literally glowing with a shine on his face because he finally made a breakthrough to level 31 spirit and also needs another spirit ring. First teacher showed me his spirit the cute adorable Luo Sanpao and showed his first spirit ring's skill fart like thunder! when we were surrounded by spirit beasts of course we were in no real danger as I was strong enough but it is better to let teacher act cool. Luo San pao showed the spirit beasts his ass and blew a fart that screamed like a bomb that just went BOOM! Then there was no then all the spirit beasts was knocked out from the bad smell, (sweat)good thing we first wore face masks. While walking around teacher was teaching me rules on hunting spirit beasts rule 1:kill only when needed. Rule 2: find a beast with your desired ability that is compatible with your spirit.Rule 3: respect life.

For me rule 1 was okay as I needed to kill to get their spirit rings while rule 2 didn't really matter as I can make my own spirit ability while rule 3 (cough,cough) I very much respected life as Xiao Wu , Hancock and I wanted to make a new life but as we were to weak it is better to wait until we got stronger so I was cool with his rule and just said amen and stayed quiet like a good little boy. When we got near to my desired Poison sword romanti snake it was near a Devil vine snake making itself look fake and letting down our guard. Then suddenly we got attacked by a pack of wolves while teacher let Luo San Pao let out another fart killing a few of the wolves, leaving the rest to surround us.

Thinking of ways to escape we let Luo San Pao eat up a few radishes to recharge while staying on guard againsts the wolves when suddenly they turned around to escape making teacher dumbfound and thinking whether the fart scared them of but I knew the real reason was due to what was in our back, and to prove my point here was a green flash towards one of the wolf and facing us now is the Poison Sword Romanti snake with a wolf in it's jaws biting it in one gulp the whole wolf was swallowed.

Looking into it's eyes teacher was frozen and the snake went towards my new teacher biting his arm and poisoning him while I moved my body to escape it's tail whip.

Teacher started yelling to me to escape while slowly trying to circulate his spiritual energy according to the merindians of the human body we discussed yesterday, it managed to delay his fainting from Poisoning and allowing him to fight for a bit more before inevitably fainting. And the sound of his body falling to the ground started the time of my slaughter in the forest.