Kage Bunshin No jutsu and masacre

At night, Hong Meng stopped space and time around the Luffy and enclose him in a couple of barriers just in case something unexpected happens. He observed Luffy's soul and made his determination stronger(remembering how in the anime Hancock fell in love with Luffy as his jealousy reached a peak) he started swallowing Luffy's soul absorbing all his memories and knowledge leaving all the useless things out and giving his realm a bit of push which made him half step refining soul realm. Now in front of Hong Meng is just Luffy's body without a soul not really a corpse but more like a vegetative person. Slowly he took over Luffy's body and left something like a program with all of Luffy's soul just with the order of returning to himself when it dies and to be just like to original Luffy just at any time he wants he can possess this body.

This way Hong Meng could experience the world of One piece while still fully doing his experiments with creation and cultivation.

Now with that out of the way Hong Meng made something like Jiang Lan's realm in stellar transformation but with only one layer and with a time ratio of 10:1 meaning 10 years inside is only 1 year in the world of One piece, changing the form into sand and leaving it in the beach and he started his training accompanied by little red and occasionally watching and reading animes, novels and mangas from his past life to decide on which world to go to next. Time passed by quickly and when Luffy was out to the sea and being washed over by the whirlpool. Hong Meng left the Meng Meng(dream dream)Realm (Jiang Lan's realm imitation). Hong Meng went on a round trip on the four seas murdering criminals, exchanging pirate bounties in the navy until the day the corrupt navies extended their wicked desires to him unkowingly offending their doom. By the time our future One Piece got pirate hunter Zoro as vice captain, Hong Meng was already given a bounty of 1 billion belis dead or alive as he went on a sweep in the navy bases around the four seas.,by the time Kizaru one of the three admirals of the navy with the speed of light got to one of the bases Hong Meng would have already went to the next one killing them all almost instantly, this cycle continued until Hong Meng's sp reached a massive amount of 100 million with each human being worth at least 5 points each or more as their strength progresses.

He slowly stopped in his masacre and resumed his cultivation journey sometimes fighting with only a normal body against bounty hunters, navies, and pirates whom have guns and swords even with devil fruits to train his body techniques, other times he learned from various profession like blacksmiths, farmers and doctors developing his own unique styles.

In Logue town

Bystander A"Hey have you seen the news? "

Bystander B" yeah, the world sure have gotten scarier, I doubt people would even want to join the marines anymore because of that shemale demon"


Bystander C" shut up stop talking about it, didn't you guys notice that the amount of navy base his been destroying have slowly become tinier.

Passerby A"yeah? whatz up with that? "

Passerby C" isn't it possible that the dead shemale is about to go to the grand line and if his going there he surely will go through here, and if he or the marines hear what you said I doubt they will just let us go like that. "


Voice from behind" yeah i doubt he will just let you go. "

Passerby C" see even this girl knows basic stuff like that"


Passerby C "hey, beautiful lady what's your name?

Beautiful person" I? "

Passerby C" yup you. 😊"

Hong Meng" I am that dead shemale you guys are talking about'_'#.

Passerbys ABC 😂

"cough! Please spare our live great hero."

Hong Meng "hero?, i thought I was beautiful lady right?"

Hong Meng "any last words?"

Passerbys "we--"

Hong Meng didn't let them finish as he took their souls and molded them into a ball and threw them towards the ends of the universe.

"Ahahahahhahahahahabahaha" little red

" master, ahem my lady are you okay? Asked little red in a joking tone.

" @#suhshsj" Hong Meng said as he went around destroying the whole town due to anger against the navies and the world which made his name in the bounty described with" he is drop dead gorgeous but please be weary as it is a he and he is a criminal whom have killed millions of people and is absolutely a psychopath.