First Day At Heaven Dou Primary Academy

Hey there, Yozuka here.

Recently, I've seen many people in the comments ask about Sheng Feilong's second Spirit Essence. Questions whether he'll have one, some directly assuming that he has one and asking which it will be and other even making nice and thought through suggestions what his second Essence could be.

I thought it might be a good idea to answer that question for now, as I've had my own thoughts on the matter since even before starting to write this novel.

I'd asked myself the same questions and actually came up with two separate story lines depending on if he gets a second Spirit Essence or not. I also have a Spirit Essence planned out for him, which I currently don't want to reveal, yet. But I can say that it's been inspired by an anime from 2001 and it'll be related to the element of darkness.

So I've decided to start a poll on the matter and you, the readers, will be deciding whether he gets one or not!

I'll leave the poll open until November, 21st 00:00 GMT+1 for you to vote.

Poll >>

Thanks for reading my novel so far and your continuous support in form of Power Stones, comments, likes or what not!

Without further ado, please enjoy the next chapter!


After a tiring day at the Spirit Pagoda, Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian returned to their new home. They spent the rest of the day there, unpacking and sorting through all of their stuff, before eating dinner and finally going to sleep. Sheng Lingtian and Sheng Feilong used the rest of the week to get to know their new neighbours, touring around the closest parts of the city and getting used to their new lives in general, while they would cultivate in the evening.

On the next Monday, Sheng Feilong once again returned to the Spirit Pagoda with his father, where they met up with Song Weihan. Sheng Feilong and Song Weihan spent the next few hours together, while asked for a room to cultivate as he bid his time, waiting for Sheng Feilong to finish.

Song Weihan helped Sheng Feilong with his cultivation, explaining the theories behind the cultivation technique he taught Sheng Feilong before and training his control over his Spirit Power and Soul Power. After the training, Sheng Feilong was thoroughly spent, not physically but mentally. Sheng Lingtian could only wrily smile and bring Sheng Feilong home.

This became Sheng Feilongs daily routine. Spend the day with his father, doing all kinds of things, before heading to the Spirit Pagoda to train with Song Weihan in the afternoon, than come back home and go to sleep early due to exhaustion.

Like that, nearly half a month flew by where Sheng Feilong would learn new things from Song Weihan on a daily basis, without any drastic events, until one day Sheng Feilong would feel something change. Sheng Lingtian went to his usual cultivation location provided to him by Song Weihan, while Sheng Feilong would proceed in his training. Learning about cultivation, a bit of hand to hand combat, before training the control over Soul Power and last but not least, Spirit Power. On this day, Sheng Feilongs Spirit Power finally broke through 500 points, reaching the Spiritual Ocean Realm from the Spiritual Sea Realm. Following his fusion with the Ancient Hypnotic Toad, Sheng Feilong's Spirit Power obtained a considerable boost and paired with his daily training, he reached the Spiritual Ocean Realm. The world slightly changed for Sheng Feilong on that day. His thoughts became clearer and his perception shaper, he could remember things more easily and his control over Soul Power and Spirit Power became more precise.

On that day, Song Weihan returned to Sheng Feilongs home together with him and Sheng Lingtian, celebrating Sheng Feilong's break through with a small feast. In the next few days, Sheng Feilong and Song Weihan would focus more on training Sheng Feilongs Spirit Power over everything else to quickly get him accustomed to the changes.

Days flew by once again and soon the new month came. Early in the morning, Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian were getting ready to leave. Today will be the first day at the Heaven Dou Primary Academy for Sheng Feilong and he was excited to go there. He wore his school uniform consisting of white pants, a white shirt, a red jacket with the Academy's logo embroidered on the right side of the chest and a pair of black shoes. He quickly left the house locking the door and running over to his father who waited beside a purple coloured Mecha.

Sheng Lingtian currently wore a standardized white uniform with a bronze badge on the left side of his chest – The same uniform Mister Wu from the Spirit Pagoda wore. Song Weihan offered him to work at the Spirit Pagoda as a guard. Given his rank as a Soul King, his experience with the piloting of Mechas and the personal recommendation from Song Weihan, he quickly became the leader of a small team consisting of 5 other Macha Pilots beneath him.

Boarding the Mecha, Sheng Lingtian brought Sheng Feilong to the Heaven Dou Academy, earning them looks of admiration from the passerbys, as Purple Mechas weren't commonly seen. He let Sheng Feilong out before heading to the Spirit Pagoda himself.

Sheng Feilong was excited as he entered the Academy Gounds. Following his daily training, his Spirit Power reached a grand total of 503, which was absolutely above any standards given his age and even his Soul Power had reached the early stage of a Level 13 Soul Master. Still, he was only a six year old child. He didn't know where to go on this giant Academy's Ground, so he had to ask for directions, despite his embarrassment. He quickly found his way to the Primary Academy's First Year Soul Master Class and sat down in one of the seats.

After some time, around 30 children had assembled in the classroom and a few among them already seemed to be familiar and were talking with each other. Sheng Feilong sat in his seat, looking around the classroom, he didn't recognize any of the other children. Besides him sat two other boys. On his right, a rather thin boy with glasses and neatly combed hair who was reading a book about general knowledge about Soul Masters and Spirit Essences and on his left a plump boy who was currently leaning over the table with his eyes closed, clearly he was sleeping. Both didn't seem like Sheng Feilong could talk to them, so he just sighed and waited for class to start.

About a minute later, the teacher, a middle aged woman with black hair and the Heaven Dou Academy's staff uniform, entered the room. Sheng Feilong quickly woke the plump boy to his left up, earning him a smile and a 'Thank you' from the boy. The teacher hurried the children to take a seat and calm down, before she started going through the attendance list. As it turns out, the thin boy with glasses was called Xiao Yuewu and the plump boy was called Jian Wang.

The teacher then asked everyone to introduce themselves, tell the class a bit about themselves and what their Spirit Essence and their Soul Ranks are. Sheng Feilong was a bit confused by this, as his Master taught him that a Soul Masters Spirit Essence and Soul Rank are very important and shouldn't be told to everyone. However, as no one else seemed to have doubts about this and freely told the others about their's, Sheng Feilong decided to do so as well. They would spend at least 3 years together as classmates, so it shouldn't be a problem and trust is important, after all.

Most of the children were about Soul Level 3-6 and their Spirit Essences more or less ordinary. The most powerful person in class so far was Jian Wang, whose Spirit Essence is the Mountain Splitting Axe, a high rank Tool Spirit Essence of the Power Attack System. Jian Wang's Soul Power also was at level 8, earning him a round of gasps and exclamations for him peers. Sheng Feilong thought about what to say for a bit and when it came to his turn, he already had his little speech prepared and stood up.

"My name is Sheng Feilong and I really like about anything that has to do with Soul Master. I'm a member of the Spirit Pagoda and my Spirit Essence are the Spirit Eyes. I'm a level 13 Control System Soul Master."

For a moment, the classroom was so silent, you could have heard a pin drop down, before the children burst out in a fervorous cheer, asking questions left and right. Jian Wang and Xiao Yuewu couldn't help but be shocked and look at Sheng Feilong in astonishment and even the teacher looked clearly surprised.

It took a while for everyone to calm down before one of the children lifted his hand and asked the teacher what kind of Spirit Essence the Spirit Eyes were, as he had never heard of them. The teacher patiently explained about them, resulting in another uproar. Before, the children were astonished about Sheng Feilong's Soul Rank, but now it turns out he even had a super rare and powerful Spirit Essence!

After again giving everyone some time to calm down, the teacher asked the next person to introduce herself. The one to stand up was a small girl with short black hair tied to a ponytail, who wore a huge blue scarf above her uniform. She looked a bit nervous and spoke up with a meek voice.

"My name is Jian Shiguan. I like small animals and stories about Soul Masters. My... my Spirit Essence is Bluesilver Grass and I'm at-"

Before she could continue, she was interrupted by someone laughing out loud. Turning around, Sheng Feilong saw that it was Xiao Yuewu who's laughing and currently holding his stomach.

"Bluesilver Grass, that trash Spirit Essence, ha, ha, ha! What are you doing here, as if you could become a Soul Master! Just go to the ordinary class, ha, ha, ha!"

Jian Shiguan stood there, her fists clamping down on the hemp or her skirt, while he tried to hold back her tears. The teacher was deeply frowning and Sheng Feilong was about to speak up when Jian Wang jumped to his feet, staring at Xiao Yuewu.

"Shut up! Who said you could run your mouth about my cousin! Her Spirit Essence is not trash!"

Xiao Yuewu stopped laughing and frowned, clearly displeased that someone spoke to him like that.

"What are you saying? Bluesilver Grass is trash, and everyone knows that. It can't be cultivated to high levels and is useless because it's so weak! Since her Spirit Essence is trash, she should just go away!"

This time Sheng Feilong could hold it in. He stared at Xiao Yuewu, frowning and speaking in a cold voice.

"Who are you to say Bluesilver Grass is weak? The Tang Sect's Founder, Tang San's Spirit Essence was also Bluesilver Grass. He only later evolved it into the Bluesilver Emperor. Since he could do it, who says Jian Shiguan can't? Every Spirit Essence can be strong if cultivated right. So stop laughing and shut up!"