Getting Into A Fight

Jian Shiguan and Jian Wang were taken aback by Sheng Feilong's sudden comment. They didn't expect this super talented Soul Master to speak up for them and he even told Xiao Yuewu to shut up! Naturally Xiao Yuewu wasn't expecting Sheng Feilong to speak up, either! He hails from the Xiao Clan, one of the three most powerful clan's of Heaven Dou City! It's one thing for Jian Wang to defend his cousin, but for an uninvolved party to speak up like that? Xiao Yuewu couldn't let that slide that easily.

"Who do you think you are to speak to me like that? You think you can say anything just because you're a bit talented? You're nothing before my Xiao Clan, so shut up, this doesn't even involve you!"

Sheng Feilong really hated his attitude. His clan was strong so other's couldn't say anything? Yeah, right!

"I'll get involved, then! What you said was mean and it was wrong as well. So apologize to Jian Shiguan and stop boasting. Who cares about your Xiao Clan!"

Jian Shiguan was looking at Sheng Feilong in admiration and Jian Wang also couldn't help but look at him. Xiao Yuewu, on the other hand, was now really angry and his face totally red. He stood up, but before he could say something, the teacher stopped their fight.

"Alright, that's enough. All of you sit down and stop arguing. Xiao Yuewu, you shouldn't laugh about others Spirit Essences, they couldn't choose them. Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan, you sit down as well, we will continue will the introductions now."

Although the teacher stopped the fight, it is clear that she also didn't think much of the Bluesilver Grass. Sheng Feilong didn't like that fact, but he chose to remain silent. Glancing to the side, he could see Xiao Yuewu angrily staring at him, so he simply looked in another direction, ignoring the arrogant young boy. Jian Wang threw him a thumbs up, causing him to smile before looking to Jian Shiguan, who hid her face behind her blue scarf, making Sheng Feilong unable to see her face.

Still smiling, he thought to himself.

'She's probable smiling. I guess she didn't think someone would speak up for her.'

The introductions continued without any unreasonable results, all of them fit the average. Soul Power of levels between 3 to 6, relatively ordinary Spirit Essences and relatively ordinary family backgrounds. When it came to Xiao Yuewu's introduction, the children went ferverous again, and Sheng Feilong was slightly shocked as well. Xiao Yuewu was already a Level 11 Agility System Soul Master. And his Spirit Essence was a variant Spirit Essence from his clan, the Moonlit Curved Daggers.

'No wonder he dared to laugh at Jian Shiguan, so it turns out he's really strong!' Sheng Feilong thought, still a bit shocked that Xiao Yuewu was already a Soul Master.

'But why would the Xiao Clan send him to the Academy? Can't he learn from his clan?'

Still, Sheng Feilong decided not to pry too far into Xiao Yuewu's matters. Although they are classmates, he can't become friends with everyone, much less that arrogant guy! Jian Wang didn't seem surprised at Xiao Yuewu's cultivation level, though.

'I guess he already knew... But he still stood up for Jian Shiguan. He's a good guy!'

Classes soon came to an end and it was time for their first break. Xiao Yuewu simply left the room without saying anything, while most others stayed inside the classroom, forming small groups and talking. Sheng Feilong turned to Jian Wang, surprised to find the latter already looking at him.

"Thanks for speaking up for Shiguan earlier. I didn't think someone with a powerful Spirit Essence like you would say something in her defence!"

Sheng Feilong smiled in response.

"No problem. That Xiao Yuewu was wrong anyways. But why would you choose to sit just one seat apart from him when your cousin sits on the other end of the classroom?"

Jian Wang scratched his head and laughed awkwardly.

"Well, Shiguan wanted to sit with other girls and not with me, so I just sat down wherever and take a nap, but he wasn't sitting their when I first came here."

"Well, yeah, he came even later than I and there weren't many empty seats. He just sat down next to us and read his book." Sheng Feilong replied with a nod, then frowned a bit.

"I don't really like him. Even if Jian Shiguan's Spirit Essence is weak, why would he laugh and say such mean things?"

Jian Wang frowned as well and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I've known him for a while and he's always been like this. He hates anyone who's weak and is jealous of anyone stronger than him. It's become even worse since he awakened his Spirit Essence. Well, he said it's a variant of his clan's Spirit Essence, but it's actually weaker than the normal one. That's why he was sent to the academy."

"He should be happy he even has a Spirit Essence related to his clan..." Sheng Feilong muttered under his breath, before asking Jian Wang another question.

"Why do you know him so well, though? Are you of some big clan as well?"

Jian Wang smiled proudly when he heard the question.

"My father is a super good blacksmith and the Xiao Clan often asks him to work for them. Since we were of the same age, his father would often bring him to the smithy and we would play together."

Time quickly flew by as the two of them talked to each other. At some point Sheng Feilong told Jian Wang that he's training at the Spirit Pagoda to become a strong Soul Master causing Jian Wang to sigh in awe and question him about what he does there, though Sheng Feilong didn't mention Song Weihan, he told Jian Wang about his training in general.

A few minutes later, they heard the unpleasant voice of Xiao Yuewu. "Out of the way!"

He was shouting at a group of girls standing near the door and pushing two of them to the side. One of them was a girl with a few strands of blonde hair who had a Spirit Essence related to the light element. The other was Jian Shiguan.

Both girls weren't expecting to be pushed to the side, tripped and fell to the ground. Xiao Yuewu didn't bother with them, though, he simply made his way through the class to his seat. That caused both, Jian Wang and Sheng Feilong, to instantly become enraged, both stood up and Sheng Feilong walked over to stand in Xiao Yuewu's way.

"Apologize to them!" He said with an angry expression and cold voice. Xiao Yuewu just mockingly smiled at Sheng Feilong, taking another step forward, he stood directly in front of Sheng Feilong.

"What, you want to fight? Fine by me."

Before Sheng Feilong could answer, the teacher entered the room and saw them standing in the middle of the classroom. By now, the other girls had already helped Jian Shiguan and her friend up. Luckily none of them were injured. The teacher walked up to the front of the class and spoke up.

"What are you doing? Class has started, so return to your seats at once."

Sheng Feilong angrily looked at Xiao Yuewu, but ultimately returned to his seat without causing trouble. Classes were quite boring as most of the time they would just get to know each other or talk about general knowledge about Soul Masters or the Academy. Soon, it was time for lunch break and the teacher showed them the way to the cafeteria, before leaving them there. Sheng Feilong payed for his lunch and saw Jian Wang waving at him. They sat at a nearby table where Jian Shiguan and Su Liyun, the black haired girl with blonde strands, were already seated. They ate their lunch and talked to each other. Near the end of the break, Xiao Yuewu walked over to their table.

"Today after school at the training grounds. Come, if you dare." He said while looking at Sheng Feilong and directly left after, not waiting for an answer.

Jian Wang and the others frowned and worriedly looked at Sheng Feilong. He was frowning as well while munching away at a carrot. He swallowed a piece in his mouth before looking in the direction where Xiao Yuewu left.

"This guy... I actually just wanted to ignore him. Hmpf, fine, I'll kick his butt, then!"

He then focused his attention on the carrot in his hand, happily munching away at it again. The others just stared at him with complicated expressions, rendered speechless by his nonchalant attitude.

Back in class, Sheng Feilong and Jian Wang wordlessly took their seats next to Xiao Yuewu and simply chose to ignore him and concentrate on classes. This time, they had a history lesson, where the teacher explained various things that happened in the last thousands of years. About the Spirit Pagoda, The Great Douluo Forest, Tang Sect and many more.

That was the last class for today. After it ended, many people excitedly made their way to the training grounds. Word about the fight between the two strongest of the first years had already spread through the Primary Academy.

When Sheng Feilong, Jian Wang and the others reached the training grounds, nearly a hundred people had already gathered around one of the arenas. On there, Xiao Yuewu already stood with his arms cross in front of his chest, waiting for Sheng Feilong.

"You actually dared to come, and here I thought you would hide away!" Xiao Yuewu spoke in a loud voice when he saw the Sheng Feilong.

Sheng Feilong made his way up the arena and stood a few meters away from Xiao Yuewu before casually commenting.

"You left just 30 seconds before we did, though."

Xiao Yuewu frowned and took a fighting stance.

"Enough of that, let's just fight!"

Sheng Feilong than looked at him with a more serious expression as well.

"Good. You wanted this. Don't go crying when I kick your butt!"