The Banquet Begins

Sheng Feilong stood in front of She Meixiao and was slightly fidgeting around, while the latter simply sat on the bed and smiled at him. She didn't say anything which only made it harder for Sheng Feilong to stay calm.

She Meixiao quietly looked at Sheng Feilong without a word and just as the latter finally couldn't bare it any longer, she began speaking in a sweet and warm tone. "So you run off to have fun with your friends instead of coming back here?"

If he didn't know better, Sheng Feilong would never guess that She Meixiao was angry at him, which only made him more nervous. "Master, I'm really sorry! I was about to enter my room when someone caled from from behind and it turned out to be a friend from Shrek Academy. He-he started crying because he thought I was dead and I couldn't just leave him standing there. Another one of my friends was nearby and we went to his room to calm Xu Lizhi down, we-"

"Alright, alright, that's enough. I'm not mad." She Meixiao playfully smiled at Sheng Feilong and stopped him from explaining any more. "I'm a Titled Douluo. You couldn't possibly think that I wouldn't know what was going on 10 metres away from me, could you? I knew from the start what happened in the hallway."

Sheng Feilong sighed in relief and apologized again. She Meixiao giggled for a moment and then started looking Sheng Feilong up an down. "I have to admit, your father really knows what suits you best. You're looking good."

Sheng Feilong smiled lightly and looked down on himself. His father really did have a good eye for clothes. He was wearing a dark blue dress shirt with a simple unadorned dark grey jacket above it and matching pants. He didn't wear any tie, but that only helped the strong colour of his shirt to stand out more, greatly complimenting his pale golden eyes and pitch black hair; he did indeed look quite dashing.

He looked back up with a light smile to see She Meixiao look at him with a playful mocking smile. Seeing his expression, she decided to tease him a bit more and her smile turned into a teasing grin. "Already getting complacent for being handsome? Shouldn't you at least bring a girl back home to your father before?"

Taken aback by She meixiao attitude, Sheng feilong awkwardly coughed twice to hide his blushing cheeks. "Master, I'm still too young to bring a girl back home. And I was just objectively evaluating myself just now; I didn't mean to act complacent."

She Meixiao couldn't help but laugh slightly. "'Objectively', is it? Really, that was not bad." She calmed down and looked at Sheng Feilong with her usual calm smile. "Anyways, I assume you know the usual conduct of such events, right? It's basically just a formality to go and spent some time to get to know a few people. You're still young so most of the old folks won't pay you too much attention; You can just have a bit of fun at there."

"If it's just some formalities and small talk, I'll manage without problems. I'll just act naturally and do it like others.", Sheng Feilong replied with a nod before looking somewhat thoughtful. "Is there anything I should pay special attention to?"

She Meixiao thought about it for a moment and then gently shook her head. "No, not really. Try not to clash with the people from the Star Luo Continent or anyone else. A few people like to make a scene at such gatherings. Though I don't think anything you wouldn't be able to handle would come up. There's still a bit of time left, so you can return to your room for now. I'll fetch you later, so don't run off on your own first."

Sheng Feilong nodded and bid his farewells to his Master. Just as she had said, there was still quite a bit of time left and She Meixiao hadn't changed yet; Even Sheng Feilong was tactful enough to understand such an obvious hit to the side.

With his formal attire already on, he didn't want to cultivate as he feared crinkling his pants, so he just sat down on a chair and played about with his Soul Communicator. Sadly, he couldn't reach his father as the Communicator only had a limited range and they were currently on the open sea.

A while later, She Meixiao came over to pick him up. Sheng Feilong was surprised when he opened the door; She Meixiao wore a black one piece dress and high heeled shoes of the same colour. Her hair and make-up were spot on, causing Sheng Feilong to wonder how she did all this in less then 20 minutes. Although her outfit was somewhat revealing, She Meixiao only exuded a mature and calm aura instead of an alluring charm.

They walked into the banquet hall and quite a number of people were already present. Sheng Feilong didn't see any of his friends from Shrek yet and She Meixiao asked him to accompany her for a while while they chatted with a few people. Sheng Feilong stayed true to his story and introduced himself as She Feilong.

A few people that knew She Meixiao were surprised and gave Sheng Feilong an extended, appraising look. For the first time, Sheng Feilong felt what it meant to be the disciple of a Titled Douluo for real, even more so as they thought She Meixiao allowed him to adopt her surname. The pressure he felt was immense and he did his best not to embarrass She Meixiao.

She Meixiao pulled Sheng Feilong to meet with one important person after the other and he already felt quite worn out after a few minutes. He spotted Yue Zhengyu and Xie Xie who just entered the hall and nodded towards them with a smile. They returned the gesture, though seeming a bit surprised to see him next to a high ranking politician of the Federation and happily chatting with him.

They also noticed his outfit and seemed somewhat shocked. Yue Zhengyu wore a completely white suit and his hair was meticulously tidied up. The only exception was the golden Holy Angel Clan crest on his chest; He was tall and slender and gave off a noble aura, fitting of a young master from a prestigious clan.

Xie Xie was the complete opposite of him, wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie, but equally handsome, though a bit shorter. He had a naturally cold disposition that radiated a certain charm.

After a while, Sheng Feilong excused himself from the conversation and left after getting She Meixiao's permission. He walked over to Yue Zhengyu and Xie Xie near the entrance, just at the right time to see two more of his friends enter.

Xu Xiaoyan wore a white dress, perfectly in tune with Yue Zhengyu's, that was adorned with small golden stars. It was only knee long and her shoulders were exposed. Due to being a bit younger than the rest of the Shrek students, she gave off a energetic and lively atmosphere.

Next to her walked Yuanen Yehui – though, still dressed as her male persona that Sheng Feilong first met at the entrance exam. She wore red trousers with a black shirt and although her face in her male persona wasn't too attractive, her clothes more than made up for that, making her look tall and straight.

The two of them fit so well together that Sheng Feilong would have thought them to be a couple if he didn't knew that Yuanen Yehui was actually a woman. They walked up to the rest of the group and Xu Xiaoyan's eyes sparkled a little when she saw Sheng Feilong.

Quickly skipping over before Yuanen Yehui arrived, she started looking Sheng Feilong up and down with an amazed expression. Sheng Feilong started to feel a little awkward and scratched his cheek. "Um, is there something wrong, Xiaoyan?"

She looked him straight in the face, still with her amazed expression and looked slightly stunned when she looked directly into his eyes. "No, it's fine! I was just surprised how handsome you look today. Those clothes really fit you well, Brother Feilong!" Sheng Feilong awkwardly coughed from embarrassment before returned the compliment with a smile. "Thanks... You also look beautiful tonight."

Yuanen Yehui also looked at him and gave him an appreciative nod. Sheng Feilong became slightly embarrassed again and quickly decided to change the topic. "Where's the rest of you? Lizhi and the others will come as well, right?" Yue Zhengyu nodded and looked down the entrance's hallway. "Yeah, they'll all come. Lizhi and Xinglan should be here soon; They were right behind us, but Ye Xinglan chose to change again. I haven't seen Gu Yue or Wulin the whole evening, though."

As if waiting for them to ask, Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan came into the hall just then. Sheng Feilong was surprised to see them in their usual Shrek Academy uniforms instead of formal clothing and decided to ask about it when they had walked over. Xu Lizhi seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the question, but Ye Xinglan just straight forwardly answered him. "It's not a rule to wear formal clothing and we didn't feel like it."

Sheng Feilong wanted to question it a bit more, but didn't have the chance to as the spotlights in the hall suddenly turned towards the stage. A middle aged man, who introduced himself as Sima Lanxiao from the Star Luo Continent, held a short speech to open the festivities and the spotlight's were coincidentally directed towards the entrance when two people entered.