Titled Douluo's Argument

The attention of everyone in the hall was drawn to the entrance. In the midst of the spotlight, two people slowly walked into the banquet hall; A man and a woman, both still having a trace of childishness to them.

Sheng Feilong, Xie Xie and the others looked at the entrance as well, stunned by the two people that just walked in at the exact right moment. Those two were actually Gu Yue and Tang Wulin! The former was wearing a silver one piece dress that just stopped at knee length and wore a pair of simple silver gloves. Her long black hair fell loosely onto her shoulders and her arm was interlocked with Tang Wulin's.

The latter wore straight black pants with black lining, a white shirt and had a fitting black tie. The most eye-catching piece of clothing was his for-fitting and brilliantly shining purple velvet jacket. His black hair matched Gu Yue's perfectly and the both of them made an incredible entrance.

With everyone's attention on them, Sima Lanxiao spoke up again, adressing Gu Yue and Tang Wulin with a bright smile. He didn't know them perosnally, but they must be from the Douluo Continent as he didn't recognize them as part of the Star Luo Continent's delegation. "It looks like we have strong competitors for today's prize. I welcome the both of you. May I know which part of the Douluo Continent you hail from?"

Tang Wulin kept his calm as always and returned the smile, not bothering with the attention that was paid to them and fueled his voice with Soul Power so that everyone would hear him. "We're from Shrek Academy on the Douluo Continent."

Sheng Feilong saw Sima Lanxiao's face twitch and he had to force a smile but still welcomed Tang Wulin and Gu Yue to the banquet. Apparently, even the delegation of the Star Luo Continent weren't too fond of Shrek Academy.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue walked over to Sheng Feilong and the others and Xu Xiaoyan teased Tang Wulin, just like she did with Sheng Feilong. She even tried the same thing with Gu Yue, but the latter just brushed her off.

The group continued to talk a bit longer and with the spotlights off the entrance, they didn't notice two more people entering. She Meixiao on the other hand noticed them immediately as they were exaclt the people she was waiting for. Excusing herself from her conversation partner, she hid herself a bit to not be directly seen by the people entering.

Cai Yue'er and Wu Zhangkong entered the hall. The latter didn't really want to be here and quickly hid in a corner with a cold drink in his hand. Elder Cai on the other hand mingled well with the people there and quickly noticed the group of Shrek Academy students. She also noticed Sheng Feilong standing with them as well.

She was taken aback for a moment and visually shocked to see him. As far as she and the rest of Shrek Academy were concerned, Sheng Feilong had died in the Soul Train accident more than five months ago. Of course it was a shame to lost a student like him, but even more shocking was the reaction of his Master, the Spirit Flamingo Douluo Song Weihan.

The latter came to Shrek Academy and actually accused them of having wiped out their students Clan to get a hold on the Sheng Clan's bloodline. It was quite well known by now that Song Weihan had left the Spirit Pagoda and was currently operating independently and now she saw the cause of all this mess happily chatting with her students.

Cai Yue'er made a mental note to look into this later, but for now, she was just happy to see that he was still alive. He was a student of hers after all and although she didn't like the attitude he showed at the Entrance Exam too much, he was still an excellent student.

She mingled with a few other people, but made sure to keep an eye on Sheng Feilong and her students just to be safe. A while later, Cai Yue'er noticed a gaze lingering on her. Turning around to see who it was, she spotted the vice-leader of one of the most infamous organisations on the Douluo Continent, Daedalus's Smiling Snake Douluo She Meixiao, smiling at her.

Elder Cai's expression turned cold and she walked over to She Meixiao. From the outside, everything looked normal and it seemed like the two ladies were just making acquaintance with each other on a friendly basis. She Meixiao kept her smile and even though Elder Cai didn't seem too friendly. "Madam Silver Moon, it's a pleasure to meet you here. How are you doing?"

"Quit the small talk, Smiling Snake. Why were you staring at me like that? What do you want?" Elder Cai remained her cold expression, questioning She Meixiao without giving her any respect. The people closest to them noticed the atmosphere and, knowing that those two were Titled Douluo's, chose to hurriedly distance themselves a bit without causing a scene.

"Madam Silver Moon, please, I don't have any bad intentions. I was just wondering why your gaze seemed to linger on my little disciple over there? I am aware that your students are chatting with him as well, but I couldn't help but notice that you seemed oddly fixated on him." She Meixiao slightly gestured in the direction of Sheng Feilong and the rest. Her movements seemed natural and composed, nothing out of the ordinary as she still radiated the calm and sweet aura of a ordinary, nice middle aged lady.

Cai Yue'er's eyes shook slightly at She Meixiao's question and she was once again taken aback. Noticing the people in their surroundings, she used her Soul Power to hide their conversation from the outside and spoke in low, but surprised voice. "Your disciple? Sheng Feilong is your disciple? Who are you trying to deceive? Everyone knows that your Daedalus only accepts people with notorious Spirit Essences."

Ignoring the later part, She Meixiao kept her smile and answered with the usual sweet tone. "Yes, I'm talking about Feilong. Sir Spirit Flamingo told me that he was once a student of Shrek Academy, but I hope you won't mind that I took him in? I was, after all, the person who saved his life after you failed your duties to protect him..."

Elder Cai's eyes narrowed and killing intent surfaced in her gaze. She couldn't accept such an obvious insult to Shrek Academy, even if the other party was a powerful Titled Douluo as well. Her killing intent was so noticeable that even the people surrounding them looked over with conflicted expressions.

She Meixiao kept her smile, not minding the killing intent at all and, just as Elder Cai was about to explode, a hand carefully tapped her arm. At an unknown point, Wu Zhangkong had come over to the two of them and now stood next to Elder Cai. He glanced at the surrounding, his arm already retracted after touching Elder Cai, as he spoke low and meaningful voice. "Elder Cai, with all due respect, this is not the right place. Please, for the sake of the children, compose yourself."

Elder Cai stared at Wu Zhangkong for a moment before turning around to face She Meixiao again. Her eyes were frosty and she still radiated her killing intent. "We're leaving." She turned around without a word and headed for the exit. Wu Zhankong quickly followed behind her. The Soul Power shutting them off from the surroundings had long vanished and She Meixiao smile turned even sweeter at once. "Madam Silver Moon, Teacher Wu, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope you'll have a pleasant evening."

Sheng Feilong, Tang Wulin and the others didn't notice the argument, but saw Cai Yue'er and Wu Zhankong leave. For a moment, they were thinking about following them to leave, but were distracted by Sima Lanxiao, who announced that the dance floor would now be opened for the evening.

Sima Lanxiao had naturally noticed the scene that played out between Cai Yue'er and She Meixiao, so he quickly tried to distract the masses by pushing tonight's events forward. Most people hadn't noticed in the first place while the others chose to let it slip, so his plan worked out perfectly.

People slowly started making their way onto the dance floor as the band in the back started to perform their musical acts. With the waitresses and waiters bringing out a number of alcoholic beverages, the mood in the banquet hall soon turned lively and more and more people started dancing and letting loose.

Sheng Feilong and the others were still grouped up and talked to their hearts contents, eating in between, when Yue Zhengyu suddenly smiled and turned towards Xu Xiayan. He extended a hand, inviting her to join him. "Shall we dance as well?" The others took that as somewhat of a hint, and Gu Yue pulled Tang Wulin on the dance floor as well.

Xu Lizhi and Ye Xinglan weren't the ones to join such dances, so they remained a bit to the side, standing near a corner with more food and remained there for a while. Xie Xie mingled freely around the banquet hall as he didn't dare ask Yuanen Yehui to dance with him in her male disguise and so the only two remaining in the groups previous spot were Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui.