Joining The Fray!

In the distance, Sheng Feilong could see the origin of this azure light that filled the sky. A considerably big Soul Beast with the upper body of a human and twelve long, squirmishing tentacles beneath it. The beast soared into the sky while Elder Cai frowned.

The silver moonlight was pushed back by the azure light. It was clear the her powers were being suppressed; This Soul Beast was stronger than an Elder from Shrek Academy! Elder Cai looked into the distance and then suddenly flew directly at the Beast. Both of them vanished behind the horizon after a short while.

She Meixiao looked around the deck, seemingly looking for something, while Sheng Feilong still stared at the horizon. He had seen a 100.000-years-old Soul Beast before, the Doomstinger Dragonfly, and he was certain that it was more powerful that the Deepsea Devil Whale King and Devilsoul Great White Shark King, but this octopus-human like Soul Beast was much stronger than all three of them combined.

He looked at She Meixiao with uncertainty. "Master, is it ok to let Elder Cai do that? Her powers were suppressed earlier, weren't they?" She Meixiao was still looking around the deck and replied Sheng Feilong with a side glance. "Don't worry about her, the Silver Moon Douluo s stronger than you might think." She suddenly focused her gaze in one direction on the deck, past a crowd of people. "More importantly, come follow me."

The two of them made their way through the crowd, pushing people aside to go further. When they finally passed the crowd, Sheng Feilong understood why She Meixiao wanted him to follow her over; The Shrek Academy students as well as their teacher, Wu Zhangkong, and another man stood in front of them.

Tang Wulin and the others seemed a bit taken aback seeing Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao suddenly push out of the crowd and Wu Zhangkong frowned. The man by Tang Wulin's side on the other hand just looked at She Meixiao in surprise. She Meixiao approached him, ignoring the rest of the stares. "Sir Mu, it's been a long time."

"So it was Miss She. I was already wondering who that presence belonged to a while ago. It's really been a while." The man replied with a courteous nod when She Meixiao suddenly looked into the distance. "Oh? It seems like I was wrong." She turned her head around again, facing the man she called Sir Mu. "Would you mind looking after my student for a while? I'll be heading out as well."

The man glanced at Sheng Feilong and nodded. "We'll catch up later, you hurry over there, I'll take care of the ship." She Meixiao smiled lightly and took a few steps back. Her Soul Power suddenly surged and the next moment, she was already hundreds of metres away from the ship, flying into the same direction as Elder Cai.

Wu Zhangkong had left the group and fought off a few stronger Soul Beasts above the sea, while the man looked at Sheng Feilong." I'm Mu Ye, you can just call me Sir Mu like Miss She does. What's your name?"

Someone She Meixiao would be willing to trust enough to let them look after Sheng Feilong must be someone powerful, so Sheng Feilong bowed lightly. "Greetings, Sir Mu. My name is She Feilong, I'm Master's personal disciple."

Mu Ye looked Sheng Feilong up and down for a moment before he raised his eyebrows. "You're good; No wonder she let you take her surname." Just as he finished, an announcement was made by the ship's captain, asking for every Soul Master to help out to fight off the Soul Beasts.

Just a moment after that, Wu Zhangkong suddenly used his Spirit Essence's True Avatar and a huge, icy blue sword emerged above his head. He was fighting a 10.000-years-odl Devilsoul Great White Shark, so Sheng Feilong thought he wanted to finish it quickly, but he attacked the surface of the ocean instead of the beast.

The moment his sword touched the water, the temperature in the surroundings dropped furiously and the ocean began to freeze over. Hundreds of aquatic Soul Beasts were frozen solid and Wu Zhangkong single-handedly created ground for the other Soul Masters to stand on and fight the Soul Beasts.

Soul Beasts that were able to crawl on land started to pour over the ice and approach the ship and Tang Wulin turned around to Mu Ye. The latter quickly looked over everyone and smiled. "Join if you want. An opportunity like this is a rare chance to face actual combat."

The group of Shrek Academy students looked at Tang Wulin, waiting for his commands, while the latter turned to Sheng Feilong. "Will you join us as well?" Sheng Feilong thought for a second before he looked down onto the ice where a few Soul masters were already fighting. "No... I'll go alone."

Before Tang Wulin could respond, Sheng Feilong walked past him and released his Soul Rings and Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes. Mu Ye's eyebrows rose again when he saw Sheng Feilong's Soul Rings, but he didn't say anything. Tang Wulin on the other hand frowned and walked two steps after Sheng Feilong. "Wait! Fighting as a group is safer, you shouldn't-"

He hadn't even finished when Sheng Feilong suddenly jumped onto the railing of the ship and another burst of power came from his body. A pitch black, metallic armour with a grey lustre suddenly covered his whole body and two shortswords appeared in his hand; This was Sheng Feilong's Battle Armour!

Mu Ye's eyed widened slightly in surprise while Tang Wulin froze in place. Before he could recover, Sheng Feilong jumped down from the railing and right into the fray below. Tang Wulin looked at the place Sheng Feilong was at before and stammered a few words. "He... He already has a Battle Armour..?"

On the ice, Sheng Feilong's heart shook from excitement. He had fought in the Spirit Ascension Platform a few days and wasn't new to actual combat, but a fight in reality was another thing all together. So far, he hadn't had the time to try out his Battle Armour for real, causing him to be even more excited.

He had already picked out a 'prey' when he stood in the railing and as soon as eh landed on the ice, he stormed into the direction of a about 2.000-years-old Devilsoul Great White Shark. He didn't know how it could survive on the ice, much less fight like it did, but he didn't care; It would have to fight him now!

It soon noticed Sheng Feilong and dodged to the right just before Sheng Feilong could cut it. Turning around, it attacked Sheng Feilong with its sharp tail fin, which Sheng Feilong quickly jumped over. He landed again, just to face the next attack of the beast; A bite with its powerful jaw!

Sheng Feilong jumped back and blocked the attack with his swords, cutting the shark's nose in the process. It spewed out blood from the would and let out a hiss like roar, then attacked Sheng Feilong with even more frenzy. Other Soul Beasts had noticed this fight and started to draw closer to Sheng Feilong with high speed.

Sheng Feilong frowned lightly; He had to end the fight now. The shark attacked him again with a huge bite, but just before dodging, Sheng Feilong sent a powerful mental attack towards the shark. Boosted by his Battle Armour's prowess, the mental attack caused the 2.000-years-old Soul Beast to freeze in place with dull eyes and Sheng Feilong spared no effort to take advantage of that.

Taking a step forward and spinning to the shark's left, he cut through the shark's throat with both of his swords, nearly decapitating it! Blood spewed out of its wound in an exaggerated fashion and the beast lifelessly fell to the ground before the effect of the mental attack wore off.

Sheng Feilong charged at the other Soul Beasts that drew closer; Another shark and a giant, dark blue crab, both of which seemed weaker than the first shark he just killed. Still, with them being two Soul Beasts instead of just one, it was harder for Sheng Feilong to deal with them by just relying on his sword techniques. He eventually dealt with them by using only his sword techniques and went into another direction to help a Soul Master who also fought two Soul Beasts at the same time.

Tang Wulin and the others had long since left the ship and were fighting Soul Beasts as well, but unlike Sheng Feilong, they sued everything they got to deal with as many as possible as fast as possible; They were wrecking havoc in the midst of the battlefield!

Mu Ye stood on the boat, keeping an eye on the two 100.000-years-old Beast that were each fighting two Titled Douluo's, while his main focus was on Sheng Feilong as well as Tang Wulin's group. He frowned lightly when he saw Sheng Feilong fight. "He's not using all his power? Just sword techniques? This brat really is the same as She Meixiao; He's using this solely to train!"

Meanwhile, Sheng Feilong and the other Soul Master had disposed of the two Soul Beasts they were fighting as well as three more after that. By now, they were fighting on the battlefield as a group of three and attacking Soul Beast after Soul Beast.

Sheng Feilong had naturally taken command of their team as he was the first one to help the other two. Both of them were also weaker than him; One being a low levelled Soul Ancestor and the other being somewhere around the ranks of a high ranked Soul Elder. They just killed another Soul Beast and were looking for a new opponent, when Sheng Feilong suddenly had a bad feeling.

He jumped a few metres to the side and just a moment later, a one and a half metres long, thick icicle landed in the spot he just stood in. Sheng Feilong looked into the direction the attack came from and saw a 14 metres long, light blue snake Soul Beast. The Soul Ancestor next to him quickly spoke up. "An Ice Sea Serpent! And judging from it's size, it's over 7.000 years old!"