Fighting A 7.000-Years-Old Soul Beast!

"7.000-years-old Ice Sea Serpent..." Sheng Feilong mumbled the Soul Beasts name again, eyeing it as to not be caught by another surprise attack. The Soul Ancestor behind quickly narrated a few key aspects of the Soul Beast to the rest of the team. "It's an aquatic Soul Beast with the Ice element; We're pretty much in its home turf. Watch out for attacks from the ground as it can manipulate the ice. Don't bother attacking it's scales; They're harder than any steel; Aim for weak tissue or the inside of the mouth or eyes."

"It shouldn't be able to control the ice here; It was created by a Soul Saint from Shrek Academy. Focus your attention to the icicle attacks and wait for an opportunity. I'll grab its attention." Sheng Feilong jumped at the Ice Sea Serpent and shouted to the people behind him.

The other two naturally didn't stand still and started circling around the serpent as fast as they could; They didn't want to become living targets!

Sheng Feilong slashed at the serpents scaled belly to test the waters. Although his companion warned him, he still needed to ascertain the situation and get a good grasp over the opponent's actual strength. As a result, he hacked one of his swords at it which was repelled with a heavy clunking sound. Sheng Feilong frowned ever so slightly. 'Hard!'

The serpent let itself be hit and its head suddenly lunged downwards, trying to bite Sheng Feilong. He dodged to the side without much trouble, but just as he got a foothold, the serpents tail whipped at him. 'Fast!' Having no time to dodge, he took the strike head-on and blocked it with his swords.

A powerful strike hit is side and ripped him off his feet. The other of Sheng Feilong's companions, a high ranked Soul Elder, used his Spirit Essence to manipulate the wind and catch Sheng Feilong, allowing him to regain his balance.

Although being pushed away, Sheng Feilong wasn't injured in the slightest. 'It's fast, maybe because we're on the ice? The strength isn't too great, but it's size makes the momentum behind it's attacks troublesome. This isn't gonna work with just sword techniques.'

Under his Battle armour's helmet, Sheng Feilong's face became more serious. His Soul Power surged again and his Soul Rings appeared behind his back. Shortly after, the first purple one lit up and he stared at the serpent. Sheng Feilong felt his Spirit Power penetrate it's defences and trap it in an illusion. 'Got you!'

He charged at the Soul Beast again, with the Soul Elder and Soul Ancestor continuing to circle it. He suddenly made a sharp right turn, while the Ice Sea Serpent slashed out to the left with it's tail. Sheng Feilong drew closer to it from the side, while it retracted its tail and bit into the oppisite direction of Sheng Feilong. "Get it, now!"

Just after Sheng Feilong gave the command, a flaming javelin flew past him, directly at the ice Sea Serpent. With it's head still lowered, it was struck directly into the eye! Abruptly pulling its head up, the serpent hissed in pain, opening its mouth in the process.

At that moment, Sheng Feilong was already in the air, jumping at the Beast while a sharp, light green aura surrounded his swords. He lunged them deep into the Ice Sea Serpents upper and lower jaw respectively and made a scissoring motion, cutting half of the Soul Beast's head open; Thanks to the enchantment the Soul elder gave his weapons, he was able to slice the serpent like warm butter!

Sheng Feilong pulled his swords out of the serpent's head and jumped down from it. Its huge body crashed into the ground with a boom while blood flowed out of it's head and eye. Sheng Feilong gracefully landed next to it, regathering with his companions. "Perfectly done!" Sheng Feilong nodded at each of them. The Soul Elder sighed regretfully at the sight of the bright purple Soul Ring that appeared over the dead Ice Sea Serpent's body. "A shame we don't have enough time..."

"Don't worry, we'll find a more suitable Soul Beast for you to get a ring from once we reach the Star Luo Continent." The Soul Ancestor patted the Soul Elder on the shoulder. Sheng Feilong smiled lightly under his mask, but didn't show it openly. He looked around and saw more Soul beasts everywhere. "Keep sharp. We have to repel them first."

They were about to set out to their next target when the whole ice platform suddenly shook with a loud boom. Sheng Feilong abruptly turned his head around to the source of the explosion and saw the sky a few hundred metres from the ship light up in a mix of bright silver and azure blue colour.

A moment later, a figure shot out from the light towards the ship, stopping the the air dozens of metres above the ship, while the light subsided. Sheng Feilong frowned again; Elder Cai was being forced back by the weird octopus-human Soul Beast! Another moment passed and the Soul Beast drew closer to the ship as well, stopping about a hudnred metres away from Elder Cai.

Now everyone could see it clearly and even Sheng Feilong was still shocked; While its upper body looked like a humans, it was nearly ten metres tall with dozens of metres long tentacles beneath the waist. It was a humongous Soul Beast, much bigger than Sheng Feilong had first assumed! 'No wonder Elder Cai got forced back, this thing is even stronger than I thought... Can she really- Master?!'

While looking at the Soul Beast, Sheng Feilong suddenly saw a familiar figure walking unhurriedly towards Elder Cai and the Soul Beast. Unlike them, however, She Meixiao remained on the ground, walking past the aquatic Soul Beasts. Strangely, none of them dared to come within twenty metres of her.

Suddenly, the octopus Soul Beast opened its mouth and spoke with a deep, screeching voice. "Hand over the murderer! Otherwise, all of you shall face destruction!" Elder Cai just sneered, keeping her aloof temper. "So you truly think you've won? I don't know who killed your clansman, but we protect our own people! Destruction for all of us? I'd like to see you try."

What Sheng Feilong didn't notice though, was that Elder Cai's behaviour wasn't quite as usual. While she kept her aloof temper, her breathing was actually somewhat rugged and strained under her helmet; She was clearly in a disadvantageous position! She Meixiao had walked up to about the same distance from the ship as Elder Cai and jumped up into the air, appearing next to Elder Cai nearly the same instant.

She Meixiao smiled at Elder Cai and then turned her head towards the octopus Soul Beast. "You've heard her. I also don't know who the murderer you speak of is, but we will not hand over our own people. I'll have to ask you to leave, unfortunately."

The octopus Soul Beast instantly flew into a fit of rage, it's power wildly surging around it. "Preposterous woman! You want me to leave the deaths of my clansman unavenged?! You will all die for that sin!"

She Meixiao's playful smile turned into a more cynical one as she released her Soul Power as well. A terrifying, bone chilling aura emitted from her, so powerful that Sheng Feilong could clearly feel it from his position. Immediately after the first wave of pressure, nine Soul Rings appeared behind She Meixiao's back.

Sheng Feilong inhaled a cold breath when he saw this. First, two purple Soul Rings appeared, then another three black ones and finally a total of 4 terrifying red Soul Rings! The pressure radiating from She Meixiao was also nearly identical to Elder Cai's, but the former hadn't even taken out her Battle Armour yet!

Not even a second later, another, even more terrifying wave of pressure spread from She Meixiao and a dark purple light burst out from her body. The light subsided and showed She Meixiao wearing a dark purple winged Battle Armour with dark green accents; Her aura was now vastly superior to Elder Cai!

Sheng Feilong stared at the battle in the battle in the sky in awe. "Top grade Four Word Battle Armour and the power... of a Limit Douluo..? Master is actually this strong?" As a Mecha Maker, Sheng Feilong was able to clearly evaluate the rank of She Meixiao's Battle Armour at a glance as he could see and feel it's power from his position.

It wasn't that shocking to know that a Titled Douluo, who's the vice leader of a powerful organisation from the Douluo Continent possessed a Four Word Battle Armour; What surprised him was the fact that She Meixiao's strength was on the level of a Limit Douluo. This meant that She Meixiao's actual level has to be that of a rank 96 Hyper Douluo!

The octopus Soul Beast stared coldly at She Meixiao with fury in its eyes. It hadn't expected such a powerful human to appear here! If it was underwater, this wouldn't be a problem, but fighting in the sky like they did right now meant it couldn't use it's full power, even if it could control the surrounding ocean!

The octopus Soul Beast's power surged once more and the sky turned azure blue at the same time. She Meixiao's voice could be heard again, now with a clear mocking undertone to it. "It seems like this squid will only stop once it's become seafood! Let me play with you, then!"