Bloodied End

Hey there, Yozuka here!

Extra long Bonus Chapter today!

Compiling these 5 chapter long fights into a single one, combined with other content is getting exhausting... Thank God the tournament is nearly over. D:

Thank you for your support last week! Enjoy the chapter!


Early in the morning of the solo competition's final day. Sheng Feilong sat at a table with Tang Wulin and the other Shrek student, enjoying breakfast together with them. The mood was somewhat solemn as Tang Wulin would fight Long Yue today, however, two people were much more relaxed than the rest; Tang Wulin himself and Sheng Feilong.

The two of them were eating normally with no worry in the world, while the one could clearly see the tension in the eyes of the others. After a while, Yue Zhengyu was the first who couldn't take it anymore. "Captain, aren't you feeling nervous at all..?"

Tang Wulin stopped what he was doing and shrugged with a small smile. "Why would I? The whole population of the empire thinks I'll lose. I'm a four ringed Soul Ancestor fight a six ringed Soul Emperor. Even if I lost, would that be embarrassing? I don't think so."

"You're thinking of giving up?" Ye Xinglan frowned, a slight contempt audible in her voice. Tang Wulin turned towards her with a serious expression. "The glory of Shrek isn't secured by victory alone. Fresh blood will do just as fine. Now, let's finish up eating, everyone."

Gu Yue sat beside him like she usually did. When she saw the smile on his face, she could not restrain herself from saying, "Don't push yourself too hard." Tang Wulin glanced at her, his smile softening somewhat. "I'm not pushing myself. But thanks..."

For a while they continued their breakfast quietly, but the tension was still easily perceivable. Knowing Tang Wulin's thoughts on the matter calmed the others somewhat, but they still couldn't help but feel some pressure; The Dragon King Long Yue was just that terrifying.

Despite being just as calm and seemingly carefree as Tang Wulin, Sheng Feilong remained quiet for the whole time. He could feel that Tang Wulin was just as nervous as the others, but he didn't let it show on his face to calm his friends.

About three hours later, everyone rejoined at the grand coliseum. Sheng Feilong followed the others to the waiting area. As it was the finals today and he came together with Tang Wulin, he luckily wasn't barred entry.

The finals match would start in a few minutes and Tang Wulin was sitting cross-legged in one corner, silently calming his mind. He opened his eyes when he heard the announcer asking for him and Long Yue to ascend to the arena.

Sheng Feilong stood a bit away from the entrance way together with Gu Yue and the other Shrek students. They gave Tang Wulin one last round of encouragements, but only Sheng Feilong stared at him with a blank expression.

Facing Tang Wulin, he slowly opened his mouth. "He's strong." Tang Wulin was startled for a moment but then replied with a small smile. "I know. I said it before, Shrek's glory doesn't only come from victory; Don't worry."

He then walked past the others, towards the arena. Sheng Feilong turned around, looking at Tang Wulin's back. "Wulin. Don't force yourself to fight him head on." Tang Wulin turned around, frowning lightly, but Sheng Feilong continued with the same calm tone. "You're a control type Soul Master, not a bloodline Soul Master. Don't forget that."

Tang Wulin stared at him for a moment before suddenly smiling again and walking towards the arena. Sheng Feilong was just as concerned about his well being as the others, however, he seemed to understand Long Yue's power much better than the others for some reason.

Making a small mental note about what Sheng Feilong just said, he put all distracting thoughts to the back of his head. Right now, the only think that counts is the fight against the greatest Soul Master of the Star Luo Continent's younger generation!


Sheng Feilong quickly made his way out of the waiting area and went over to She Meixiao's side. From there, he would be able to watch the fight much better. He had already said his part and given Tang Wulin all the tips he could. Now, it was all in his hands.

During the time he walked over there, the emperor was holding a grand speech at the front, speaking about the tournament itself, a few set phrases about how proud he was about the young Soul Master of the empire and about Shrek Academy, riling everyone up to make Long Yue's eventual win even more impressive of a feat.

Just after Sheng Feilong sat down next to She Meixiao, the crowd went wild, profusely booing Tang Wulin who was stepping out out towards the arena. They continued their booing even after the latter stepped onto the arena where a barrier was lit up to stop distractions from outside; He wouldn't be able to hear the boos at all, but the audience still continued!

A few moments later, Long Yue stepped out from the other side of the arena. The people exploded into cheers, screaming and expression their encouragement for Long Yue. Long Yue didn't acknowledge those cheers, though; His eyes were already fixed on Tang Wulin.

Both of them soon stood across each other, a hundred metres between them. The announcer began rattling about how the two of them were, speaking of their powers and what they had shown in the tournament so far as well as giving a few speculations for the fight.

Suddenly, the announcer stopped and beckoned for everyone to focus on the arena; The referee just lifted his hand to signal the imminent start of the match. The magical ten count began, announcing the start of the match. The referee swung his hand down again and Tang Wulin instantly started charging towards Long Yue. Two golden Soul Rings appeared behind his back and golden dragon scales covered his arms and neck.

Giant dragon images appeared behind Long Yue and Tang Wulin as they collided with each other; A terrifying, huge stone like dragon that appeared to be carrying an ancient city on its back behind the former, and a similarly colossal golden dragon behind the latter. Both dragons unleashed mighty roars; one deep like the ocean, the other high pitched and ear piercing.

The dragon image behind Long Yue was flickering ever so slightly from the high pitched roar that the golden dragon behind Tang Wulin released and Long Yue's eyes constricted; This was bloodline suppression! Tang Wulin's dragon bloodline was actually suppressing his Mountain Dragon King!

On the platform a bit away from She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong, the old man next to the emperor, En Ci, suddenly sat up straight, staring at the arena with shock on his face; It originally shouldn't have been possible for any dragon type Spirit Essence of bloodline to suppress Long Yue's Mountain Dragon King, but Tang Wulin was doing exactly that, just what was his bloodline?

On the arena, Long Yue's face quickly changed. His lofty expression was replaced with a solemn one and six Soul Rings appeared behind his back; He was using his Spirit Essence to fight Tang Wulin to his fullest!

One of the Soul Rings behind his back suddenly lit up and the landscape changed. Even though they were still on the arena, hills and mountains suddenly seemed to appear all around, one of the suddenly shooting out of the ground towards Tang Wulin.

The latter took out the huge great hammers, that were used by Mechas, to destroy the mountain summoned by Long Yue. With the two hammers in his hands, he suddenly charged at Long Yue once more, showing off strange movements, hammer techniques that seemed to be completely unconnected from one another; This was a secret technique of the Tang Sect, the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer!

Seeing his attacks broken again and again by Tang Wulin, Long Yue suddenly started laughing. He also charged at Tang Wulin, the two of them starting a full blown melee fight! By this point, the audience was completely dumbstruck by their display of strength; They simply didn't seem human any more! Even the other contestants had similar expression. Only now did they realize the gap between themselves and Tang Wulin and Long Yue!

Sheng Feilong on the other hand frowned deeply. Other contestants may not be able to see it, but he knew that Tang Wulin was being firmly suppressed by Long Yue. While his bloodline was stronger that Long Yue's, they were physically simply not on the same level. Tang Wulin could barely compete with him while using his giant hammers while Long Yue only used his fists.

Moreover, the former was completely serious and already using his strongest techniques, that had even instantly defeated Dai Yueyan, only to fight Long Yue, who seemed to be doing some light exercise instead of an intense battle. Sheng Feilong sighed lightly, muttering a few words under his breath. "I even told him not to force himself into a melee..."

To Sheng Feilong, it was clear that it was only a matter of time until Tang Wulin would lose if things continued like this. Soon enough, his premonition became true; tang Wulin was sweating profusely, barely keeping up with Long Yue's ever strengthening assault, but he couldn't find an opening to retreat backwards.

Sheng Feilong frowned again, not because of Tang Wulin this time, though. He turned towards She Meixiao and spoke to her in a low voice. "Master, something's not right about this Long Yue. His attacks are getting more wild by the minute. He... seems to be losing control?"

She Meixiao nodded slightly. "I thought the same. It appears that he can't fully control his Spirit Essence. It's just too strong for him to properly control and he's lacking the needed Spirit Power to surmount that gap in control. Still, Tang Wulin is in more of a pinch; He'll definitely lose if this continues."

A moment later, Tang Wulin suddenly discarded his great hammers, engaging Long Yue in a different way. Long Yue also turned the fight up a notch; He started using one Soul Skill after the other, changing the landscape of the arena as a whole, using them to attack Tang Wulin. A huge dragon phantom appeared behind Tang Wulin again, breaking Long Yue's Soul Skills one after the other.

The fight continued of for many more minutes, but Tang Wulin was losing out more and more in that time. After a while, Long Yue finally got a solid hit in and Tang Wulin was propelled backwards with blood spilling out of his mouth.

By now, he was using his Bluesilver Emperor Spirit essence as well, but it was already too late; Long Yue had complete reign over the battle's pace. Moreover, his cultivation was vastly superior to Tang Wulin's to begin with!

Tang Wulin was pushed back again and again, spilling blood, but stubbornly refusing to admit defeat. Long Yue's attack continued; As long as Tang Wulin would stand up again, he would strike him down! Soon, Long Yue seemed to have lost himself in a battle frenzy completely, attacking Tang Wulin viciously and seemingly without regards to anything.

Tang Wulin was once again pushed back, crashing into the arena floor, but still struggled to stand up again. Long Yue appeared next to him, a feral expression on his face with his eyes completely red. Sheng Feilong's face suddenly changed, while a startled cry suddenly came from the side.

"Oh no!" En Ci looked troubled, the same as Sheng Feilong. A few other powerful people looked the same, but none of them moved. Tang Wulin attacked Long Yue once again, injuring the latter and causing him to cry out in pain. He lifted his right leg and viciously stared at Tang Wulin.

Sheng Feilong jumped up from his seat almost immediately, with a distressed expression on his face, roaring at the powerful Soul Masters around him. "Someone stop them!" Again, no one moved. Sheng Feilong turned around to She Meixiao, only to see her with a deep frown and stoic expression. She also refused to move. "Master?!"

Just then, a loud booming sound came from the arena and Sheng Feilong instantly. Blood splattered everywhere over the arena. Startled cries came from everywhere in the audience, while the powerful Soul Master on the platform remained silent, even Elder Cai not moving from her seat.

Meanwhile, Tang Wulin had his whole chest kicked in by Long Yue. A mixture of blood and gore could be seen of what remained of his upper body, while Long Yue suddenly lifted his leg again. A red figure suddenly flashed out of nowhere, breaking the barrier around the arena and slamming Long Yue away.

Now, someone finally moved. En Ci's body swayed and he vanished from his spot, reappearing in front of the red figure, who stood next to Tang Wulin. En Ci stared at the figure with a frown, Soul Power radiating from his body. "Who are you? How dare you make trouble in Star Luo City?"

The red figure said nothing and Elder Cai suddenly appeared behind them. Sheng Feilong finally recognized the figure as Senior Mu Ye and wanted to jump onto the arena as well, but She Meixiao grabbed him by the shoulder, stopping him. Sheng Feilong turned around, only to see She Meixiao shake her head with a solemn expression.

With no chance left, he stayed up at the pedestal, staring at the bloodied, mutilated Tang Wulin on the arena. Long Yue suddenly released another feral roar, before En Ci knocked him out cold, while Elder Cai, Mu Ye and En Ci started talking. On the platform, the leader of the political delegation and the Star Luo Emperor also started talking, loud enough for Sheng Feilong to hear.

He clenched his fists in anger when the emperor simply spoke about giving an explanation for the 'incident'. En Ci was the same, saying that the contestants had signed a death disclaimer before they were allowed to enter the arena and thus it wasn't anyone's fault. Mu Ye coldly stared at him before he turned around, grabbed Tang Wulin and suddenly vanished.

The important people continued to talk nonchalantly about the matter, while Sheng Feilong was shaking and seething from anger. He gnashed his teeth, staring at the unconscious Long Yue with an intense killing intent, terrifying enough to gain the attention of both, En Ci and the emperor at once.

No one said anything as the arena was slowly tidied up again. Ignoring She Meixiao's warning, Sheng Feilong now jumped down from the pedestal, running towards the waiting area where Gu Yue, Yuanen Yehui and the others were.