An Argument With Elder Cai!

Sheng Feilong quickly made his way over to the waiting area. The other contestants had already cleared out of there and only the students of Shrek Academy remained. Seeing them in their current states, the killing intent in Sheng Feilong's heart quickly vanished.

Xu Lizhi, Yue Zhengyu and Xie Xie were anxiously skipping around, unable to calm down from what they just saw. Gu Yue stood rooted in place, shaking with tears streaking down her cheeks, while Xu Xiaoyan bawled out loud. Ye Xinglan and Yuanen Yehui were trying their best to remain calm and comfort the others, but were obviously shaken as well.

Sheng Feilong quickly forced himself to appear calm and walked over to them. He frowned and spoke up with a clear voice, assisting Yuanen Yehui and Ye Xinglan in their attempts to comfort them. "All of you, calm down. You know the man who took Wulin with him, right? He's the same person who looked after us when the Soul Beast attacked our ship. Wulin is in the best hands. Nothing will happen to him."

"Nothin will happen? How do you know that? No matter who that guy was; Didn't you see what captain looked like? He looks worse than the dead!" Xie Xie said with a shaky voice. He was one of the closest to Tang Wulin and visibly lost his cool.

Sheng Feilong looked at him with the same frown on his face. "Calm down. That man was Mu Ye, Sir Mu. I don't know who exactly he is, but even my Master respects him. He's a Titled Douluo so powerful that even Elder Cai and that old man from the Star Luo Empire didn't dare to stop him. He'll help Wulin."

"Feilong is right; You saw how powerful that person was. His aura alone made it so none of us could approach even a single step. If anyone can help Wulin, than it's him." Yuanen Yehui pitched in from the side, followed by Ye Xinglan who also said something along the same lines.

Slowly, the others began to calm down as well. Sheng Feilong, Yuanen Yehui and Ye Xinglan continued to gently talk them through until they were ready to go back to the hotel. On the way back, Sheng Feilong frowned. He knew She Meixiao would only keep an eye on him from a distance and let them sort things out on their own, but even Shrek Academy's teacher Wu Zhangkong, and Elder Cai were nowhere to be seen.

'How can they leave them alone like this? Where are they even? Wasn't Elder Cai on the arena with Sir Mu and the old man before?' Sheng Feilong frowned, thinking about this, but didn't say anything, not wanting to unsettling the others.

Everyone returned to their respective rooms, letting the day slowly end. The next few days passed by quietly. Long Yue was heralded the winner of the solo competition, while Tang Wulin was deemed the runner-up. No one really cared about the subsequent ranks as they were all about on the same level.

Due to Tang Wulin's severe injuries and disappearance, Shrek Academy's group of students refused to participate in the two-versus-two final's matches. Every one of them backed out from the match, keeping to themselves. Naturally, Monster Academy took the top spots due to this. Long Yue and his partner, Dai Yun'er, were the champions, with Fourth prince Dai Yueyan and Su Mu obtained the second place.

After hearing this, Sheng Feilong went to look for She Meixiao. He had suppressed the killing intent in his heart for the past few days for the other Shrek students, but seeing Long Yue just continue the competition as if nothing happened roused his anger once more. "Master, I need you to help me find Elder Cai. I need to talk to her."

"What do you want from her?" She Meixiao was visibly surprised by this sudden request. All this while, Sheng Feilong kept the Shrek students company and the two of them didn't talk much, so she really didn't understand where Sheng Feilong was coming from.

Sheng Feilong looked at her with a serious expression and spoke in a cold voice. "I need to speak to her; I want to join the others in the group competition."

She Meixiao frowned lightly, directly understanding what Sheng Feilong implied. "You want to fight Long Yue?" Sheng Feilong nodded with a frosty expression. "First this princess insults us constantly, then they start belittling us and now nearly kill one of us and still dare to compete in the competition as if nothing happened. I won't stand for this."

"I won't let you kill him. No matter what, I will not sit by and see you become a murderer." She Meixiao spoke with a solemn expression, staring right into Sheng Feilong's eyes. The latter didn't budge in the slightest, staring right back at his Master. "There's worse things I can do to him."


About half an hour had passed since Sheng Feilong spoke with She Meixiao. They were now sitting across from Elder Cai in a quiet private booth of a café. She Meixiao sat at the side, not saying anything, while Sheng Feilong just right at the frowning and displeased Elder Cai. "What di you just say?"

"I want to join the Shrek team for the rest of the group competition." Sheng Feilong again just stared at her, his expression firm, but sincere. Elder Cai once again frowned deeper. "There's no need for that. Shrek Academy will not compete in the group competition any longer."

She paused for a moment, waiting for Sheng Feilong's reaction. He frowned clearly, but waited for Elder Cai to finish. "I will not allow any more incidents like that. It's already fortunate that Mu Ye took Tang Wulin with him. If it was anyone else, they would've died right on the spot."

She stopped talking with that, quietly taking a sip from her tea. This time, Sheng Feilong spoke up with a displeased expression. "So you're just gonna let those presumptuous Monster Academy students run wild? Not only did they injure one of your precious students so heavily, they also claimed the first place for both competitions like nothing happened."

He paused, with Elder Cai now staring right at him, daring him to keep speaking. Sheng Feilong matched her gaze without fear and continued in the same condescending tone. "You'll just bail out and later return to the Douluo Continent with your tail between your legs? Is that that so called 'glory' of Shrek Academy that I 'tried to bask in'?"

"Watch your mouth, boy." Elder Cai's expression and tone were now ice cold. If it wasn't for She Meixiao, she would've probably already struck Sheng Feilong down. The latter didn't mind this in the slightest, though. He just continued speaking, further incensing Elder Cai. "Am I wrong? Not only did you fail to protect your students from harm here, you now even want to deny them the opportunity to take revenge for themselves? After leaving them to deal with the situation on their own for the whole time?"

Sheng Feilong's expression turned into a disdaining gaze. "This whole time, though I never liked you, I always thought that you, as an illustrous elder of Shrek Academy's Sea God's Pavilion, were one of the greatest personages of the world. Unyielding and headstrong, always doing what you wanted and ever backing down in the face of anyone... It seems I have misjudged you. You're just an old hag who brags in front of the weak and cowers from the strong-"

Sheng Feilong abruptly stopped; He had no way to continue speaking. Elder Cai's hand was firmly clenching his throat, lifting him out of his chair and choking him. She Meixiao still didn't move, but Sheng Feilong didn't have the leisure to notice this. Elder Cai slowly started speaking while still staring right at Sheng Feilong. "Very good, boy. You've got guts."

Her hand clenched around Sheng Feilong's neck tighter as her voice grew colder. "You dare look down on me? You don't understand what you're talking about. There's more to this matter than just a fight between some children. You want to play the holy avenger and take revenge for Tang Wulin? Very well, do as you please. See how the Star Luo Empire will deal with you. But if even one of my students gets hurt because of you, I will personally kill you. Am I understood?"

She threw Sheng Feilong back into his seat, who proceeded to violently cough as he was finally able to breath again. He then stared back at Elder Cai with a smug glint in his eyes. "That's all I'm asking for. I'll rely on Elder Cai to make the necessary arrangements with the competition's authorities, then."

After that, he smugly left the room, leaving behind She Meixiao and Elder Cai. The former was still smiling as calmly as before, while the latter glanced at her. "You really need to reign that boy in. He'll get himself killed someday if he continues like this."

"Don't worry, he won't. That's why I'm here, isn't it? Moreover, he knows his own capabilities best; He's usually quite collected, but once the string rips, there's no holding back. I don't think that that's that bad of a habit." She Meixiao answered, then looked at Elder Cai with a small smile. "But don't you think you need to reign yourself in as well? Although you were just acting as if incensed by his words, did you have to go as far as assault him?"

Elder Cai just huffed. "He needs to learn his place. How dare he speak to his Elders like that." Without waiting for She Meixiao to continue, she vanished from her spot, leaving She Meixiao alone in the room.


It was nearly dinner time when She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong returned to the hotel. Sheng Feilong had awkwardly waited in front of the café when he realized that he wouldn't get back to the hotel without his Master, embarrassing himself in the process.

The two split up again and Sheng Feilong met up with Yuanen Yehui and the others in the dining hall during dinner. He was waiting for the right moment to talk to them about his plan of oining the group competition, but just when a chance occurred, Gu Yue suddenly spoke up. "Let's participate in the group match's finale!"

Everyone's gaze was focused on her instantly. She continued in a deep voice, "Wulin isn't here. I'll be the captain. If he's still with us, he'll definitely never give the upcoming matches up. We shall seek back what we've lost earlier and use our victories from the matches to welcome his return. Are all of you willing to do it with me?"