A More Relaxed Evening

It appeared that, despite using the hood of his coat to obstruct his face, Tang Wulin easily saw through the disguise and recognized Sheng Feilong. Sheng Feilong turned around with a calm expression and looked at Tang Wulin when the latter's question entered his ears.

Slightly surprised by Tang Wulin's expression, Sheng Feilong just nodded. "Sure. Though, do you want to bring your stuff up to your rooms first?" He glanced at the various bags in their hands with an amused expression.

It was rare enough for Soul Masters to go shopping in commoner's shops, but to think they actually carried the bags back to the hotel? Why didn't they use their Spacial Rings for that? 'Perhaps their Spacial Rings are already full? No, no way.'

Sheng Feilong followed Tang Wulin and the other Shrek students up to their rooms. They quickly unloaded most of the bags in the girls' rooms, while the boys mostly just took a few items back to their own rooms. None of them seemed to take out or put in anything to or from their Spacial Rings, though.

Soon after, the nine of them grouped up in Tang Wulin's room. Luckily, there were enough seats for everyone. Sheng Feilong turned to Tang Wulin and asked the decisive question, already half expecting the answer. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

The mood in the room became somewhat more solemn, a change that Sheng Feilong naturally noticed, and Tang Wulin frowned with a serious expression. "I've heard the stories from the others and also watched the video of your match against Long Yue. I know it's not nice to ask, but just what in the world is that second Spirit Essence of yours..? How can it be so powerful?"

'As expected, it's exactly that question...' Sheng Feilong sighed lightly. This was the answer he had expected. Of course, their curiosity could be understood. Still, despite knowing that they didn't have a problem with evil or dark attributed Spirit essence as could be seen from Yuanen Yehui, Sheng Feilong didn't want to disclose any information about it.

He shrugged lightly with a passive expression. "Well, as you just said, it's my second Spirit Essence. I never used it before because it wasn't necessary. Plus I can't fully control it and I... well, easily lose control over it."

Tang Wulin nodded lightly, still with a serious expression. "Still, what exactly is it? It's power is honestly no joke. I was already inside the area when you released its aura and my bloodline instantly flared up trying to protect me from it." He glanced at the others, especially Gu Yue and Yuanen Yehui for a short moment. "...The others had it even worse, sitting directly beside the arena."

"...I know. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you much about it. Master told me to keep it a secret for now. If possible, I'll tell you in the future. If the right moment comes..." Sheng Feilong sighed lightly again, an apologetic expression on his face.

He turned to Yuanen Yehui and Gu Yue and spoke up in a softer voice. "I'm sorry that I didn't warn you two. Are you alright now?" Just as Tang Wulin said, those two were affected the most. Sheng Feilong didn't know the reason why Gu Yue was affected, but concerning Yuanen Yehui, it was definitely a kind of Spirit Essence suppression.

Yuanen Yehui nodded with a solemn expression. "I'm alright. After you retracted your Spirit Essence, everything went back to normal. Though, I've never faced a situation like that before. The Fallen Angel Spirit Essence is a top class Spirit Essence; If anything, it was me suppressing other people's Spirit Essences."

Gu Yue said nothing though the whole conversation, but her eyes were fixed on Sheng Feilong and she forced herself to look calm. Sheng Feilong didn't explicitly ask her again as she only seemed to be shocked from what happened, not injured. Though it was rare to see Gu Yue lose her calm.

Nodding slightly, Sheng Feilong once again apologized to Yuanen Yehui and Gu Yue, then spoke a bit more. "It's a dark attributed Spirit Essence more or less made to defy other dark attributed Spirit Essences. It's kind of an antithesis to evil, despite being 'evil' itself. Sorry, but I really can't say more."

Other than the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's name and the stories about the demon spirit in his spiritual consciousness, Sheng Feilong truly didn't know anything else about it. So far, he had basically told them anything he knew without including any sensible information; Anything he said could more or less be found out by analyzing his match against Long Yue.

The others nodded, understanding that he wouldn't talk about it. Therefore, they tactfully didn't ask any further. Sheng Feilong turned towards Tang Wulin after they talked abut random things for a while. "Anyways, I'm glad you're okay again... Luckily, Senior Mu was able to help. Back then, all of us already assumed the worst..."

Tang Wulin smiled bitterly. "If it wasn't for teacher, the worst would've become reality... It's all thanks to him that I survived." He paused before suddenly smiling lightly. "Though I don't blame Long Yue; He already suffered his sentence thanks to a certain someone."

They started chuckling while Sheng Feilong scratched his head slightly awkwardly. He didn't agree with Tang Wulin though, and really wanted to see Long Yue dead, but didn't say anything to not make things weird. Tang Wulin then asked another question out of the blue. "Right, where do you know teacher from? I already wanted to ask back when we were on the ship, but never got the chance to."

"Ah, I actually don't really know him. I met Senior Mu for the first time during the aquatic Soul Beasts attack. Though it seems Masters knows him quite well. She doesn't address many people with earnest honorifics; They're mostly just to keep the facade, but she really seemed to respect Senior Mu." Sheng Feilong spoke casually, also adding his own guess in the mix.

Tang Wulin's eyes lit up with admiration when Sheng Feilong mentioned She Meixiao. He was someone who respected the strong through and through and She Meixiao's display left a deep impression on him. "Your Master's strength is truly incredible... A Four Word Battle Armour Master with a cultivation at the Hyper Douluo level... And her Spirit Essence is also incredible. Is it really the legendary Hydra?"

"I don't really know. I never asked." Sheng Feilong's voice suddenly became more reserved when the topic shifted to She Meixiao. He couldn't help but suddenly thing of what Ouyang Sen had told him about her... He really wanted to go to her immediately, but Ouyang Sen's advice to give her some time to calm down stopped him from doing so.

Tang Wulin quickly realized that he shouldn't have brought up the topic and scratched his head. 'Right, he had an argument with his Master after the match...' He quickly tried to change the topic. "Right, we wanted to go to the city tomorrow again. Do you want to join us? I'm sure no one would mind, right?"

He quickly glanced at the others. Other than Xie Xie and Gu Yue, who both just stood there silently without giving an answer, the others agreed with smiles. Xu Lizhi seemed especially happy and hurriedly swung his arm around Sheng Feilong's shoulder. "Right! We haven't been out together for so long! Brother Feilong, you have to buy us a drink! Or rather, invite us to a barbeque, he, he, he!"

Sheng Feilong laughed, pushing Xu Lizhi to the side. "Get lost, fatty! Invite yourself out! I'm too poor to pay for you!" Xu Lizhi didn't seem to care about the elbow that was playfully pushed into his face and just continued without a care in the world. "Eh? What do you mean too poor? You're a Soul King; There's tons of ways to make money for you! You can afford to help out a friend once!"

Their bickering continued for a while, with pitching in from time to time. The serious topics had been dropped by now and they started to just fool around instead. Time flew by and they decided to call it a day after some time.

Sheng Feilong returned to his room in a good mood. Sitting down on the bed, he calmed his mind and started cultivating. It was still a few hours before he'd usually go to bed, so he might as well use that time; Slacking in cultivation was not an option.

A few hours later, he opened his eyes again. Content with the training he did, Sheng Feilong decided to call it a day, when a heavy knocking came from his door. Sheng Feilong frowned lightly; Rather than a knocking, this could described as someone banging at his door.

Sheng Feilong opened it depite the time and was surprised to see two people standing there. "... Gu Yue? What are you doing here?" His gaze fell upon the ordinary looking old man who stood behind her. "And this senior is...?"

Gu Yue and the old man ignored him and instead waltzed into his room, brushing past him with stoic expressions. Sheng Feilong stared at them with an incredulous expression, but still closed the door behind him and walked after them. Now, they all stood in the middle if the room. "What in the world do you want? Why do you two barge into my room like that? Gu Yue? And who's this?"

"Seal." Gu Yue spoke a single word with an indifferent expression and the old man waved his hand. An invisible pressure enveloped Sheng Feilong's hotel room in a flash, causing the latter to frown. He knew what this was; A sound isolating barrier, and a powerful one at that. He turned to Gu Yue with a frown. "What's going on?!"

Gu Yue returned the look with a grave expression. Both, she and the old man, seemed visibly tense and were carefully observing Sheng Feilong's every movement. At the same time, Gu Yue suddenly spoke up with a grave expression. "Who are you really? What's your connection with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demons?"