Turning The Tables

Sheng Feilong's heart skipped a beat when Gu Yue suddenly asked about the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon. He had told her and the other Shrek students about it before, but Sheng Feilong never told them its name!

"...You know what the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon is?" Sheng Feilong asked back in astonishment, but Gu Yue only frowned. Her expression was grave to begin with and she spoke in the same cold tone as before. "Answer my question. What is your connection with them? Who are you?"

"What are you talking about? You know who I am; Sheng Feilong, the personal disciple of Spirit Flamingo Douluo Song Weihan and Smiling Snake Douluo She Meixiao. A 15 years old Soul King, who, until about eight months ago, was a student of Shrek Academy." Sheng Feilong spoke with a dry voice, not sure whether Gu Yue was just making a bad joke or not.

Gu Yue's expression was still as chilly as before, but she didn't say anything more. Sheng Feilong looked at her and started frowning. He had already told Her and the others more than they needed to know and Gu Yue asked about it only now, even barging into his room like she owned the place.

"I already told you and the others what I know about it. If there's nothing else, you can leave. I was about to go to bed when you barged in." Sheng Feilong's tone became somewhat colder. He didn't like Gu Yue's attitude at the moment and really didn't want to explain any more about the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon.

"So you refuse to speak?" Gu Yue's tone was still as cold as before and with her words, the old man behind her focused completely on Sheng Feilong. The latter just rolled his eyes at the intimidation attempt. "I already told you everything. If you don't believe me, then that's your problem."

Sheng Feilong stood up and walked over to the desk that stood at the side. He grabbed a bottle of water from under it and drunk something. He already figured that Gu Yue and that strange old man wouldn't leave just like that, so he hatched a plan in his head.

With the sound isolating barrier active, it would be hard for Sheng Feilong to get someone to help him and with the old man's presumed strength, it wouldn't be hard for him to suppress Sheng Feilong. Coincidentally, though, the wall where the desk stood was the one that separated his room from She Meixiao's. If he banged on the wall with enough force...

"Very well. Since you won't speak, we'll have to force you." Gu Yue once again spoke with a chilling tone, seemingly not bothered by the fact that Sheng Feilong sat down at the desk. He was in an arm's reach to the wall, but Gu Yue didn't seem to notice his plan.

Sheng Feilong frowned deeper, not letting any hints to his plan show on his face, and spoke up again. "Force me? Can't you talk like any normal person would? Also, how many times do I have to tell you that I already told you everything?"

He clicked his tongue, staring at Gu Yue and the old man with an annoyed look, stood up once again and leaned against the wall. "The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon is my second Spirit Essence. I have no idea what kind of 'connection' you're talking about, nor do I know what you want me to say. For the record, it's also not a hereditary Spirit Essence; Neither my father nor my mother awakened a Spirit that was even remotely similar to it."

Gu Yue didn't speak, but the old man by her side made a step forward with a dark expression. The pressure radiating from him slowly rose more and more and pressed down on Sheng Feilong. The latter frowned; It seemed like they really wanted to go through with this.

The old stared at Sheng Feilong and spoke to Gu Yue with respectful tone. "Young Lady, what should we do?" Sheng Feilong also looked at Gu Yue with a cold expression. So far, he was able to resist the old man's pressure without using his own Soul Power, but it was obvious that the old man would hold back until Gu Yue gave the command.

"I'll ask you one last time; What is your connection with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demons and who are you?" Gu Yue spoke with a haughty expression, but her tone was as cold as always. Sheng Feilong just stared back at her with an incredulous expression. "You're an idiot, aren't you?"

The old man's expression changed while Gu Yue's got even colder. The pressure on Sheng Feilong increased abruptly, nearly forcing him down, but he was still able to resist it with his bloodline power and physical strength. 'I need to wait for the right moment...'

The old man still stared at Sheng Feilong, his face painted in ice cold anger. "Young lady?" He waited for Gu Yue's decision, not saying anything, but killing intent radiated off of him. Gu Yue's expression became indifferent as she looked at Sheng Feilong. "It's to dangerous to let a Netherworld Putrefaction Demon run around. Since he refuses to speak..."

She dragged her words out, waiting for a change in Sheng Feilong's expression as she knew he would understand what came next. This was the very last chance she would give him, but he still refused to take it, his expression remaining unchanged. "... kill him."

The old man nodded slowly, his pressure still locking Sheng Feilong in place and he was about to take a step forward when Sheng Feilong suddenly moved. He had been biding his time, slowly focusing his Soul Power and it exploded out as soon as Gu Yue finished her sentence.

Sheng Feilong violently spun around on the spot, using the momentum to slam his elbow into the wall behind him. A loud booming sound echoed through the room and the wall cracked; Even with the sound isolated into the room, the force of the impact was sure to be strong enough to alarm someone as strong as She Meixiao, especially when it came from the room directly adjacent to hers.

(A/N: Yes, I'm aware how unrealistic it is for a normal hotel's wall to withstand the power of a Soul King's attack, but it would be weirder if he suddenly punched through the wall... Let's just say it works like this for plot reasons!)

The old man and Gu Yue were shocked when he suddenly released his Soul Power and the old man hastily jumped in front of Gu Yue to protect her, but they both just stared at him for a moment when he slammed into the wall. Due to this, the pressure on Sheng Feilong suddenly lessened and he inwardly smiled.

Using his moment and the burst of power, he spun around on the spot once more, into the other direction and slammed his other arm into the wall with the same force as before, once again, the wall cracked and the sound boomed through the room.

Only now did Gu Yue understand what he was doing and her face quickly changed. "Stop him!" The old man's expression changed as well; He also understood what was happening and instantly struck out at Sheng Feilong, pushing him away from the wall, but it was already too late.


She Meixiao sat in her room with a slightly conflicted expression. She was still thinking about what happened two days ago and couldn't fully calm down. Fidgeting around with the book in her hand, she was lost in thoughts, when she suddenly frowned.

Turning her head, she could see the framed picture hanging on the wall shake from side to side for no apparent reason. For a moment, it also felt like the wall shook. She frowned, but as there wasn't any great sounds, she brushed it off, thinking that Sheng Feilong must've had something bang the wall by accident.

Suddenly, the wall shook again without any sound. It was just as violent as before, but no sound was heard. She Meixiao frowned deeper and extended her Spirit Power to check what was going on. Not even a second later, her pupils constricted and a terrifying pressure burst out from her.

Inside of Sheng Feilong's room, she noticed two figures, one of which was an unknown Soul Master or at least rank 80, while the other was one of the children from Shrek Academy. However, the reason She Meixiao reacted in such an extreme way was because the unknown Soul Douluo had created a sound isolating barrier in Sheng Feilong's room and because Sheng Feilong had just been attacked!


The old man just struck out at Sheng Feilong, flinging him away from the wall and sending him crashing into a cupboard when his expression turned once more; From the room next to him, a terrifying pressure gushed out, firmly locking on to him. Gu Yue turned towards the old man, calling out to him. "Leave!"

Not missing even a second, the old man directly charged out of the closed window, completely shattering it and flew into the night sky at break neck speed. Immediately after, the terrifying pressure that came from the other side of the wall also vanished out of the room, much faster than the old man could move.

Gu Yue's face was complicated and she suddenly flinched as she stared at Sheng Feilong. The latter had already stood up again after being hit by the old man and had a cold smirk on his face. Blood was trickling down from the corner of his mouth, but that didn't seem to bother him at all.

Sheng Feilong's eyes turned a darker shade of gold and a red, winged symbol appeared on his forehead without any delay. Gu Yue's expression paled slightly and her body shook. Sheng Feilong's Soul Power burst out from his body once more and five resplendent Soul Rings apepared behind his back, the third suddenly lighting up bright.

A powerful mental attack was aimed at Gu Yue at full force. Both she and Sheng Feilong were already at the Spiritual Abyss Realm, but Sheng Feilong's Spirit Power was still much stronger. Moreover, he had the amplification effects of his Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes and his third Soul Skill, Spirit Amplification.

Gu Yue cired out in pain as the attack impacted onto her spiritual consciousness and her vision suddenly blurred; her fate was the same as Long Yue's – bleeding from all seven orifices as she fell to her knees.

Sheng Feilong looked down at her with a small smile. Gu Yue shuddered lightly when she heard what he had to say. "So, shall we turn the tables completely? 'Who are you really? What's your connection with the Netherworld Putrefaction Demons?'"