A 'Friendly' Talk With Gu Yue

Sheng Feilong stood in front of Gu Yue and deactivated his third Soul Skill. Gu Yue had just been hit by his mental attack and was still out of it; She would probably need a few moments to regain her focus.

He waited patiently for her to return back to normal, observing her cautiously in the process. Sitting in a normal chair, Sheng Feilong then asked her a question as soon as she seemed to be back to normal. "Who are you really? What's your connection with Netherworld Putrefaction Demons?"

Gu Yue gnashed her teeth. She hadn't expected that Sheng Feilong would act like he did. For any normal Soul King, the deterrent effect of a peak Soul Douluo would have been enough to shut them up and get them to do your bidding.

She didn't include the fact that he was connected to multiple Titled Douluo's into the equation and made a fatal mistake. Moreover, she had never expected that Sheng Feilong would be able to suppress her so easily with his Spirit Power; Although they were both at the Spirit Abyss Realm, he was much, much stronger than Gu Yue estimated.

Knowing that she wasn't able to defeat him with her current strength, Gu Yue had no other choice but to remain here. Still, she didn't answer Sheng Feilong's question and only hatefully stared at him, hiding any change in expression from him.

Sheng Feilong stared down at her for a moment before he spoke up again. "Not talking? Who would've guessed..." Both of them remained quiet again. Sheng Feilong was silently thinking about everything he knew about Gu Yue, trying to remember anything he could use to make her speak.

His thoughts spun into all directions, but from what he remembered, Gu Yue was actually quite mysterious, even among their circle of friends. Some time ago, Tang Wulin and the others mentioned how they met each other at their Intermediate Academy. Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were classmates while Gu Yue suddenly appeared when they were training, seemingly from nowhere.

They didn't know where she came from, but quickly became friends with her as she was the only one who's talent was on par with theirs. Moreover, she seemed to really like Tang Wulin from the get go. However, she never mentioned where she came from.

Later, it turned out that Gu Yue is the personal disciple of the Spirit Pagoda's Vice-Pagoda Master, Heavenly Phoenix Douluo Leng Yaozhu. Again, something no one knew beforehand. The plan formulating in Sheng Feilong's head slowly pieced itself together.

He stared into Gu Yue's eyes, slowly speaking in a light tone. "You seem to have quite a few secrets yourself, don't you? No one, not even your 'friends', know where you are from. You just suddenly appeared and coincidentally became their friend..."

Gu Yue's expression still didn't change. She remained quiet, staring at Sheng Feilong with the same hateful gaze as before. He wasn't bothered by this and continued talking in a light-hearted manner. "From the get go, you got surprisingly close to Tang Wulin. If one didn't know you, one could even think that that was intentional."

Gu Yue's expression didn't change, but her gaze was not only hateful but also had a certain cold touch to it. It seemed like that last sentence had an effect. Sheng Feilong internally smiled and made a mental note, then decided to try something similar. "Hm... The most interesting thing about Tang Wulin is by far his dragon type blood line. It's incredibly strong and potent moreover, it seems to continuously grow and strengthen itself as he gets stronger. Surely, that's something many people would covet."

This time, Sheng Feilong's words hit home. Gu Yue's expression finally changed, sinking considerably. Her eyes ever so slightly shook for a short moment; Something Sheng Feilong didn't miss and he knew he was on the right track. "As you already know, I'm the descendant of a 100.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion. Evil Soul Master's were really interested in that. Moreover, many of them practise ominous blood arts to strengthen themselves. Tang Wulin would be a perfect target for such people, don't you think?"

Gu Yue furiously tried to calm herself in order to not give Sheng Feilong any information. Sheng Feilong, of course, noticed that. And he also noticed that something like this happened every time he mentioned Tang Wulin. 'I have to think outside the box... What more can I say about Tang Wulin...'

Both of them stared at each other in silence for a while longer. Gu Yue gradually managed to calm down again, but that's exactly what Sheng Feilong had been waiting for. He smiled lightly and continued his monologue in a light-hearted tone. "That old man who was with you, who was he? Certainly, he wasn't from the Spirit Pagoda. His aura and Soul Power were surprisingly heavy; Something that you normally only see from soldiers who have gone through many life and death situations. In other words, people who have killed a lot."

This time, Gu Yue's expression didn't change. She didn't seem to be bothered by this partner of hers at all and remained perfectly calm. This, however, was within Sheng Feilong's expectations. "If I had to make a bold guess, I'd say he isn't a soldier; He seemed more likely to be an evil Soul Master. But... he called you 'young Lady', didn't he? I wonder what kind of relationship the two of you have? Though I guess you're some kind of big shot?"

Again, no changes. Sheng Feilong sighed lightly and his relaxed expression turned into a serious one. "Let's get serious. If he's an evil Soul Master and calls you 'young Lady', that means you're one as well and you stand above him in status. I assume you're after Tang Wulin's blood; Something so powerful, you guys wouldn't want to miss out on it, right?"

He paused for a moment, looking at Gu Yue's expression only to see her stare at him with a grave face and dagger like stare. Sheng Feilong continued in the same serious tone. "The Netherworld Putrefaction Demon is able to suppress evil and dark Spirit Essences with ease as shown during the tournament. You were heavily affected by it. You fear it's power. So, tell me; What is it that you know exactly? How much do you know about it's origin and powers?"

Sheng Feilong had just finished when a familiar voice came from behind him. "So it was like that... Really a good theory, Feilong." Sheng Feilong didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. Gu Yue's grave and lightly shaking expression were enough for him to know. He turned his head around, lightly smiling. "Welcome back, Master. Did you have a nice trip?"

Behind him, coming in through the window, was She Meixiao. Her expression was extremely cold when she stared at Gu Yue, but Sheng Feilong's greeting made her smile lightly. "It was quite refreshing. Though it's a shame that old man was able to flee. I actually lost him in the forest. His Spirit Essence seems to be quite peculiar."

Her gaze wandered to Gu Yue, who was obviously distressed by She Meixiao's appearance, and she smiled thoughtfully. "Hm... So this little rat doesn't want to speak?" Sheng Feilong lightly shook his head in response and She Meixiao continued. "Rats ned to be treated right; You need to lay a trap and bait them with something nice."

Gu Yue's expression sank; She would've never expected to be treated like that by She Meixiao. However, the latter didn't mind her at all and turned to Sheng Feilong with a light smile. "Feilong, call Tang Wulin and ask him to come over. Maybe he can elaborate on a thing or two."

Sheng Feilong was a bit surprised. He didn't do anything like that in the first place because he thought it would be better to keep this matter a secret, but She Meixiao seemed to have a plan. Moreover, judging from Gu Yue's distressed expression and shaking body, involving Tang Wulin was the easiest way to make her talk.

Sheng Feilong went outside for a moment while She Meixiao created a sound isolating barrier inside the room and waited inside with Gu Yue. Luckily, Tang Wulin was still awake and Sheng Feilong's call got through without problem. He asked Tang Wulin to come over because he had something important to speak about and waited in the hallway.

Half a minute passed and Sheng Feilong saw Tang Wulin jog over to his room. Greeting him with a light wave, he turned towards the door and spoke with a light voice. "Keep calm about what you'll see soon. Nothing bad's gonna happen, so you don't need to lose your cool."

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you stole something?" Tang Wulin made a light joke, but seeing Sheng Feilong serious expression, he quickly kept quiet and nodded meaningfully. Sheng Feilong then opened the door and went inside. Following closely behind him, Tang Wulin closed the door and soon saw She Meixiao standing in the room with a small smile on her face.

Tang Wulin was surprised to see her at first and was about to bow, when he suddenly froze. Sheng Feilong had moved to the side a bit and so Tang Wulin could see Gu Yue. She was kneeling on the ground, shaking lightly and bleeding from the nose, eyes and mouth. Tang Wulin instantly turned to ferociously glare at Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao. "What have you done to her? What's the meaning of this?!"