Seething Undercurrents

Within the dark room, far beneath the surface of the earth, only two people were present; A man and a woman. Both of them were beautiful people, exuding a youthful vigour. The woman sighed lightly, looking at what was displayed in front of her. "It's... much bigger than I expected."

The man rose an eyebrow, speaking with an annoyed tone. "You say that as if you were disappointed? Did you expect something else?" The woman laughed awkwardly, touching the humongous thing in front of her. "No, that's not it. I'm just wondering... if it will fit?"

"Well, that is for you to figure out." The man sneered, folding his arms in front of his chest. The woman side-eyed him with an displeased expression, giving him another snide remark. "A weapon's worth isn't determined by its size, but its power. You should be aware of that, right?"

The man frowned, looking at the woman with a cold expression before speaking in a low voice. "Are you doubting me?" His arms unfolded and he looked at the woman like a predator looking at its prey. The woman flinched back, trying to defuse the situation with a forced smile. "No, no of course not. How would I dare to doubt the respected Master of the Spirit Pagoda. I was truly just surprised."

The man didn't seem impressed, only sneering at the woman once more. "You better be careful with what you say. I have no need to be so civil with you; I only need your Blood Refinement Arts, not you – I can take whatever knowledge I need from your corpse."

"Of-of course, Sir. I am more than aware of that. I apologize. We will make sure that Lord Pagoda Master's effort will not go to waste." The woman said, hurriedly bowing with a pale expression; The Spirit Pagoda's Pagoda Master, a Limit Douluo and one of the strongest people in the whole world, wasn't someone she could offend.

She glanced to her side, at the two enormous rocket-like objects, gulping down a mouthful of saliva. She clearly remembered the day the Pagoda Master came to their Holy Spirit Cult's hideout – without warning, he blasted his way into their main hall, killing hundreds of their subordinates that dared to stand in his way, not bothering to even introduce himself...

Standing before one of the most powerful Soul Masters in this world, the nerves of her and her colleagues went taunt, while the Pagoda Master spoke of their meticulous plans as if they were nothing special, even going as far as offering his assistance under two circumstances; The Holy Spirit Cult was to remove the Spirit Pagoda from their list of targets and hand him their best Blood Refinement Arts after the plan succeeded.

In return, the Pagoda Master would solve their greatest problem; He would personally make sure that they got their hands on two of the three strongest weapons in this world; The Rank-12 Fixed Soul Ammunition created by the Douluo Federation's Government – The God Slayer Weapons. Once activated, they were said to be able to kill even Gods, hence their name.

Thousands of years ago, the Douluo Federation created three of these God Slayer Weapons; None of which have ever been used in history, nor have they ever been recreated. In the current age, even Rank-11 Fixed Soul Ammunitions didn't exist any more. They had been used in wars before, creating carnage and inducing mass genocides wherever they were used. Yet, the much, much stronger God Slayer Weapons have never been used.

They were, without a doubt, the most powerful weapons in the history of mankind, closely guarded by the Douluo Federation and the greatest deterrent that stopped other continent's governments from attacking the Douluo Continent, other than the powerful Soul Masters lie Shrek Academy's Yun Ming or the Spirit Pagoda's Pagoda Master.

Yet, with the use of unknown methods, the Pagoda Master had managed to bring two of these weapons her, smuggling them out of the most secure, most secret hidden warehouses of the Douluo Federation.

The Pagoda Master looked at the evil Hyper Douluo kneeling in front of him and simply sneered again, turning around, ready to leave. "Do whatever you must. Our cooperation ends here for the time being. I will come to your hideout once more after you are done. Don't even think about playing any tricks on me."

The woman clenched her teeth, yet she couldn't refute the Pagoda Master in the slightest and thus, nodded her head. "Of course, Lord Pagoda Master. With these two God Slayers, we're sure to succeed. Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect's headquarters will be wiped off of the surface of this world."

"Do not disappoint me." The voice of the Pagoda Master echoed through the underground shelter once more, his body having long since vanished from the place. The woman continued to kneel down on the ground for nearly a minute before finally rising up. She took a deep breath, her eyes colder than any ice. "That damned bastard... Hoe could the Master's agree to work together with such a scheming piece of trash. Righteous Soul Master, my ass."

She pulled out a strange, blood-red gem with a myriad of runes inscribed into it, carefully bringing it to the surface of the first Rank-12 Fixed Soul Ammunition before inserting her Soul Power into it. The gem lit up in a crimson hue, engulfing the whole weapon before vanishing; It was a special Spacial Treasure!

With an indifferent face, she did the same with the second Rank-12 Fixed Soul Ammunition, then turned around and started wandering through the shelter. They had chosen this place to conduct their meeting for a reason; It was a private shelter belonging to an relatively unknown businessman. The only reason the woman walked through all of the shelter once again was to make sure that absolutely no one survived to tell anyone of this meeting, or even the businessman's death.

An hour later, she came out of the shelter, walking through the basement of a luxurious mansion. Ignoring the bloodied corpses and pools of blood that lay by her feet, she walked out of the front door, closing it behind her before vanishing from her place, not to be seen by a single soul.


A long time later, at the hideout of the Holy Spirit Cult located at an undisclosed location, the woman kneeled in front of a dozen men clad in black robes, her expression respectful, nearly worshipping. "Great Masters, I have finished the task you have given me."

From one of the hooded figures, a cackling laughter erupted with a disgusting sound as if bones were scratching over stone. Moments later, the same cloaked figure spoke with a raspy voice. "You did well, child. Now, give me the Blood Jades."

Without hesitation, the woman respectfully presented the two blood-red Spacial Treasures to the cloaked figure. A simple wave of his hand was enough for the cloaked figure to bring the treasures to his hands. He brought them close his his face, inspecting them with his eyes before breaking into a cackling laughter again. "Yes... Perfect. With this, the fate of Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect are sealed... you did well, child."

The last part was addressing the woman still kneeling on the ground. She lowered her head ever more, not daring to meet the cloaked man's gaze. The cackling laughter once again echoed through the hall as he threw a small token to the woman. "Show this token to the treasury. For your amicable services, you shall be rewarded... Go, take a 80.000-years-old Soul Beast's corpse for your cultivation."

The woman caught the token, bowing once more. "Thank you, Masters, for your grace." She turned around walking out of the hall at a normal human's speed, not daring to disrespect the cloaked figures by flashing out of the hall.

The raspy voiced cloaked figure didn't pay any attention to her anymore. He had turned around to the other cloaked figures, placing the two blood-red Spacial Treasures on the table in the room. "The time is nigh, my dear brothers."

The two massive steel doors slowly closed behind the woman. The cackling laughter of the first cloaked figure being the only thing she heard. Moments before the doors closed shut, another deep voice sounded out, rumbling like a landslide on a mountain top. "Within two months, all preparations will be completed. The days of that abominable Shrek Academy and Tang Sect, are numbered now."

The woman continued to stand with her back to the closed door for a moment, lost in her own thoughts before lokoing at the command token in her hand. Shaking her head, she sighed lightly while starting to walk away. "Is cooperating with the Spirit Pagoda really worth it? The Masters... I hope they see through that bastard's schemes... I can't help but feel that we're only being used..."