Misunderstandings In The Morning

There were no sounds to disturb the quiet within Daedalus' underground headquarters. Yet, out of habit, Sheng Feilong woke up early in the morning. The moment he sleepily opened his eyes, he could help but break into a wide smile. Not only has it been years since he last slept this well, the first thing he saw in the morning was the adorable sleeping face of the woman he loves, Yuanen Yehui, snuggled into his embrace.

The night before, she had been wincing around, trying to somehow get out of his embrace out of embarrassment, yet she was unable to do so as she couldn't muster any strength at all. Sheng Feilong kept his eyes closed during her efforts, leaving her in the believe that he was already sleeping.

After minutes of fruitless efforts, Yuanen Yehui finally seemed to put up with it; She stopped struggling, letting herself be held by Sheng Feilong, yet her body was still slightly shaking. Sheng Feilong pulled her closer into his chest, letting her hear his calm heartbeat.

The steady, calm rhythm finally getting her to calm down as well, allowing her to fall asleep, to which Sheng Feilong only smiled before drifting to sleep as well. He hadn't looked at her sleeping face before, this morning marking the first time he saw her fully defenceless.

Her long, red hair laying loosely and slightly dishevelled on the bed. Her whole body and face relaxed, calmly snuggling into Sheng Feilong's embrace, while her hands held on to the sides of his clothes.

Seeing her like this, Sheng Feilong pushed a few strands of her hair out of her face with a smile, continuing to lay in bed unmoving, waiting for her to wake up, simply enjoying the moment of holding her in his arms.


A while later, Yuanen Yehui slowly opened her eyes. Still drowsy, she didn't realize what was going on. Without much concern, she tried to sit up in bed, only to find her self be held down. She froze, finally realizing that she was pressed against something, yet before she could react, a calm voice entered her ears. "Good morning."

Suddenly, her face turned bright red again; Falling into a panic, Yuanen Yehui struggled to get away from Sheng Feilong, completely flustered, yet the latter didn't let her move, only tightly holding her in place while once again speaking in a calm, loving voice. "Calm down... Nothing happened."

Freezing at his words, Yuanen Yehui stopped struggling, her body shaking like a scared, small animal's. Sheng Feilong kept his calm, loosing his grip lightly, to let her have some room to breath. While speaking in the same calm, loving tone as before. "I'll let you go if you want. I told you, right? That I'd never do anything you don't want. Calm down."

His words seemed to finally reach her; She stopped shaking, pressing her head into Sheng Feilong's chest to hide her face. She remained like that for a short while, listening to his calm heartbeat before speaking in a quiet, shy tone. "Le-Let me stand up..."

Sheng Feilong smiled, loosening his embrace. Yuanen Yehui stepped off the bed, her face still bright red; She stopped in the middle of the room, remembering that this isn't her own, suddenly not knowing what to do. Sheng Feilong sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her with a smile on his face. "Did you sleep well?"

Yuanen Yehui shook slightly at his question, letting her head hang down, though not answering. Sheng Feilong chuckled lightly, not minding her silence. He pointed at a door, then spoke up again. "The door on the left leads to the bathroom. There's a shower as well."

Yuanen Yehui remained silent again, but looked at the door he mentioned to, before glancing at him. Seeing her bright red face, Sheng Feilong couldn't help but smile even wider, causing her to flee into the bathroom, complaining in a low voice. "You're taking advantage of me again..."


Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui walked down the hallways towards the dining room, the former not letting go of the latter's hand the whole time. They found Sheng Lingtian sitting at a table, eating breakfast by himself while reading a few papers. The two of them got their breakfast as well, then sat down on Sheng Lingtian's table. "Good morning, father."

Sheng Lingtian looked up, smiling at Sheng Feilong and nodding. Noticing Yuanen Yehui with his son, his eyebrows rose ever so slightly. "Good morning. You two are already together this early in the morning?" Yuanen Yehui turned somewhat red again, while Sheng Feilong only replied with a nod, not elaborating any further.

It didn't take long before the three of them weren't the only ones at the table any more; Song Weihan came to their table; Not with breakfast, but only a cup of coffee and a newspaper in his hands, though. He quickly glanced at them, nodding his head before wordlessly sitting down. The others were already accustomed to his antics and didn't say anything; They already knew that Song Weihan wasn't a morning person.

"Oh, there you are!" A familiar, cheerful voice greeted the people at the table after a while as She Meixiao slowly walked over to them. A smile was plastered over her face, as always, and she made a beeline to Yuanen Yehui. "I've been looking for you the whole morning! I didn't find you in your room at all; Have you been here the whole time?"

Yuanen Yehui flinched, turning around to She Meixiao with a lost expression. Sheng Feilong turned around as well, greeting She Meixiao with a light bow. "Good morning, Master." She Meixiao nodded at him before turning back to Yuanen Yehui, still with a smile on her face. Sheng Lingtian was oblivious to what was going on, so he didn't pay it too much attention, while Song Weihan side-eyed She Meixiao with a grumpy expression.

"I was at your room earlier, but you were already gone. Where have you been?" She Meixiao pressed for an answer once again, still with a bright smile on her face. Yuanen Yehui got flustered once again, stammering a few words out, while her face got redder by the moment. Of course, She Meixiao didn't let that slide, putting on a worried expression. "Are you alright, Yehui? Your face is all red."

"I- uh, I mean- ah, we-" Yuanen Yehui got more flustered, stammering a bit more before hanging her head low again. She Meixiao's smile got wider the more Yuanen Yehui struggled, while Song Weihan tried to ignore it to the best of his abilities. Sheng Feilong frowned before putting on a deadpan expression, answering She Meixiao instead of Yuanen Yehui. "Yehui has been with me since last night."

She Meixiao was a bit taken aback, not expecting such a straightforward answer, while Sheng Lingtian started violently coughing, nearly chocking on his food, startling everyone else. He stared back and forth between Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui with a terrified expression. "You two, you- The whole night? To-together?"

Yuanen Yehui couldn't take it anymore; Her face was bright red, while her body shook once more. She hid her face not daring to meet anyone's eyes, while Sheng Feilong also started to blush slightly. He cleared his throat lightly, to give himself time to calm down, before looking at Sheng Lingtian. "Father, calm down. We-We've been together the whole night, but we didn't do anything."

"You two... really now? I- Hah..." Sheng Lingtian couldn't form a sentence right now, while She Meixiao looked incredibly surprised. "Oh my... You two have already progressed this far..?" She put a hand on her cheek, looking at Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui with a concerned expression. "I mean, the two of you are already of age, but still..."

For a moment, Sheng Lingtian seemed to have lost his Soul, while Sheng Feilong also got more flustered. He looked at She Meixiao, then back at Sheng Lingtian. "Father, really, nothing happened. We just slept together..."

"No, no, it's alright. Like Madam She said, you're already of age... There's nothing reprehensible about it..." Sheng Lingtian stammered to himself, sighing again and again. He wasn't listening to Sheng Feilong at all at this point, causing the latter to sigh as well before speaking to himself. "He'll calm down eventually..."

Turning around, he found She Meixiao staring at him with a wide smile an interested expression. He hesitated for a moment, glancing at Yuanen Yehui in the meantime, and trying to pacify She Meixiao. "Master, nothing happened, really... We only slept in the same room."

She Meixiao only smiled, nodding with a knowing expression, while Song Weihan drank the rest of his coffee before standing up. He moved past the table, moving towards his office. "Next time, pay more attention to your surroundings, Feilong. If you don't seal up your room yourself next time, about half of the people in the headquarters will know what's going on, even without even trying to spy on you."

Sheng Feilong froze on the spot, staring at Song Weihan's back; He couldn't say anything without it sounding like he was making excuses at this point, especially with his face being flushed red as well. She Meixiao once again smiled widely with a hand on her cheek before leaving as well. "Well, you're free to do as you like today; We'll only start training tomorrow again. But don't overexert yourself..."