Ch 24 The Ancestral Bloodline

The next day…

Gekas was much more docile and submissive, and his mental state was quickly recovering. Though everyone was eager to learn about Ori Realm, they weren't inhumane enough to push a guy who has been through nearly 24 hours of torture.

In the conference room, everyone was gathered they had a new member this time, Adam L. Gekas.

Hari and his brothers learnt Gekas's past in Ori Realm; one-word description about his life in Ori Realm world be "Military Deserter"; betrayed the army and escaped in the face of death.

Thus everyone in the hall except Anil and Hari was in total disdain for the man sitting before them.

Hari believed there was more to it than just what Gekas let out. He couldn't bring himself to imagine a man readily accepting to be a military deserter without any embarrassment.

On the other hand, Anil's thoughts were much simpler he believed that running was the most common thing in the face of death; moreover, he really admired Gekas as a businessman and his slick management skills.

Gekas was standing before the board hung on the wall. Hari and his brothers were sitting around the conference table.

"The world you know has another layer behind the veil of illusion. To be precise, all the ordinary people here are Lesser Mortals, the weakest of human beings and breaking through the limits will make you True Mortal Being.

Behind this world lies – Ori realm; only the True Mortals can access Ori Realm.

When your Spirit liberates, you become True Mortal beings; after which you'll awaken one of the 'Four Ancestral Bloodlines' based on your lineage."

Gekas detected confusion in their eyes and quickly figured the problem. He immediately realized his fault; without giving the rudimentary addition and subtraction, he was speaking about algebraic equations.

"Sorry about that I should have informed about basic knowledge about Ori Realm and humanity as a whole to give you guys a better idea.

First, I'll explain the difference between True Mortals and Lesser Mortals.

Essentially one must understand that mind is just a collection of all intelligence; the people of earth are only aware of one kind of intelligence which is intellect.

In reality, intelligence has several dimensions, 8 dimensions of intelligence to be specific.

We need not go deep into the 8 types of intelligence just know this Intellect and Spiritual Intelligence, one of the Intelligence.

Though exercising all the dimensions of intelligence is their personal discretion; one needs have a way to access all of them. Only then he's a complete human being.

Ideally, all humans will have access to all the 8 dimensions by birth. The 8th dimension, which being Spiritual Intelligence needs a unique organ within the brain called Spirex.

The Spiritual Energy in Earth is near nonexistent. Thus all children here are born with a Congenital disability, one part of their brain - Spirex is underdeveloped.

Whereas these are rare occurrences in Ori Realm, and so the name 'Lesser Mortal'.

Now the only way to break through to True Mortal Realm is from inside. One must get spiritual inspiration from the world and evolve their Spirex.

When you do so, you'll experience a sudden burst of ecstasy; your Spiritual awareness will awaken. Letting you experience life in its purest form.

Because of this reason, many monks and saints are more likely to breakthrough.

Till date, no one has found an external means to forcefully evolve that part of the brain."

Immediately all his brother stole a glance at Hari. Just a week ago they broke through to True Mortal realm by a fruit.

Fortunately, none of them was stupid enough to say it out aloud.

"Now about the Ancestral Bloodlines.

The people of Ori Realm are divided into four races based on the bloodlines – Devas, Humans, Rakshasa and Asuras. Each bloodline has a unique character.

Asuras have resilient Physical Body;

Devas are blessed with Elemental affinity;

Rakshasas have Bestial Transformations;

Humanity awakens Astral Soul.

Throughout the history, for eons Devas and Asuras were killing each other while Humans and Rakshasas conquered each other for land and resources; so they have a history of bad blood between them, to say the least.

But such blood feuds are becoming rarer in recent times. All thanks to the peace treaty enforced a couple of centuries ago.

Presently though all the four bloodlines haven't completely left their hostilities to the past, there are significant improvements; at least they aren't standing neck to neck.

There are already many marriages across bloodlines; though the child can only attain one bloodline.

You'll get a better understanding of Ori Realm once you all gain access; after all, some things are better experienced than explained.

Such as spiritual energy; you can't appreciate such difference without having the first-hand experience."

Gekas finished his explanation and placed the marker back in its place. Everyone silently chewed down and digested all the new information while he was patiently waiting.

The atmosphere in the room was almost similar to a seminar hall in the colleges. The prisoner became lecturer while Hari and his brothers were students.

"Gekas let me quickly introduce everyone before clearing my doubts, shall I?"

Priya politely took Gekas's permission before quickly introducing all the friends.

"The Fatty over there is Rakesh Choudary, you should already know Sushani Gaurav and the silky pants next to Hari is Anil Rathore; To my right is Kiya Shetty and to my left is Rani Shetty; and finally, I'm Priya Shetty."

Priya rapidly gave the introduction; Gekas didn't even get a chance to greet them.

"Now Gekas let's start with the fundamentals; so you're basically saying that some crazy people are living above us and controlling the entire world fooling all the world leaders…"

'Oh, boy!'

Anil mentally signed, he knew what was waiting in store for Priya, provoking Gekas never ended well.

Priya was renowned for her sharp tongue; though she meant no harm, her speech could offend even most tolerant ones on the planet.

"Ah... One small correction, not fooling the leaders. The higher-ups all know the existence of Ori Realm, you're just not significant enough to know their existence."

Gekas didn't get where he's today was being pushed around by others; the main reason Anil admired him was his slick conversational skills.

A few years ago, a cunning journalist lured him into a hideous trap – accusing Gekas of supporting extremist ideologies.

Gekas was too clever, he skilfully dodged every ball, and at the end, he reversed the table; eventually the very last interview in his career for that journalist.

Priya was tongue-tied; she's part of special troops of Military, most of her colleagues aren't good with words, so she always had her way within any conversation.

Unfortunately, today she's met an expert speaker, someone who trumped an Ace Journalist and feared for his vicious sharp tongue. Before the situation got any worse Sushani interfered.