Ch 25 Roots of Ori Realm

"Gekas in all fairness we are one of the few people those old egg hatchers would discuss when it comes to national security; so we're bound to know if those guys were just puppets."

Sushani carefully reasoned, clearing the tension building up.

"No you got me wrong, the leaders of the country are by no means mere puppets; they are full-fledged leaders catering the will of the people.

India is a perfectly functioning democratic nation; people of the Ori Realm rarely interfere with the countries mundane decision.

If I were to ask you; which is superior between the Central Government and State Government, you would point at Central Government without giving it a thought. But that doesn't mean State Government is the puppet of Central Government.

It's the same way the Ori Realm has more powers than Central Government, but there many issues were Ori Realm can't interfere in proceedings of Central Government.

From another perspective, you can look Ori Realm as part of India and not as something above the country."

Gekas stopped to let everything sink in, accepting the new reality is never going to be easy.

"What is my teacher's real identity?"

Hari asked he wasn't having a problem with adapting to the secrets of Ori Realm. After all, Hari himself has a pocket dimension; moreover, he's someone who has conversed with God.

"Sir Jagor Lion is one of the Seven Sovereigns Ori Realm – He's called 'The Gatekeeper'. There are totally seven Sovereigns in Ori Realm, they are the pillars of our country.

Each Race is led by a Sovereign; while the other three Sovereigns are not affiliated with any single race. You need to know about these three powerhouses because only they have roots in Earth.

Sir Jagor Lion 'The Gatekeeper' -

Blur Kilns is an Assassin organization; they are known for being ruthless and efficiently. You might have heard of their Lesser Mortal counterpart 'Code: Yama'.

Siya Zameen 'Zenith Scholar' -

Nalan Research Institute, the largest research organization of the country. It secretly owns more than half the patents out there, and Nalan Research Institute is a department of the World's first University, 'The Nalanda University'.

Charan Verma 'Justice of Karma' -

Oli Village, the biggest monastery of our country; though they don't identify themselves with any religion, though their principles closely walk with Hinduism."

As Gekas went on, Hari and his brothers sucked in cold breath; all the three spheres of influences had control over major pillars of a nation.

Security, Economy and Religion; just their counterparts of normal humans were strong enough to bring the country to its knees.

Everyone went into deep contemplation, each had their own interpretation and take on the Ori Realm. But there's one thing all of them were in consensus, the roots of Ori Realm run deep inside India.

Hari was silently listening to his explanations, now he was certain that something amiss about Gekas; he just couldn't put his fingers on it.

Gekas didn't go any further into Ori Realm, anything more might become, 'biting more than one can swallow.' With his part being done, he left their Conference room. Without Gekas's presence, the room seemed a lot more harmonious and pleasant. Hostility between his brothers and Gekas couldn't be any more apparent, especially Priya.

"As mysterious and attractive as Ori realm might seem we can't afford to lose the ground. The tasks in hand are also very important; they can't take the back seat.

Priya and Rakesh, what are the development of Rishi's family?"

Hari sharply asked waking everyone from the daze.

"Nothing much, we have disguised as a National Census Officer and got into Rishi's house. The silence was the only answer for any inquiry about Rishi be it direct or indirect.

In the end, Suseela produced a copy of the Missing Person Report which has been filed with Police compliant.

As for his children are concerned, both of them hold deep hatred. Rak tried to speak by introducing himself as Rishi's friend only to be ignored with an unfriendly stare. Moreover, we could feel the deep-seated hatred and disgust in their eyes."

Priya informed everything in one breath while Rakesh nodded. Hari silently mulled over considering his next plan of action.

"Things are a lot more complicated than we expected, but we come with a way to rejoin Rishi with his family."

Hari thought-out aloud but all his brothers were not buying his ideas.

"Priya, Rakesh do you guys have any ideas?"

Hari spoke, but he could sense his idea was collectively dissent by his brothers. Still, as a trained soldier, they went to complete their duty whether they agree to it or not.

"Wait a minute, guys if you have disagreement just say it out loud. I'm no longer your captain, and we aren't in the army. We are just a small group of men trying to survive the huge tsunami coming. Even I can make mistakes, so speak your mind."

Hari eyed all his brothers, waiting for someone to change the flow. Till now, it has always been him taking decision with their input, Hari was striving to reverse this trend.

"Hari with everything coming apart why are you hell-bent of interfering in Rishi's life?"

Rakesh bluntly voiced out his thoughts and everyone in the room was in consent.

Though they were in agreement, all them were even more surprised that Rakesh he was always known for being quiet and withdrawn. Only Hari knew Rishi was a significant factor in Rakesh unusual behaviour.


"Do you really think I'm out of my mind? If I was really going around sorting out family issues, wouldn't you be the first person, I'll certainly start with your family?

Not by any distant imagination, a by-stander is going to become more important than my brother.

And I know Ori realm seems to be something beyond us; that's exactly the reason we need to help Rishi.

Only he has the first-hand experience with spiritual intelligence. My breakthrough could be attributed mainly to the otherworldly encounter with the big guy.

All your breakthrough is by the fruit, which also stems from his hands; thus if we have to guide someone into developing Spiritual Intelligence, we need Rishi's help."

Hari eyed Anil as he spoke, everyone knew Anil would need some guidance, and in all likelihood, they won't make a good teacher.

"Rejoining Rishi with his family is for two-fold objective; one, Rishi will be grateful to us, and secondly, more importantly, his family is the bottleneck preventing him.

With his personal life sorted out he's bound to reach True Mortal Realm, sooner or later."

Hari calmly reasoned out, Anil was grateful while others were thoroughly convinced. They were savouring the pleasant experience of being consulted and reasoned with before receiving orders.

These were rare happenings in the army, and things were slowly transforming with their collective efforts.

Slowly one by one everyone left, none of them discussed any further about Ori Realm; as they need to carefully assess every bit of information and finally come to rational interpretation.