Chapter 23 Fuck Alvi101-I Mean Fuck Terrorists

A/N: so I apologized to the people that I offended today. I was in the wrong and as an author I am speaking to a lot of people and you guys read what I say and I should act appropriately.... is what I would never do. Fuck them. Let's get this show on the road! Merry fucking Christmas and I will never apologize to fucksticks. Especially Alvi101. Man go get railed by a crackhead for $5. Anyways enjoy the short chapter! (Like his Peter)


Jake realized that even if he doesn't want to be involved with these people's lives, if something is happening around him that he can stop, he will.

In that moment, Jake did something that will start him down a path that changes the world.


Jake was a little kid when he first saw a Superman movie. He will never forget that even though the movie Superman Returns was a horrible movie, he will always remember the scene where Superman lifts the plane up and sets it down in the baseball field.

And now was his moment...

He flew out the back of the plane and flew towards the undercarriage of it. As he approached the front of it, he puts the plane on his back as he is completely flat on the bottom of the plane.

He tries to fly upwards but it doesn't change the descent of the plane in anyway so he starts to try and manipulate it. Jake tries to push up, push back, pull back.... Nothing worked.

'System! Why can't I move the plane?'

[Host is dumb if he thinks he has the power to be able to adjust a moving plane with a lot of inertia, and redirect it upwards. If hosts strength had evolved to the next tier, host would be able to throw this vehicle around like a toy.]

"Wait! What was that snarky comment about me being dumb and what about evolving my ability? I have asked you about it before but you never told me anything concrete."

While he is talking to the system, Taylor is having a mental breakdown. Her ability was going haywire and she Read the thoughts of people when they were dying. She could feel all of their emotions as they bled out and died. But she did not.

That feeling was causing her mind to break down. She could hear them, begging not to die. They thought about all of the things they wanted to do if they were dying slowly but for those that died immediately like the pilots, she didn't hear their thoughts. Instead she felt them thinking about random things and then there was just silence and that terrified her.

Now Jake finally figured out how to slow down the plane's decent by flying down and pushing the remaining back of the plane down, bringing the nose up a little.

[When the host maxes out an ability, he can evolve it towards the next step. For the ability, Super Strength, host can evolve it. The ability would allow host to activate more and more strength and the more you keep evolving abilities, the closer you can be to becoming the strongest Superman ever.]

With that said, Jake looked down and realized that the plane was definitely going to be coming in hot.

"Fuck Alvi101-I mean fuck terrorists."

Then he flew in front of the plane and prepared for the worst superhero landing ever.