killing you is easy

Inside the meeting room on the second floor of Fate, the atmosphere inside had turned menacingly dark. Even the temperature had dropped like they were standing in the center of Antarctica.

However, despite the drastic chance of atmosphere, everyone kept their eyes on Yue Ling then to Gao Jie.

After staring enough, Fei Tao glance away from the two leaders to the assistant. Glory's leader, who could not attend the meeting had already told him about the incident, so he didn't stay to see what will happen.

All he knows is that Gao Jie reap what he sow.

Looking away, he leaves the room to wait for Yue Ling outside. As he exit the room, quickly following him were Qin Yi, Chu Qiang, Lo Fat, Hung Woo and Steelhead.

Everyone knows their place, as this is a matter between Fate and Snakehead.