keep praying

As Yue Ling's figure walks out of the meeting room, the pleading cries of Gao Jie's voice begs inside. She doesn't know what Liu Shan plans to do, but it didn't take long before the sound of punching echoes into the hallway.

She did not flinch but continue to walk in a certain direction.

It's true that Fate had left the underworld years ago, but that didn't mean she doesn't know what is still going on.

Gao Jie and his Snakehead has committed all kinds of evil acts in the dark and God's judgement is inevitable. Like the old saying goes, what goes around, comes around.

Now that Fate is back for this short period of time, they cannot continue to do their evil deeds.

"Is there a mute button in here? That pig's crying is getting annoying."

Fei Tao's voice sounds from ahead. He had dismissed his men and waited for Yue Ling near the meeting room with Qin Yi and her two subordinates.