fate has in store

Inside a room on the third floor of Fate, the sound of laughter rings as Yue Ling chatted away with Qin Yi and Fei Tao.

They had so much to tell each other as it has been a long time.

Yue Ling sat on one couch as she wipes her tears from laughing too hard at Fei Tao's jokes. She stares at the two people seated across from her and her entire being softens.

In the past, Qin Yi would often visit her to see how she is doing. The middle-aged woman was and still is like a mother figure to her as she lost her parents at a young age.

As for Fei Tao, he is like a younger brother to her. The last time she saw him, he was leaving overseas to settle some family matters. Since he is back in Imperial, it can only mean everything must have been taken care of.

"Yue Ling, if you do not mind, may I ask why you are looking for Chu Li Xiang?"