capture Yue Ling

As Yue Ling finished telling Qin Yi and Fei Tao the incident about Chu Li Xiang's escape and the car accident, neither individual could speak a word.

Qin Yi was quietly sobbing as her hand often raise to wipe her tears with her handkerchief. She wasn't crying for anything else other than the misfortune that fell on Yue Ling.

Just hearing the story was enough to make her heart nearly stop as the pain was too unbearable.

Seated next to the middle-aged woman, Fei Tao press his lips tightly together. His hands clench into tights fists and his expression turned dark.

"Chu. Li. Xiang."

He growls through his clench teeth as it made his body tremble in mass anger.

"Son of a bitch! Just wait until I catch him! I'm going to mince him and feed him to my pets! No, even my pets won't want to eat him. Better yet, I'm going to cut him into 100 pieces!"