Hero vs Hero(?)

In the training field of Dwargo, two people could be seen warming up by doing some stretches. The Hero of Finias Juno and the Champion of Goddess Minerva(?) Leon.

Juno was getting ready for their bet. She was wearing her silver armor. A white kite shield with strange words written on them on her left hand and the holy sword on her right hand.

Leon was wearing his new set which he named "I'm not strong so don't mind me V1.2 set" and on his right hand the "Prototype Black Katana"

(This is a good way to test my equipment and a good practice for holding back)

Realizing this worlds battle standards after reading a lot of books, records, etc. (and Including his estimations) Leon has already figured out the current strength of the Human/Demi Human armies compared to Demons.

Which is in summary as shown below;


Children Lvl 10-20+ (5-15 yr old)

Adult Men/women Lvl 20-100+(Farmer-Hunter)

Soldier Lvl 90-190+ (Trainee - General)

Knights Lvl 150- 250+ (Knight - Knight Captain)

Adventurers Lvl 50 - 400+ (F class- S class)


Normal Lvl 100

Rare Lvl 100- 199+

Epic(General) Lvl 150- 350+

Disaster(Deva) Lvl 500+

Legendary (Demon Lord) Lvl 1000+

As Leon and Juno were preparing for their match. The Hero party as well as Orthorn and Milo were discussing what would happen in their fight.

"Is this really, alright?" asked Orthorn while looking at Juno and Leon who were warming up.

"Don't worry, nothing bad will happen." said Jane as she whispered "Probably"

Milo and Orthorn just smiled wryly.

Juno's "Tantrums" were quite famous in Bermiah. That's why everyone who was smart enough kept their mouth shut. Those who weren't got beat up.

A lot of people voiced their concerns about this violent Hero, especially the Nobles. However, after some investigating in Juno's part. Most of those Nobles were later found out to have connections with Demons. They got executed on the spot, while their families were stripped of their land and title.

"Uhm, ano- Nii-sama is Leon-sama gonna be ok?" asked Saya worriedly.

"Well, judging from how Leon-sama looks. I think he's pretty confident in defeating Juno-sama. I even have this feeling that he has a few tricks up his sleeve. But-" said Meyers as he looked at Juno then continued "It's a little concerning that Juno-sama is really upset. Although, Leon-sama is strong, but if he doesn't take this seriously he might get hurt"

"When that time comes, you'll just have to stop Juno-chan as always" said Jane while smiling towards Meyers.

"That's what I'm concerned about" said Meyers while smiling wryly.

Hearing their words Milo and Orthorn were a little concerned. However, their faith in Leon was still strong. Having witnessed the figh- cough~ slaughter that happened that night both of them thought that they should be on the same level.

As the "Audience" where discussing their concerns. Leon and Juno started a chat of their own.

"Are you really sure you want to do this? You can still back out you know, otherwise I won't hold back" said Juno seriously as she glared at Leon.

"I'm good" said Leon while getting ready. He observed Juno and thought (She's really beautiful. cough cough~ I mean, focus I need to focus. She has good form and probably had military training. That, and the fact that she survived here while being in the front lines for two years means that she is one tough cookie. But, I should probably turn off my reflection so that she won't hurt herself)

While Leon was busying himself with his preparation. He suddenly heard Juno calling for him.

"Ready?" asked Juno.

Leon took his fighting stance, then nodded.

"Alright, you asked for this" said Juno as she dashed towards Leon like a rocket.

Not surprised by her speed Leon awaited for her attack. Juno swung the dull part of her sword at Leon horizontally with everything she got. She wanted to finish the bout immediately so that they could evacuate the civilians.

BOOM! a mini-explosion resounded through the area as Juno's sword made contact with Leon.

"It's over!" shouted Jane happily.

However, to everyone's surprise Leon was standing there like nothing happened. His katana was perfectly blocking Juno's sword.

"Wow, he blocked Juno-chan's frontal charge" said an amazed Jane.

Juno attacked once more slashing and stabbing, even kicking a couple of times.

While dodging and blocking Juno's attacks Leon said "There is no wasted movements on you attacks, however because of that you become quite predictable"

"Shut it!" said Juno as he tried to stab Leon in the face.

(What a vicious woman) thought Leon.

After several exchanges. Juno jumped back and observed Leon. She thought (this guy isn't taking this seriously. Fine then no more holding back)

She readied her sword and once again charged at Leon. When they were only 2meters apart Juno used Smite(rare). Her sword glowed with light and an incredible force could be felt from the blade.

"Take this!" Juno shouted as she slashed at Leon.

Leon dodged Juno's sword with minimal movement, took a stance like a baseball player and slashed his sword towards Juno's shield using minimal strength.

CLANG! a loud sound was produced and Juno was forced back 5meters before she stopped.

Although shocked at what happened, Juno immediately regained her composure then used a skill to disappear in front of Leon.

"She's gone!" said the surprised Milo while the others were keeping quite while observing the match.

"Shukuchi (Rare) huh?, That's a good way to confuse your enemy. However, it's pointless in front of someone who has higher Agility than you" said Leon confidently before he turned to the left and lifted his sword to block Juno's incoming attack.


Another shock wave was formed when both swords clashed.

"How did you? Tsk!" said Juno surprised as she followed up with a shield bash, which Leon avoided easily by jumping back a little.

Getting angrier at Leon's complacent look, Juno pointed her sword at Leon then used a spell called "Holy light(Epic)". Balls of light started to form around Juno. The spell stabilized after less than a second then she fired consecutively at Leon.

(She's Good) thought Leon as he was smiling while dodging and slashing the incoming watermelon sized balls of light.

BOOM BOOM BOOM multiple deafening sounds resounded through the area and dust flew everywhere.

"""Leon-sama!""" shouted the worried Saya, Orthorn, and Milo.

"Don't worry, his unharmed" said Jane with a serious look.

"Something's weird" said Meyers.

"So you noticed too?" said Jane.

"What do you mean Nee-sama, Nii-sama?" asked Saya.

"Although Juno-chan looks like she is going berserk, she is actually very focused right now. She is using her full strength and it seems to be increasing due to her passive skill War Goddess" explained Jane.

"However, the fact that Leon-sama is still taking it easy even in Juno-sama's current state means that he still has some leeway" said Meyers.

"Then isn't Juno-sama in trouble?" said Orthorn with a concerned look while Milo looked at them and was waiting for the answer.

"She is but, I can't say for sure because I cant follow most of what is happening but I know that Juno-chan is strong and she will try to win no matter what" said Jane full of confidence as she looked at Saya while smilling radiantly.

Overwhelmed with Jane's faith towards Juno. The Hero party smiled and then observed battle again. Orthorn and Milo did the same as they had a wry smile on their face.

Back at the fight. After Juno finished her bombardment and after the dust settled down, she noticed that Leon was walking towards her slowly as if nothing happened.

"You should really avoid using epic class Spells inside the castle" said Leon as he pointed towards multiple craters behind him.

"That's your fault for avoiding it" said Juno unreasonably as she thought (This cant go on like this, I need to finish this quickly)


"Your thinking of finishing this now aren't you?" asked Leon while looking at Juno's desperate expression.

"No more talk, let's end this now! Limit Break(Epic)!" shouted Juno as she dashed toward Leon with a speed twice as fast as last time.

"Well I was waiting for you to use that skill" said Leon as he observed the changes in Juno's strength then disappeared from where he was standing.

Shocked, Juno stopped her charge and took a defensive stance.

"Where is he?' said a confused Jane while looking for Leon.

"He's even faster than before" said a shocked Meyers as he is barely following Leon's movements.

"Juno-sama" said Saya worriedly while putting her hands together like praying.

(Let's calm down first, I'm sure he'll appear eventually) thought Juno.

"Behind you" said Leon as he appeared behind Juno.

"Got you, Smite!" shouted Juno as she slashed her blade towards Leon.

BOOM! another shock wave was felt and a large crater of 3meters wide opened the ground. In the center both Juno and Leon were locking swords.

"Nice try, but you should know our difference by now right?" asked Leon teasingly.

"No!" shouted Juno as she gritted her teeth and tried to use every ounce of her power to push Leon.

"Didn't think so" said Leon as he silently casted Dispell.

Loosing all her magic enhancement. Juno was about to jump back to regroup. Sadly, Leon didn't let her. He blinked behind her back and put her to sleep with a hand chop. Juno suddenly lost all her strength and consciousness and fell on Leon's chest.

Shocked at Juno's sudden split second knock out. The "Audience" started to voice their opinions.

"Huh!? What happened? Is Juno Ok? I can't believe our Juno-chan lost" said Jane.

"Is it over?" asked the worried Milo.

"Yeah, Leon-sama won" answered Meyers while still in disbelief. He thought to himself (What did he do to Juno? In the second he knocked her out. I couldn't follow his movements)

"That was a bit anti-climatic" said Orthorn innocently as everyone looked at him with a wry smile.

"JUNO-SAMA!" shouted Saya as she ran towards Leon and Juno and casted Heal on both of them immediately.

"Don't worry, I just knocked her out. She should wake up in a while" said Leon.

"Thank you Leon-sama" said Saya.

"By the way Leon-san when do you plan on letting go off Juno?" asked Jane as she was coming his way while holding "The Manhood Breaker"

"Oh, Jane-san. Would you like to hold her yourself?" said Leon while cold sweat was trickling down his neck.

After he handed Juno to Jane. Leon looked were Meyers was. While grinning he said "With this I've won the bet"

A sigh was let out by Meyers while he was touching his forehead and then replied "Yeah, you have our full cooperation. We'll help you fight the Deva"

"No, like I said. I don't need your help, but if you really insist then help Milo and Orthorn" said Leon.

"I understand, we'll leave the Deva to you and fortify Dwargo so that damage could be reduced to a minimum" said Meyers.

"Good, let's go back to the Dining hall and discuss this further" said Leon as he signalled all of them to follow him.

"Alright" said Meyers as he took the lead to follow Leon.

Behind him were the hero party, the unconscious Juno carried by Jane and Milo and Orthorn.

-end of chapter


- Juno and Leon came from parallel Earth's. The difference in their worlds was that Juno's world started the 3rd world war earlier than in Leon's world. When the war at Leon's world began. Juno's world had already ended theirs. At the 2nd year of Leon's world war, Juno got in an accident which reported her death; or so they thought as she was actually transferred to Bermiah in the form of Hero's summoning.