Gremoria Yuigard

While Leon and Juno were having their "Friendly Match".

A lesser Fire Dragon that was 20m in length and was a symbol of fear for every race was hastily crossing the Sea and was making it's way to Dwargo.

On it's back were two women. One was a 20year old woman, she was a beauty that could make both men and women a like look at her twice if she passed by them. She had Black hair and blue eyes, she has an athletic figure, neither busty or flat has a cute face and looks exactly like an ordinary human. Except for her teeth which resembles that of a shark's.

The "Storm" secretary, Thea Cthulhu.

Because she was intelligent, strong to the point of being able to Match an Epic rank Demon, and also had the talent for strategic battles at sea, she was chosen by the Incarnation of Flames-sama as a General of her private army. However, on most days she was more of a secretary that handles "troublesome stuff" for her Master.

Beside her was her Master a 27years old Woman(not actual age); with blond hair, red eyes, and a busty slender figure. She was a beauty that could make every man crazy. However, she wasn't Human. She was a Succubus and like every humanoid type Demon race, she had traits that differs her from humans/Demi-humans; She had horns that grew on the side of her head; and on her back you could see beautiful pitch black wings which accentuated her seductive figure.

She was kind to her men, but ruthless to her enemies. She was the Incarnation of Flames and Defender of Dragkfur. One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon continent, Gremoria Yuigard.

Because of poverty she in-listed as a soldier in the Demon Kings Army. Although, she was a Succubus that was supposed to be one of the weakest race on the Demon continent. She rose in her rank quicker than any other Demon because of her immense Mana pool and tremendous talent in Fire element magic.

A lot of Demons were threatened by her skills. This included Generals of the Demon Kings Army. They plotted against her and tried to assassinate her many times. However, she was stronger than they imagined. All those famous assassin's that they hired. Not only failed their missions but were also tortured to death while giving her all of their employers information.

With the information and evidence shown to the previous Demon Lord. She challenged the Generals to a "Duel to the Death" which she won by burning all her enemies to cinders.

Amazed by her strength, tactics and intelligence. The Demon Lord dubbed her the title of Flames and gave her the first seat of the Deva's; which had the duty of defending the whole of Dragkfur.

In the 300years that Gremoria has been appointed as Dragkfur's Defender No human or Demi-human groups has ever succeeded in their invasion.

Although, Dragkfur had little to none resources for food stuffs. Their lands were still rich with bountiful mines that could produce Mithril ore. Because of this some greedy Humans and Demi-humans merchants and Nobles tend to invade Dragkfur with their men secretly. Ravaging and plundering boarder-near villages in search for information about the mines.

However, since Gremoria was appointed to her position none of this Invaders ever got what they wanted.

At times she let's go of other invaders and let her spies trail them. After knowing their enemies motives and plots she let's them gather evidence. She reports everything that happens to the Demon Lord. But, that is after she had already decimated her targets.

Although, Human and Demi-human Kings were angered every time this happened. They could still do nothing as they were given proper evidence for the Merchants/Nobles crimes.

Gremoria was also indiscriminate. She had also burned many of her kind. Fools that question the Demon Lord. Criminals that slaughter the innocent, and many others. Be they Human/Demi-human or Demons. She'll burn them all for the injustices that they've done.

Because of that she was hailed as the Hero of all Demons and the perfect example of a Noble Demon(on the surface that is).

Well, that was all that she was. Up until the sudden death of the 76th Demon Lord "Regis Grandeuria Di Dragkfur".

Reports say that he died battling an Elder Dragon(Legend class) while trying to divert it's attention from Dragkfurs Capital. However, upon Gremoria's investigation it was found out that the reports were partially falsified.

There was an Elder Dragon that attacked; and the 76th Demon Lord did fend it off. But, what happened after that was all too blurry.

In the first place why wasn't she informed of the Elder Dragon when she had the highest authority only next to the Demon Lord when it comes to defending Dragkfur.

Furthermore, the so called "only survivor" of the operation was the Demon Duke and 2nd seat Deva "Alex Xeri Di Dragkfur" the brother of the former Demon Lord. Now hailed as the 77th Demon Lord.

"Alex Xeri Di Dragkfur" was known for his discrimination against the Humans/Demi-humans and his strong jealousy towards his brother. Although he doesn't show it in front of Regis. His killing intent would still leak out from time to time when he was a few meters away.

He was a disgusting demon that would kill innocent Human/Demi-human slaves just for the fun of it. He would invade their territory at times just so he could alleviate his boredom.

Gremoria tried to stop him many times. However, she could never pin him down as there would always be a minor distraction that would prevent her from gathering enough evidence. He would always find a way to clean up his mess and get away with. This irritated Gremoria the most.

Alex always suggested retaliation for the Invaders. He even promoted war once which was also supported by the majority of Demons. However, they were always stopped by his brother Regis.

Hate began to form in his heart as he envied his brother's position. He even tried to plot against his brother once. But failed miserably as his brother Regis was still a bit stronger than him. After loosing an eye to his brother he yielded and begged for mercy. Gremoria suggested capital punishment for Alex's treason. But, Regis just shrugged it off and still forgave his brother.

Although, he did strip him of his Authority as a Deva. He gave him another chance as a personal bodyguard of the Demon Lord.

"This was set to both observe Alex and personally monitor him. I know you're suspicious of him but don't worry too much. He is still my brother after all and I have faith that he would change for the better" is what Regis said or that's how Gremoria remembered it.

"That fool of a Demon Lord finally got what was coming to him. This wouldn't have happened if he just listened to me. Sigh~" said Gremoria as she was reminiscing the past actions of the Demon Lord.

"Did you say something Gremoria-sama?" asked Thea.

"No, nothing I was just remembering a fool" said Gremoria.

"I see" replied Thea with a troubled look as she knew exactly who that "fool" she was referring to.

"Is there any new leads on Regis's murder?" asked Gremoria.

"Not at the moment. The last Intel we received was that Alex-sama is currently plotting something big. He is gathering the Nobles and Generals that are in support of his ideals. He may be planning a full on operation against Biringan City" said Thea.

"He's become quite impatient hasn't he?" asked Gremoria.

"Yes, I've also heard that General Bobeer has been assigned to gather some weapons for the operation. He is currently at Dwargo City waiting for our arrival" reported Thea.

"We have to hurry then. Otherwise, that Bastard (Alex) might attack those human cities without living any soldiers on our capital" said Gremoria.

"Uhm, Gremoria-sama if you don't mind me asking. Why is Demon Lord-sama so desperate to conquer Biringan City?" asked Thea.

"Hmm? said Gremoria as her right eye brow raised and a threatening aura leaked from her.

"I'm sorry for my impudence" said Thea hurriedly as she got down on her knees and prostrated towards Gremoria.

Even the Dragon they were riding, shivered when it felt Gremoria's queen like aura.

Gremoria calmed down a bit then said "Well, it's ok to tell you I guess. Listen carefully, except for me who is bound by my last favor to the previous Demon Lord and Bradley the replacement Deva for Alex. The other two Deva's aren't bound to their country let alone to Alex"

"Then why haven't they left the position of Deva if they won't listen to the Demon Lord?" asked Thea.

"They wanted too of course, but the Demon Lord Alex wouldn't let them. That is because they have too much influence. If they were to suddenly leave their positions as Deva that would of course cause an uproar. So Alex let their positions be. However, those two didn't want to be bound to the new Demon Lord as they find him unworthy of their service. Angered by their decision Alex provoked them to make a bet. If he won they would cooperate with him just like when they cooperated with the previous Lord. But, if he lost they would no longer be bound by the shackles of their responsibilities" said Gremoria.

"Was it really wise to provoke those Deva's?" said Thea.

"Well it wasn't, but out of respect for his brother the previous Demon Lord they listened to his proposal and agreed to make a bet with him" said Gremoria.

"Aren't they at a disadvantage because of that?" asked Thea.

"No they weren't; in actuality they were the ones with the advantage as Alex gave them the opportunity to set the rules of the bet. I don't know if it was confidence or just plain stupidity but he was quite sure of himself at that time." said Gremoria.

"That does sound like Alex-sama" said Thea with a complicated look on her face while she imagined the smug-mocking look of the current Demon Lord at that time.

"They set the time limit for their bet to 3years and what they bet upon is whether Alex could conquer Biringan City in this coming 3years. Which is coincidentally ending this coming month" said Gremoria.

"So that's why he was so desperate to request master's participation. He even used master's last favor from the previous Demon Lord just to make sure that the weapons that are going to be used for this operation are properly delivered to the main army" said Thea

"Correct, but that isn't all. You said that he was gathering his Noble faction right? I'm guessing that now that I'm not in the capital. Alex maybe forcing his ideals to the "Council of Nobles"; oppressing them to secure their cooperation. If that happens he could count on a sudden increase of volunteer soldiers. Regrettably I can't do anything about it since he used the authority of the Demon Lord to publicly announce my participation in this operation giving the army a boost in morale" said Gremoria.

"How despicable" said Thea.

"Well nevermind the small stuff, let's just get this escort mission over with. Once, this is over I will no longer be bound to Dragkfur" said Gremoria as she looked forward to her future freedom.

"Haaahhh!!!"shouted Thea to answer as she signalled the Lesser Fire Dragon hurry towards their destination.

-Chapter end


-Highest attained technology are Magic Guns that uses Mana instead of bullets and Gun powder. Courtesy of the Dwarves.

-The planet Bermiah is 3 times Larger than earth. Has 1 sun and 1 moon. A day consists of 28hours, A week is 8 days, months are 34 days and there are 14 months a year.