Battle of Monsters

While Leon and the Hero Party were having a strategy meeting. A commotion inside Dwargo suddenly broke out.

A scout rushed in slamming the doors of the Dining hall.

"Dr-drag - Haaah~Haaahh~ It's a - Haaah~ Dr~ gon.

Panicked, out of breath and unable to calm down. The scout wasn't able to report the situation properly.

"Calm down man" said Orthorn.

"Did something happen?" asked Milo.

"He seems to be very exhausted" said Meyers.

"Saya-chan try to use heal on him to replenish his stamina" said Jane.

"Ok" said Saya as she nodded towards Jane and then faced the scout and casted "Heal!"

Being engulfed with a mild white light. The scout regained his calm and exhausted state was removed from his status.

"Good, now speak. What happened? Why are you so panicked?" asked Juno while Meyers and the others quietly waited for the answer.

"A lesser Fire Dragon has been spotted making its way to Dwargo" said the scout.

"WHAT!?" asked the group in shock. Only Meyers and Leon were still calm about the situation.

Meyers remembered a report he read a few months ago. It stated that a Lesser Fire Dragon is in the command of Gremoria Yuigard one of the four Deva's. He told the group that it was highly likely that the dragon they just saw is Gremoria's Pet.

Leon on the other hand has already been informed by his system a few minutes ago.


System: Scan Detected Disaster Level Monster

Approximate Contact: 40 minutes

Status: Neutral

Companions: 2

(Hmm.. So they aren't a threat, maybe I could talk with them. Plus this is a good chance to meet a Succubus. Anyways let's appraise them first. Fun and games are good and all but let's not get to lax. Especially when there are a lot of people that might get hurt.) Thought Leon.

"Appraisal" Whispered Leon while looking at the dots on his map.


System: Appraisal Complete!


Name: Gremoria Yuigard

Level: 769

Occupation: Heavenly King

Title: Incarnation of Flames, Deva 1st seat, Sage of Flames, Defender of Dragkfur, Cruel, Natural Seductress, Pinnacle of Succubi, Slaughterer of 1000 men, Pure Maiden, etc.

Threat level: Disaster


Name: Thea Cthulhu

Level: 311

Occupation: Battle Secretary(Magic Swordswoman)

Title: Daughter of the Sea, Storm Bringer, Elegant, Perfect Secretary, Lady Tundra Etc.

Threat level: Epic


Name: Spot

Level: 484

Occupation: Young Lesser Fire Dragon(Contracted Beast)

Title: Loyal pet, Mischievous child, Glutton, etc.

Threat level: Epic


(They're stronger than I thought. I should probably confront them at Dwargo's outskirts. That way even if we fought people wont get hurt and damage to the city would be kept to a minimum) thought Leon.

Everyone was feeling hopeless about the situation. Even Meyers was having second thoughts about this fight. A Deva was hard enough. However, they could still manage if they had worked together. Even if Leon would oppose it. He thought that he could convince him once he saw a Deva's true strength.

Now that a Dragon was added to the situation even if its a lesser one. It could still hinder them a great amount of time before they could defeat it. Especially when its flying in the sky and bombarding them with its flames.

Juno stood up and was about to rush out of the room to confront the Lesser dragon. She was going to ask her party to go with her. However, she suddenly remembered her bet with Leon.

She looked at him and asked "Are you still going to fight alone in this situation knowing full well that the Deva is accompanied by a Dragon?"

Everyone looked at Leon's direction and waited for his answer. They were hopeful when they thought Leon might change his mind and let them participate in the battle. If that happens Juno thought that she could also persuade him to evacuate the citizens of Dwargo.

However, their hope was greatly denied as Leon said "Yes, I'm still going to fight alone. You don't have to worry, everything is still within my calculations. Don't try to persuade me to back out again. I already won our bet so you need to fully support me now"

Juno flared up in anger, she glared at Leon for a couple of seconds before she sighed and breathed deeply.

"Alright then, what do you want us to do?" asked Juno.

Shocked by Juno's sudden change of heart Jane worriedly asked her "Juno-chan are you okay? Do you want to lie down?"

Saya followed up with "Should I use heal on her?"

"Stop fooling around!" shouted Juno to which Jane and Saya giggled.

"Not bad" said Meyers then he looked towards Leon and said "You actually convinced Juno-sama"

"Anyways, for now everyone calm down" said Juno as she looked at Leon then asked "So what's the plan?"

"Simple, I will confront the Deva at Dwargo's outskirt. You guys will wait here and defend Dwargo in case they have a separate group" said Leon with resolve this time as he thought (No one shall stand against me and my succubus!)

Juno and her party got taken a back for a moment as they misunderstood the serious look in Leon's eyes. Juno then resolved her self; she decided to believe in Leon and defend Dwargo to her fullest.

"Alright then make sure you don't die. I still have a score to settle with you" said Juno as she smiled towards Leon.

Leon blushed as he was charmed by Juno's smile. "Ri-right" replied Leon as he thought (seriously this girl, that smile is a foul)

"You guys look like husband and wife. However, I still won't hand Juno to you." joked Jane as she hugged Juno from behind and grinned mischievously at Leon.

"Leon-sama, I pray for your success and I'm sure that Goddess Minerva will bless you on your quest" said Saya.

"I won't say much but Good luck" said Meyers.

"Alright, I'll get going then" said Leon as he started to walk towards the door, but before he went out he stopped because he was reminded of one more thing

"What happened? What's wrong?" asked Juno.

"I forgot to remind you guys about the defenses I set up" said Leon.

All of them almost dropped on the floor as they were reminded of why they had a meeting in the first place.

Leon explained to them the defenses he installed.

So in summary. . . ."

Leon had already set up safety margins for everyone even before Juno and her party arrived. He set 65 disposable 20m tall rock Golems(Normal) disguised as ordinary boulders outside of Dwargo walls, 8 human size Iron Golems(Rare); 2 stationed at every entrance, and lastly 8 automatic sentry guns(Normal); 2 sentries for every watch tower for anti-air, range, and anti-personnel purposes.

The only reason Juno and her party was unaware of this defense is because they have never gotten to its discussion. It was mostly due to Juno being asleep for the first half of their meeting.

Having used Limit break and adding their long journey to get to Dwargo took a toll on her body. Being knocked out by Leon was actually quite good for her as her body recuperated a lot after she woke up(Courtesy of Heal Leon secretly casted). Although it did hinder them from continuing their much-needed planning.

Leon also had better items in his inventory made for the purpose of defense. However, he thought that it might not be a good idea to use them. Since except for this normal and rare rated item for defense. Most of his other items were intended for fighting large first rate guilds and are Legend to Myth rated. Not that he ever used them anyway as he was always ambushed by guilds unable to set it up.

He could have also crafted Epic class items for defense but each one of them needed at least half a day to make. Time he currently didn't have.

"Alright that's all of them" said Leon.

"I'd say well done but-" said Jane.

"You over did it" said Meyers.

Although, they did question what a sentry was. Leon was able to explain it to them by saying it was a type of gun that didn't need a user.

"You! you really!" taking a deep breath Juno Sighed~ then said in a lifeless voice" Never mind. Just go!"

"But-" Leon was about to speak but was interrupted by Juno's glare.

"Bye" said Leon as he hurriedly went away.

After Leon left, Juno and her party also went out to make preparations.


At the corner of their table there were guys sitting in silence.

"We've been forgotten haven't we?" asked Orthorn while Milo nodded with a wry smile and said "yeah"

Scout "..."


On the outskirts of Dwargo.

"Juno can be really scary sometimes huh?" said Leon talking to himself.

He looked around and saw a giant flying lizard with two beautiful ladies on its back coming towards his way.

"I need to get their attention somehow. Hmm.." said Leon as he started thinking.

Meanwhile on the back of the Lesser Dragon, Gremoria who was sitting comfortably, when suddenly she raised her head and started looking around.

She noticed the appearance of a suspicious man 50 meters from where they were. Even though he didn't look like much it was weird that he had appeared in a forrest full of B class-A class monsters. And it was also in the vicinity of the City which demons rule.

"Get ready for combat" ordered Gremoria.

Although confused by the sudden order. Thea still took a more convenient stance. She had already experienced countless battle's with her Master. Every time she would suggest a battle stance suddenly. It would usually mean an enemy attack or ambush.

She concentrated on her surroundings, however she still felt nothing out of the ordinary.

Looking around she noticed a man with white hair, red eyes and a semi tall build. His right hand was on his chin and it looked like he was contemplating. She was shocked "When did he get there?" said Thea.

"His been there for a few minutes now. Let's question him why his here. I don't believe we aren't his target since he is standing directly at our path to Dwargo." said Gremoria.

"Yes, Master. However may I request that you let me confront him first" said Thea.

"Why?" asked Gremoria.

"It's because this arrogant Bastard isn't even worthy of your time" said Thea.

Gremoria giggled and said "Alright"

As Leon was still thinking of ways to get their attention. He was suddenly greeted by a strong gust of wind. Looking up he saw the Lesser Dragon descending.

He moved away hurriedly.

A beauty wearing what looked like an office lady outfit jumped off the Dragon.

"Human! how dare you block milady's way. Offer your head for your mistake" said Thea as she took a battle stance and charged at Leon with her Sword staff.

(Another unreasonable beauty!) thought Leon as he dodged Thea's attack with minimum movement and jumped back a little as he saw Thea casting an ice type spell and sent Spears of Ice flying towards him.

"Not bad, but not good enough either" said Thea as a pillar of ice emerged under Leon's foot and entrapped him inside; or so Thea thought, but when she got a better look. Leon was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he!?" said Thea as she got into a defensive stance while looking around.

"Have calmed down now?" asked Leon as he appeared a few meters behind Thea.

Tsk, Thea clicked her tongue as she was irritated with Leon's nonchalant look.

"Who are you, you bastard!?" asked Thea.

"Now you decided to ask. However, I don't think we can talk properly since your distracted with secretly casting a spell. Sigh~ you know what nevermind" said Leon in a tired voice as he suddenly disappeared from where he was standing and appeared behind Thea. Thea reacted by turning her body towards Leon gaining momentum for her Sword staff to strike.

Leon wanted to restrain her with Bind(Epic) which needed to touch the enemy to activate. He could have used a higher rated restraint spell but he thought it would be too much for a delicate girl to handle.

He reached out to Thea's back, but before he could touch her Thea suddenly turned around causing him to accidentally touch her ample breast. Bind activated and Thea could no longer move.

"Kyaaaaaaahh!!" shouted Thea embarrassed.

"Hmm, it has perfect shape and fits just right in my hands. It's soft and squishy and very enjoyable to touch. I will give you a grade of 9/10" said Leon seriously like a food critic evaluating their meal; all while fondling Thea's breast.

Thea glared at him teary eyed as her killing intent towards Leon grew stronger.

Cough Cough

Leon faked a cough and said "Alright, enough messing around. Are you guys part of the Demon Lord Army? Why have come to Dwargo?"

"Why are you asking your questions seriously while fondling my breast!? Remove your hand! Remove it!" shouted Thea.

"No, this is your punishment for attacking innocent people" said Leon seriously as he pinched Thea's delicate cherry.


Thea let out a cute moan and glared daggers at Leon.

Suddenly an enchanting voice resounded from the back of the Dragon.

"Thats enough, stop bullying my subordinate" said Gremoria as she glared at Leon's direction.

"Gremoria-sama forgive me Mhmm~ I failed and was even Mhmm~ caught" said Thea while her breast was continued to be fondled.

Leon looked at Gremoria and he was shocked. He saw a lot of beautiful women since he came to Bermiah, however no one could compare to the beauty in front of him. He thought (A Succubus! Wow, and she's so beautiful I think she's on the same level as Minerva. Huge melons, perfectly rounded butt, a figure which exudes maturity and sexiness at the same time, and a cute seductive face. Yosh! let's befriend her)

"Stop drooling you Bastard! Your not worthy to look at milady" said Thea furiously as Leon was snapped back from his fantasy.

Irritated at Thea's attitude he pinched her little cherry again which made her moan errotically.


"I said release my subordinate!" said Gremoria as she had enough of Leon bullying Thea.

She raised her hand against Leon and casted a spell called flame pillar.

Sensing danger, Leon jumped back a few meters away; and from where he was standing a huge pillar of flames appeared. Thea startled at what happened staggered back a little and tried to find her balance.

Gremoria jumped down from the Dragon and caught Thea in her arms.

"Gremoria-sama I-" Thea couldn't finish her words when Gremoria released her from her Bind and told her "It's alright now, go with Spot and get out of here immediately. I'm going to fight him alone"

"But, Gremoria-sama-

"No buts, he is a strong opponent. He didn't even take you seriously and you ended up in a Bind only after a few moves. Anyway, you and spot would just get in the way if I had to fight him seriously" said Gremoria.

Thea hesitated for a bit then nodded her head. She knows exactly how strong her Master is. If she was serious she could easily level the whole Forrest. However, her power was a double edged sword. Because her power doesn't discern from friend or foe.

Thea went with spot and flew a few meters away from them.

Leon wasnt worried about Thea and Spot leaving and attacking Dwargo. He just let them be as he knew that. That kind of loyal subordinate wouldn't leave their Master's side even if cost them their life. Plus he could see in his map that they were just hovering a few meters away observing them.

"What's your name?" asked Gremoria.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first before asking for my name" said Leon teasingly.

"Hmp, fine then let me introduce myself. I am Gremoria Yuigard one of the four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord" said Gremoria in an elegant manner.

(Oh! such grace.) Thought Leon, he was taken aback by Gremoria's elegance.

"My name is Leon Greed" said Leon.

"Is that it?" asked Gremoria.

"Yes, why?" asked Leon.

"Well, I was just curious. I thought you would say that you were a hero here to stop me" said Gremoria.

"Although, I am here to stop you. I am no Hero" said Leon.

"Hoh~ then why would you want to stop me? Even though your not a Hero?" asked Gremoria curiously.

"Because a lot of people would get hurt. Even if I'm not a hero. It would still leave a bad taste in my mouth if I don't help people within my reach" said Leon.

"Commendable attitude, but do you have the power to back it up?" asked Gremoria as she raised her right hand and casted Fire storm towards Leon.

A huge flame tornado appeared in front of Gremoria's hands and it hastily made it's way to Leon while devouring everything in it's path.

Leon readied his sword and shouted his technique's name "Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu v2 style: Dragon Soar Flash"

Because of his power the tornado of flames was pushed back and eventually dissipated.

"Hoh~ interesting" said Gremoria while inwardly she was astonished. (Using brute strength to forcefully dissipate an epic class skill. What a monster)

She took on a more serious stance and thought (he seems to be on the same level as a Deva. Better take this seriously)

"Ready?" asked Leon as he saw Gremoria take a better fighting stance.

He used Shukuchi (Myth) but he controlled it's effect so that his opponent could just barely follow his movements.

Leon disappeared from where he was. Then Gremoria felt a sudden chill upon her back. She used teleportation to move 10m away.

However, her battle hardened instincts told her that she was still endanger. She casted Fire's embrace(Disaster) immediately and a shield of flames appeared covering her from all directions.

She looked around but she still couldn't see Leon. Irritated by his antics she used Flame buster(Disaster) around her and an explosion as strong as a mini-nuke destroyed the area.


Leon was caught in the explosion. However, because of high defense and fire resistance he was unscathed, but it did stop his movements. Revealing himself to Gremoria. [Author: By the way his reflection aura is still off]

(Quite the monster aren't you) he thought. When suddenly multiple telephone pole sized Spears of flames shot towards him. He dodged some of them and parried most, however everytime he did an explosion would occur and he would be sent a few meters flying due to the shockwave.

When Leon was more than 30 meters away from Gremoria, she stopped her bombardment. Raised both her hands and concentrated her Mana. After chanting a few lines he fired a Fire storm which was a level higher than the first.

Scorching flames shot out her hands and a huge tornado of flames on a scale that could devour a castle was heading toward Leon.

Leon relaxedly took a Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu v2 stance and struck the ground sideways toward Gremoria while shouting "Earth/Land Dragon!". An earth wave of 20meters high was formed and mowed down every thing in it's path while heading towards Gremoria's attack.

Both powers struck each other and an explosion that could be mistaken for the worlds end resounded.


Gremoria's Fire storm was slowly getting pushed back.

"Unbelievable" said Gremoria dumbstruck. She added more Mana to her attack. Her Fire Storm gained more power and it cancelled out the earth waves momentum along with her attack.

Huff~ huff~

Getting exhausted with using to much of her Mana she breathed heavily. She looked around and tried to locate Leon as she kept her guard up.

A few seconds later she saw Leon above her falling from a 10m height.

When he was 5m high he shouted "Dragon Hammer Flash!" Head first Leon gained momentum from the fall; performed a mid air roll to promp up and took a slashing stance with both hands strengthening the power of his downward strike.

Gremoria reacted too late. The blade of the sword was already in front of her. (Am I going to die here?) she thought as for once in her life she got scared of dying. A tear rolled down her face as she closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

But death didn't come for her. The blade of Leon's sword stopped a few centimeters above her head.

She heard the voice of Leon saying "I win"

Leon lowered his sword and faced Gremoria with a smile.[Naruto Smile]

She opened her eyes and saw the man she just fought to her very limits smilling confidently at her.

She felt an unfamiliar feeling on her chest. Her heart was beating faster than normal. She wasn't nervous anymore, on the contrary she felt more energetic when he saw Leon smile.

Leon said to her "Can we finally talk now?"

Unable to think properly because of what she was feeling she replied "Eh? Ah, yes" absentmindedly while her face started to blush.

Seeing Gremoria's response Leon thought (What the hell is this cuteness!? Is she embarrassed? I can't take this! it's overwhelming. Her cuteness level is over 9000!!)

While Leon was lost in his thoughts. Gremoria got herself together and asked a question.

"Why did you spare me?" she asked.

Leon got back from his thoughts and replied "It was never my intention to kill you. In the first place I only wanted to talk but you guys, especially that little miss shark teeth attacked me for no reason"

"I see" said Gremoria then she recalled what happened.

"MASTER!!!" shouted Thea as she and the Dragon was fastly descending towards Gremoria and Leon.

When they were only a few meters away Thea sent dozens of Icicle Spears toward Leon while Spot the Dragon breathed fire towards him.

Startled at what they suddenly did. Gremoria was too late to stop them.

Leon dodged their attacks and was visibly getting irritated.

Jumping off the Dragon. Thea went to Gremoria's side and tried to pull her away.

"Master, hurry let's get out of here while Spot distracts that monster" said Thea.

Dumfounded at what was happening. Gremoria couldn't say a word.

Having exceptional hearing because of very high stats, Leon heard Thea calling him a monster. Leon stopped dodging the Dragons attacks then activated his Dragon Fear(Myth).

Gremoria, Thea, and the Dragon spot all fell to the ground kneeling. An incredible pressure that is far more terrifying than killing intent exuded out of Leon.

Then they heard the voice of a monster.

"I was going to spare you, since I've long forgotten your offense earlier, but now-" said Leon as he walked towards Thea.

They weren't sure if it was due to the pressure or because they were currently on a fear state. But one thing was for sure. Leon was getting more and more of a monster in their views.

Gremoria tried to speak up for her subordinate. However, she failed to do so because her body was getting heavier and heavier everytime Leon took a step closer to them. She looked around and found that Spot has already fainted and bubbles were forming from it's mouth. Thea on the other hand was still struggling to keep her consciousness.

When Leon got in front of them. The pressure they felt got 10times stronger. However, Gremoria suddenly felt strength in her. It was the strength of not wanting her precious subordinate die. He said as loudly as she could "Spare her please" then reached out to Leon.

However, Leon never even looked at her as he made up his mind and said "No"

Thea felt cold sweat running down her back as Leon was right in front of her. He reached out his hand and Thea had accepted the end.

Gremoria was trying her best to crawl towards Thea. However, she was too late.


She heard Thea scream and the pressure she felt was gone. She closed her eyes and regretted. All of this happened just because of a misunderstanding. She resolved herself to fight Leon once more. However, that resolve was wasted as she heard a female voice in ecstasy.

Mhmm~! ahhh~ ahh~ mhmm~ ahh~ Hyann~!

When she looked up she was dumfounded again. She saw Leon embracing Thea while kissing her strawberry colored lips.

"This will be your punishment, beauty-san " whispered Leon to Thea's ear as he once again kissed her. Thea blushed like a ripe tomato her anger and fear all turned to embarrassment when Leon kissed her.

Having experienced a kiss for the first time in her life Thea felt confused, anger, then embarrassed, then something else entirely.

Because of her attitude even though she was beautiful no one ever had the guts to date her.

She was also bullied quite frequently when she was a child. The bullies would always tease her about her teeth. How no man would be willing to kiss her because they would be too afraid of her bitting off their lip. This caused her to loose hope in any kind of romantic relationship that's why she was always so cold and only minded her work.

Now however, a man that wasn't afraid of her took the initiative to kiss her lips. She struggled to break free at first, but soon she succumbed to the pleasure and let Leon do what he wanted. She even took the initiative at some point. Both of them were in a daze of pleasure.

Seeing that Thea was alright Gremoria felt both happy and conflicted.

She glared at Leon and spoke in a demanding voice "Can I please have my subordinate back"

Leon snapped back from his daze and looked at the beauty in his embrace. He thought (Crap, I over did it!)

Thea also snapped back from her daze, but she still wasn't willing to separate from Leon.

Gremoria got mad at their site and shouted "Thea snap out of it and come here"

"Ah, yes master!" although unwilling Thea got out of Leon's embrace but before she did; she kissed him again on his lips before making his way to Gremoria.

Leon thought the gesture she made was cute and smiled happily. Seeing his smile, Gremoria got irritated and she subconsciously fired a fire ball towards him.

Leon didn't dodge and was hit on the face. He faked being hurt and looked in Gremoria's direction. He asked Gremoria "What was that for?"

Gremoria just shrugged at him and harrumphed.

"Hmp" then turned away.

Gremoria waited for Thea to wake Spot the Dragon up then they called Leon over and started their conversation.

-chapter end


-Humans barely had records of the Demon Continent. Even the information they received in the capital still had discrepancies. This was the reason Juno and the hero party thought that the Deva's are within the same power level.

Deva ranking:

1st seat - Gremoria lvl 769

2nd seat - Undecided lvl 712

3rd seat - Undecided lvl 603

4th seat - Bradley lvl 576

-Leon learned the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu technique's from a famous anime he watched as a child. He reconfigured the technique for practical use and renamed it Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu version 2 or v2. Although he couldn't use it in real life. He's broken of an Avatar could in game. It even showed better results because of his Swordsmanship(Myth) which corrected some of his movements. Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu v2 is not a skill but a set of techniques. It's power greatly depends on the users stats.