
Back at Dwargo when Leon just left. Juno and the Hero Party where finalizing their Defenses.

They set a bombardment squad which consists of 15 Archer's, 10 magicians, and 10 Dwarven Gunner's on the front wall on top of the main gate(Southern). While leaving 5 Archer's, 3 magicians and 1 Dwarven Gunner in each and every other gate.

Since they new where the enemy attack will come. They focused their Defenses on that side of the wall.

They turned off the sentry gun's automatic function as well and made 8 dwarves control them instead. This was to ensure that they themselves wouldn't be hit by the sentries.

The 2 Iron golems that we're set up in the front gate was relocated at Dwargo's 2 main canals. It was Meyers tactic for anti-sewer ambush.

The front gate which the 2 golems were. Was now the location of the main combat force. This includes the Hero party, Orthorn and Milo and a few other veteran members of the resistance.

Orthorn was talking to another dwarf. Listening to his reports about the prepared defenses.

"Sir" said the dwarf while saluting at Orthorn.

"At ease, how are your preparations?" asked Orthorn.

"Hah!/Yes!, reporting. Northern, and Western wall defenses have been completed. However, one of Eastern gates magician fell ill a few hours ago so we are currently understaffed in that position. We sent the ill magician to Saintess Saya for healing but it was to no avail as the magicians sudden frailty/sickness was due to his old age" said the scout.

"Hmm. Take a Dwarven Gunner on the Southern gate named Doniv. Take the prototype launcher at the Smithy and give it to Doniv. Crank said the launcher he made had the power to fire rare class explosion magic. Although, the charging takes a few minutes it should compensate the eastern gates lack of Magician" said Orthorn.

"Hah!" answered the Dwarf.

"Anything else?" asked Orthorn.

"Nothing else sir!" said the Dwarf.

"Then go back to your position" said Orthorn.

While Orthorn supervised the soldiers preparations. Meyers and Milo went to the murky, maze like sewers to set up the two Iron golems on the main canals of Dwargo.

"Here we are. This is one of the main canal that connects Dwargo to Lifela River" said Milo as he pointed at a tunel that could fit several people in front of them.

"I see, although it's highly unlikely that those Demons would use this tunel to attack. It's still better to keep this tunnel in check. We could also use this as an escape route in case the worst would happen" said Meyers.

"Well then let's set a golem here. T#8 please defend this tunnel from demons and hostile intruders" said Milo.

"Affirmative!" said a handsome muscular man with 1.88m in height and resembles a certain former Actor/Governor of California. This Iron golem was a limited time edition quest item. Although, only rare class a lot of people wanted to buy one because they Idolized the person as well as loved the movies that certain actor made.

"I still can't believe that this thing is a golem" said Meyers.

"Well, you and me both" said Milo.

"Anyways, let's go we still have to set T#9 at the other tunnel" said Meyers.

"Alright, bye T#8" said Milo.

"Hasta Lavista Baby" responded T#8


Meanwhile, Saya set up a first aid center near the Southern wall. Soldiers that are injured sick or incapacitated would be healed here by Saya and another priestess named Hyurin.

Jane and Juno was inspecting the rock golems set up in the Forrest. If they found the golems position in a disadvantageous position they would move it to a more strategic place.

Everyone was busying themselves with different tasks, when they suddenly heard a huge explosion.


Shocked, everyone rushed what they where doing and went back to Dwargo's Dining hall/Temporary Headquarters.

At the Dining hall/temporary Headquarters.

Everyone was there except Milo and Meyers when Juno and Jane just arrived.

"What's Happening?" asked Juno.

"We don't know, Milo and Meyers-san went to the Southern tower to investigate" said Orthorn.

"Everyone Look Outside!" said Saya panicked.

Although, their view was a little obstructed by a wall. They could still the see the once blue sky a few seconds ago darkened by black clouds.

"What in Goddess Minerva's name is happening?" said Jane.

"Let's go to the Southern tower" said Juno calmly as she rushed out of the door immediately. She may have looked composed but her actions speak otherwise.

Orthorn, Jane and Saya looked at each other nodded then followed Juno immediately.


At the Southern tower. Milo and Meyers were discussing something when Juno and the rest barged in.

Juno found Meyers and Milo and was about to ask them something. However, Saya and Jane beat her to it.

"Nii-sama! What's happening?" asked Saya.

"Meyers what's the situation?" asked Jane.

"Calm down everyone" said Milo.

"How can we calm down!? When it's practically war outside!" said Orthorn.


Meyers sighed for a moment as he thought (I'm gonna be visited by my old friend Headache-san again)

He faced Juno and the others and explained the situation "The sentry told us that a Dragon landed in the Outskirts. We assumed that it was Leon-san and that he is currently facing the Deva, hence the explosions"

"Leon!" said Juno. She new Leon was holding back against her but to have a difference between them by this much shocked her thoroughly.

"Are you sure it was him and not the Lord of this Forrest?" asked Jane. [A/N: Dire Wolf King refer to chp 3]

"Yes were sure, we've seen the Lord of this Forrest and we can say with certainty that it wouldn't last long against a Dragon, much less a monster that could cause such destruction" said Milo

"Is Leon-sama alright?" asked the anxious Saya.

"Yeah, is he alright?" asked Jane as Juno kept quiet and waited for the answer.

"Unfortunately, we don't know" said Milo.

"What do you mean you don't know?" asked Juno a bit agitated as she narrowed her eyes at Milo.


"Juno calm down. We don't know because we really don't have a handle on this situation" said Meyers.

"We have limited view from this tower and we really can't discern what is happening. We could dispatch scouts. However, it's practically suicidal to get close to them. That's why we are practically in a bind regarding the situation right now" said Milo.

"Tsk, I mean I see" said Juno when rumbling sounds could be heard and a miniature earthquake was felt.


"Something is happening again" said Milo as he rushed towards the tower windows.

Everyone did the same and peeked at what was happening on the outskirts.

What they saw shocked them. A sideways tornado of flame that was a little larger than the empire State building on earth was heading towards a giant wave of earth that could practically devour the whole Castle.

Both powers collided and another explosion resounded.


"Kyaaaaaaahh!!!" shouted Saya.

"Shit!" shouted Orthorn.

"What the heeeelllllll!?" said Jane.

While Milo and Meyers was speechless of the spectacle. A mushroom cloud was formed due to the explosion.

"We shouldn't have let Leon go there by himself" said Juno as a flash guilt hit her.

"Juno-sama?" said Saya as she looked at Juno.

"We have to help him- No, I have to help him!!" said Juno before she jumped out the towers window and rushed towards Dwargo's Outskirts.

"""JUNO-SAMA/CHAN!""" shouted the group in unison.

"That foolish child!" said Jane in an angry tone as she snapped back from her daze. She looked at Meyers and said in a hurried tone "Meyers hurry we have to stop her"

Meyers nodded then faced Milo and Orthorn "Right, Orthorn-san, Milo-san, I'm sorry but could you take care of things here. We're going after Juno"

"Alright" said Milo with a understanding look.

"Take care and make sure you bring her back safely" said Orthorn.

"Nii-sama, Nee-sama, Hurry, hurry!" urged Saya as she prayed in her thoughts (Please Minerva-sama, don't let anything happen to Juno-sama)

"Right" said Jane.

"Let's go" said Meyers.


Near the outskirts of Dwargo. Juno could be seen rushing towards the direction of the last explosion that occurred.

(Why did it suddenly turn quite. Is it over? What happened to that idiot Leon?) pondered Juno as she was about to increase her speed. Then she sensed people following her from behind.

Jane, Meyers, and Saya caught up with Juno immediately due to Saya and Jane's support magic Agility up(Rare) and Blessing of the Wind(Rare).

"Juno-chan Stop right there!" shouted Jane in an angry tone.

"Haa~ haa~ Ju~no haa~ shama~ shtop!" shouted Saya while out of breath.

Juno looked back in surprise, but it only took a moment. She stopped and waited for her party to arrive, and when they did she asked them "What are guys doing? Why did you follow me? It's dangerous here, go back"

"We- Saya was about to say something when Jane stopped her.

Jane went to Juno in hurried steps "J-U-N-O!" then she hit her in the head.


"Ugh~ that hurt" said Juno teary eyed.

"Why did we follow you!? Of course because we're worried about you! And it's exactly because it's dangerous here that we came here for you, Idiot Juno!!!" said Jane lecturingly.

"R-right haa~ haa~ right" could be heard from Saya while still catching her breath and while Meyers on the side nodded.

"I-I dont~"

Jane cut her off and said "We know your worried about Leon-san and we could guess that you feel responsible for sending him alone to fight. But you shouldn't be worried, like he said he is strong. Even if he couldn't defeat the Deva he could still properly escape"

"But I~

"No buts, it was that bastards decision to fight alone in the first place. Coming here and endangering yourself is a stupid decision. You saw what they could do. You'll just be swept away if you got close to them" said Jane.

"But I can't just standby and do nothing!!" shouted Juno starring straight at Jane.


Jane held her forehead then sighed, she said calmly "We know that's why we came as well"

A bewildered Juno went "Huh!?"

"Well we're your party members are we not? We can't just let you go in such a dangerous place alone. Parties aren't like that, you knew that from the very first day you invited us to go on adventures, you were stuck with us. Plus at least with us you'd have a better chance of survival, right? said Jane as she blinked at Juno.

Juno was touched as she said tearfully "I'm sorry, I forgot that I had such a reliable party. It was truly my mistake Jane Nee-sama"

"Well it's good that you know" said Jane with a smug face.

"I'm glad that it finally worked out" said Meyers the he looked at Juno and continued "Juno always remember that we are your family and that we would do anything in our power to help you out"

"That's right you should rely on us more Juno-sama" said a Saya that finally regained her strength.

"Yes, and Thank you" responded Juno with a smile.

With a brand new resolve Juno was now ready to face the Deva.


"Now then let's go and - Ughh!! wha-what is this?" asked Juno as she lost power in her legs and knelt down on the ground unwillingly. She was about to faint, when she activated her Limit Break skill gaining her strength to not lose her consciousness. However, she was still unable to stand.

She looked at her companions and found that both Jane and Saya had fainted. While Meyers was struggling to keep his consciousness.

Meyers called out to Jane and Saya, but they didn't respond making him worry.

The sudden pressure was just to strong and terrifying. Back at the previous world she already experienced each and every type of suppression, but this. It was like a baby was standing face to face with an apex predator. They could do nothing but submit to their fate subconsciously. [A/N: Dragon Fear]

"Is this the strength of a serious Deva?" asked Juno while Meyers responded with a "I don't know, I haven't encountered anything like this before"

Suddenly just like how the pressure came it suddenly disappeared.

"It's gone?" asked Juno as she began to stand up and walked towards Saya.

"Seems so" said Meyers as he did the same and checked on Jane.

"Could this mean that Leon has won?" asked Juno as she gave Saya a potion.

"No- I don't know. For now stay on your guard while I wake Jane up" said Meyers as he gave Jane a potion as well. He was going to deny Juno's speculation, but since the suppressing aura was cut off immediately as if it was killed off. He wasn't sure.

A few minutes later Jane and Saya woke up and Meyers explained what happened a few minutes ago. Meyers wanted to go back to check on Dwargo, but was denied by Juno as she wanted to check on Leon. They argued for a moment but immediately decided to split up. Meyers will check on Dwargo while Juno, Jane, and Saya would go look for Leon.

A few minutes of walking Juno and company finally arrived at the Outskirts of Dwargo. They looked at the battlefield which had multiple large craters in them. Was a war fought here they thought.

Looking around they saw Leon a few meters away having tea and a friendly chat with an incredibly enchanting Demon, a beautiful secretary with shark teeth, and a Lesser Dragon.

They didn't attack immediately because it looked like they were having a lot of fun. Smiling and laughing at times.

This made Juno irritated, Jane enchanted (by Gremoria's beauty), and Saya dumfounded.

-chapter end