Emergence of a new Threat(?)

At Biringan City; In one of the many adventurer guilds.

Mason a newly appointed S class adventurer was having a Merry time with his party.

"We slayed quite a few Demons today" said Corona the female Archer.

"Yeah, but let's not put our guard down just yet" said Bert the Assassin.

"We've been fighting these damn Demons for days now. Relaxing for a bit should be fine" said Kurt the Magician.

"Relaxing for a day is fine and all, but make sure you guys re-stock on your Expendables. Remember a potion can still heal you faster than my Heal(Rare) even if it's not as effective" said Gheral the priest.

"That's because you intend to fight more in the frontlines rather than doing your job to heal in the rear" criticized Corona as she gazed at the bulging muscles of Gheral the priest.

"""Yeah!!""" agreed the others as they laughed together.

"Hahahaha, they got you good old friend" said Mason.

The sight of adventurers gathering and drinking, laughing and even grieving for their lost friends could be seen in the guild.

He saw the elven beauty Lily the receptionist on the counter handling requests and compensation to the adventurers.

Mason always admired her, ever since he joined the guild. It was love at first sight. He confessed his love to her a couple of times when he was still young. However, Lily never took him seriously. At some point Lily got irritated at him that's why she gave him a condition; and that was, if Mason reached the pinnacle of adventurers she would consider dating him.

After 10 years of blood, grit, sweat and tears. Mason finally reached his goal and became the 7th S class adventurer.

Lily was genuinely surprised when she saw Mason ascend to his current position. She remembered her condition for him and felt impressed and touched; and saddened. She thought that now that Mason was an S class. He would've forgotten her and would fall for someone else. But his actions proved otherwise, which made Lily really happy. If Mason was still willing to be with her, she thought that she would answer Mason's feelings for her this time. However, that was when the Demons attacked.


Mason sighed and thought that if those damnable demons hadn't attacked he would've proposed to her and get married.

With his earnings as an S class adventurer. Mason had enough money for Lily to retire, raise kids and live a life of simple luxury.

Just as he was contemplating a huge pressure was suddenly felt by the adventurers. It felt like they were facing an Elder Dragon while it was barring it's fangs at them ready to Attack.

A lot of them collapsed on the ground while the strong ones were either kneeling or lying on the floor trying to stay conscious.

"A-are we under attack?" asked Mason. However, no one answered him as everyone except for him in his party was unconscious.

"I can't!?" shouted an almost unconscious Mason. But before he could faint the pressure finally faded and he was able to move again. He checked on his party members first and after confirming they were okay. He went to the guild master's office and reported what happened.

After his report it was agreed upon by the guilds higher ups that everyone should stay alert and be vigilant. Because the Aura that they felt was speculated to be from either a Dragon or a Demon Lord.


At the Demon Lord's castle at Dragkfur continent.

"Wha-what is this pressure!?" asked the Demon Minister Sandrel before he kneeled down the floor trying to get a hold of his consciousness. Similar situations was happening all around the castle.

Except in the Demon Lord's throne room.

"Such intense aura, is it a Dragon!? It should rival- No it should be stronger than the Elder Dragon the previous Demon Lord had fought" said Bradley standing rooted in his place.

He had secretly followed the previous Demon Lord's party when they fought the Elder Dragon; in accordance to Alex-sama's will. He saw the strength of the Elder Dragon that only a desperate Demon Lord along with the assistance of few elite Demons could handle.

However this power this pressure is far stronger than what that Elder Dragon released. He shivered thinking the possibility of this new threat opposed.

"Bradley" said Alex Xeri Di Dragkfur in a seemingly nonchalant yet prideful voice.

"Yes! Demon Lord-sama" said Bradley as he forcefully used all his strength to turn towards the Demon Lord.

Shocked, he saw the Demon Lord seemingly unaffected by the unknown pressure. Then the pressure dissipated as if it was never there and he was able to move again.

"Bradley, gather your elites and investigate where that pressure came from. If my guess is correct then that pressure should be from Nadia" said the Demon Lord.

"Yes" said Alex then he started thinking.

"Hmm~ As for you, go to Dwargo and assist Gremoria on his mission. The operation in Biringan City is in it's critical pace right now. I can't tolerate failure. Now go!" said Alex.

"As you will, Alex-sama" said Bradley as he vanished from where he was.


At Sadia Forrest; in a large tree that towers over 300meters.

"Keuk-what is this!?" asked Raxxier von Maple the Elven Chieftain as he was crouching down the ground.

Suddenly the office door was slammed open by a fragile looking woman. However one shouldn't be fooled as she is one of the strongest elves on Sadia.

"Father!?" shouted Raneria Von Maple head warrior of the Elven army as she lifted her father up and made him sit in a comfortable position while his back was against the wall.

"Raneria, my daughter. How are you able to move!?" asked Raxxier shocked.

"I have the "Blessing of the Great Tree(Epic) which reduces the effects of negative status" said Raneria.

"I see, so Great Tree-sama choose you" murmured Raxxier.

"Did you say something Father?" asked Raneria as she tilted her head.

"No it's nothing" said Raxxier.

Suddenly the pressure was gone. Raxxier was confused, but he didn't show it on his face due to his many experience as a chief. He answered his daughter in a serious tone.

"I feel that this pressure is coming from Nadia. Biringan City might be in a lot of trouble. If my speculations is correct the Demon Lord might've personally made his move" said Raxxier.


"You mean- Then there's no time to loose. We have to mobilize the army and send more reinforcement to Biringan City" said Raneria as she stood up and was about to leave.

"Stop! Calm down my daughter" said Raxxier as he walked towards his chair and sat down.

Raneria stopped in her tracks. She asked "Why!?"

"Because sending our troops to Biringan might be a plot from those Demons. Leaving our home defenseless might be what they want" said Raxxier.

"I see" said Raneria.

"We should send our scou- No" said Raxxier then he looked at Raneria, contemplated then continued "Daughter although it pains me to say but I ask you this, please go to Biringan City and investigate what is happening. This is a mission of great importance and no one is currently as strong as you amongst the elves we have here. Send us a report through carrier pigeons after you confirm everything there"

"I-I understand Father. Leave it to me. I'll travel right now to Biringan City. With Wilson's(The Six Legged Horse) speed I should be able to arrive there at a week's time" said Raneria.

"Good. I wish you luck my daughter and may Great Tree-sama guide you" said Raxxier.

"Yes!" said Raneria before she left the room.


At Finias Holy Capital.

Magmell the Pope of Goddess Minerva's church was sleeping peacefully when a sudden pressure woke him up. It was only for a few moments but Magmell still called out in a fluster "Saya! Saya! Saya!!!" he shouted.

Saya was like a daughter to Magmell. He would always dot on her when ever he had a chance. He was overly protective of Saya, enough that he even had suspicions on Meyers back then. However, Jane had proven him innocent when she said that Meyers was only interested in men. Which was totally made up by Jane.

Now that trouble was brewing even though he new Saya wasn't there he still called out in a panic.

The door in his room opened and the Templar commander Reynold came in.

"Pope-sama please calm down. Saya-sama is currently in Nadia with the Hero Party" said Reynold.

"Did you feel it Reynold!?" asked Magmell.

"Yes, and I confirmed that it is coming from Nadia. It may be the Deva Gremoria or another Deva Pope-sama" said Reynold.

"Heavens, little Saya might be in trouble. Send your top Templars to Nadia and secure her safety" said Magmell.

"Understood' Said Reynold.

Although it was unreasonable. Reynold didn't question the Pope's orders and went ahead to ask about his decision for Biringan City. "What about Biringan City and the Alliance?" asked Reynold.

"Hmm~ there's that too huh? Have your Templars investigate the Aura while their there. We'll move according to their report" said Magmell.

"Yes" Said Reynold then he left the Pope's room.

(Please, Minerva-sama protect Saya for she is your most devoted child) prayed Magmell.


Similar situations where happening all around Bermiah. However, the one that caused all of this commotion; the "threat" that came out of nowhere and flustered everyone was currently having tea surrounded by multiple beauties.

-chapter end


- Dragon Fear is stronger the closer you get with anyone. Since Finias was the farthest from Nadia they could feel less effect from the Aura.