
It was late afternoon in Dwargo and people have been on guard for more than 30 minutes when a huge aura of pressure hit them.

Meyers arrived at Dwargo 15minutes after the Aura subsided. What he saw when he arrived there where unconscious men laying on the ground. Meyers woke them(O & M) up and explained the situation, all while fortifying the whole base by setting their Defenses at automatic.

Although anxious he still waited for the arrival of Juno and the rest in Dwargo.


Back at Leon;

Currently he was facing an angry Juno with swords drawn trying to figure out what was happening.

"Juno w-wait~ Calm down" could be heard from Leon while he was dodging Juno's attacks.

"You traitor, I knew it. You are in league with those Demons! shouted Juno as she casted spell after spell aiming at Leon's crotch "Holy Light! Holy Light! Holy Light"

"Woops! Hey! Wait! Stop aiming at my son!!!!" shouted Leon as he looked at Jane and Saya's direction pleading to stop Juno.

However, the reaction he got wasn't what he expected. Jane made a neck slicing motion with his hands while grinning evilly, Saya on the other hand just averted her gaze as if it had nothing to do with her.

How did this happen you ask? Well, to explain let's go back a few minutes ago.

Leon was facing Gremoria, and Thea while Spot was sleeping. They were having tea and were discussing their affairs.

"So why did you come to Dwargo?" asked Leon as he faced Gremoria. He lifted the cup of tea and took a few sip.

Gremoria didn't answer and just looked at Leon curiously. She had regained her cool and was back to her composed self.


Thea faked a cough as though to signal her master Gremoria. However, she still didn't respond. With a wry smile he asked Gremoria for permission to answer Leon's question. Gremoria responded with a nod without averting her eyes at Leon. Then Thea faced him and answered his question.

"We were sent here to Dwargo for an escort mission" said Thea.

"Escort mission?" asked Leon.

"Yes, Escort Mission. To be precise, we were to escort the Dwarven arms forged by those Black smith's of Dwargo to the Main Army stationed near Biringan City. It's for another invasion attempt at Biringan" said Thea.

"I see" said Leon as he followed with a question of "What's a Biringan?"

Keuk! Cough! cough!

Thea almost spat her tea out as she heard Leon's question.

"You don't even know what is happening at Biringan City!?" asked Thea while Leon only tilted his head.

Gremoria for the first time on the conversation spoke to Thea saying "Calm down"



Milo had already explained everything that happened in the last 3 years of the Demons invasion. Biringan City was also part of the topics he mentioned. However, Leon never really listened to his explaination as he thought that it wasn't really important.

Thea sighed and explained Biringan's situation to Leon. She told him about the invasion, the importance of the city to Humans and it's disadvantage if it was conquered by the Demons.

Again Leon didn't listen, he only looked at Thea's face in a daze and continuedly nodded.

"Do you get it now?" asked Thea.

"Huh? ah yeah?" said Leon.

"Really?" asked Thea a little doubtful.

"Yeah in other words I just have to "Destroy" Biringan City right?" said Leon confidently with a smug face.

"I think you mean Defend" Sigh~ said Thea exasperated.

"Hmm? Leon thought it over and said "ah yeah I meant Defend. Yeah, Defend"

"Nevermind, this is hopeless" said Thea as she facepalmed.

pfffft! hur hur hur!

Gremoria giggled at their exchange. She looked at her reliable secretary who she thought could do anything and everything in any given time. Having trouble explaining simple facts to an idiot or someone acting like an idiot.

Both of them looked at Gremoria laughing and began to laugh as well.

"You are quite the interesting human Leon" said Gremoria as she looked at Leon like a cat ready to pounce on her prey.

"I've heard that from a lot of people and I've always thought of it as someone mocking me, but now that a beauty like you has said it. It feels quite good so I'll take it as a compliment" said Leon.

"You should as I rarely compliment anyone" said Gremoria.

"Yes she rarely does" said Thea.

"Well thank you for that" said Leon as they all laughed some more.

After laughing for a while, Leon began to contemplate about something. He looked towards Gremoria and Thea and said "yosh!" in his thoughts as if he has made a decision.

Then his atmosphere suddenly changed. Gremoria and Thea were startled and even Spot the dragon woke up and ran away.

Leon looked at Gremoria and Thea he stood up and faced both of them. Then-

"I-" Leon

""I?"" said Gremoria and Thea as they audibly gulped. (What is this pressure he is emitting? It's different from last time. Why is he being so serious all of a sudden? Don't tell me- Is he going to ask about the secrets of the Demon King's Army? Were we to relaxed that we couldn't read his true motive? W-what does he want?) thought Gremoria and Thea.

They also thought of other possibilities, but then Leon dropped a bomb on them.

"I like you! Please go out with me!!" said Leon as he kneeled down the ground with his right hand holding Gremoria's and his left hand holding Thea's.

""Huuuhhhh!!!!!?????"" said Gremoria and Thea shocked at Leon's sudden confession.

Confused both of them couldn't answer. While Leon thought (Perfect!). [Author: Idiot, you just met]

A few seconds later,

"Yes" said Thea resolutely and with a smile on her face. Leon stood up and hugged her immediately then gave her a kiss. Which she received happily. [Author: Well F*ck]

After sharing a passionate kiss, both of them looked at Gremoria waiting for her response.

"Hahaha, making Thea the cold hearted secretary fall for you so easily. You really are interesting. However, confessing to both of us at the same time. You've got guts" said Gremoria as she giggled and smiled at Leon.

Both Thea and Leon looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Then Gremoria continued "It's a good thing I like that about a guy, otherwise I wouldn't have even considered it" said Gremoria.

"Then" said Leon.

"Well let me think. Hmm~ alright I will go out with you, but only if you can pass my test" said Gremoria.

"If I could get together with a beautiful woman like you, then I'll pass even a hundred tests" said Leon confidently.

"That's cute, but well you only have to pass one" said Gremoria amused at Leon enthusiasm.

"Then, what is it? What's the test?" said Leon.

"Simple, you only have to defeat the Demon Lord" said Gremoria.

"Gremoria-sama! That's- that, isn't that a little to high for a test?" said Thea worriedly.

"No, it's ok Thea. I was planning on stopping the Demon Lord anyways" said Leon to Thea.

"Huh? but Leon were talking about the Demon Lord here. The strongest being in all of Dragkfur" Said Thea as she thought of the many achievements the current Demon Lord accomplished tru force and blood.

"Don't worry, just believe in me ok" said Leon, smiling towards Thea while patting her on the head.

Thea blushed and felt a little reassured because of Leon's confidence. She didn't say anything anymore and just nodded towards him.

Then Leon faced Gremoria and said "I'll accept your test"

"Good, then to seal the deal. Let me give you a taste of what you would be getting after the test" said Gremoria as she moved close to Leon and kissed him on the lips.

She only planned to give him a small peck, but Leon thought otherwise. He grabbed her by the waist with his free hand and kissed Gremoria thoroughly. He moved his tongue and invaded Gremoria's delicate mouth licking and tasting her as if she was the most delicious delicacy he had ever tasted. He rubbed her body close to his. Wanting to engraved his scent on to her as if saying that she was his woman.

After a whole minute of passionate kissing. Leon separated his lips from Gremoria's. Thea looked at them while feeling envious, but she held her self back. Because she knew that she would have her chance as well later.

Leon and Gremoria separated from each other. Then Thea went back to Gremoria's side.

Haa~ haa~ Gremoria panted a little and was still in a daze because of the pleasure she felt from kissing Leon. She looked at Leon in the eyes and thought she might regret giving him the test as she wanted to do a lot more things with Leon. [A/N: Remember she's a succubus]

Leon saw the look on Gremoria's eyes and smiled at her teasingly. Gremoria blushed and averted her gaze from Leon. Leon smiled at her gesture and Thea laughed understandingly. They created a peaceful pink space between the three of them.

However, this didn't last for long as they felt an accumulation of magic power at the tree behind Leon. Then they heard an angry woman yell which Leon immediately recognized.

He thought (oh boy).

"BASTARD! TAKE THIS!!" shouted Juno as two holy light spells synchronized and formed a laser like beam that shot towards Leon.

Naturally, Leon dodged the attack which was for some reason only aimed at him.

"Juno w-wait~ Calm down" said Leon.

"You traitor, I knew it. You are in league with those Demons! shouted Juno as she casted spell after spell aiming at Leon's crotch "Holy Light! Holy Light! Holy Light"

Juno felt betrayed because she really believed in Leon. However, that wasn't the real cause of her rampage. When he saw Leon kissing Thea and then Gremoria she was over taken with a sudden sense of loss, sadness and in the end anger.

"Woops! Hey! Wait! Stop aiming at my son!!!!" shouted Leon. He pleaded for help from Jane and Saya, but well you know what happened.

Gremoria snapped out of her daze and raised her hands casting Flame wall in between Juno and Leon. Jane and Saya readied themselves and were about to take action against Gremoria when Thea stood in their way with her Sword staff drawn.

"Do not interfere Demon, Blessing of the wind, Tempest enchantment (rare)" said Jane as she used support magic on her self and enchanted wind attribute magic on her weapon making it lighter but all the more stronger.

"Nee-sama I'll support you too, Agility Up" said Saya as she casted support magic on Jane.

With Jane speed raised to 3 times, she dashed towards Thea. She appeared in front of her as if teleporting and swung her morning star downwards.

(Her speed is incredible, however it's still incomparable to Leon's) thought Thea as she blocked Jane's morning star.


Sparks flew and Jane was shocked at Thea's reaction speed. She blocked Jane's attack perfectly offsetting all the power on her blow and then locking sword to M.star with her.

"Don't look to shocked now, because its my turn" said Thea. She strengthened her grip on the sword and pushed back Jane a few meters away. Then she raised her hand and invoked an ice javelin towards Jane.

Due to Thea's strength when she was pushed back Jane was left defenseless against the attack.

"Shit!" said Jane as she thought she was in trouble. When suddenly a wall of light appeared out of nowhere blocking the Ice javelin.

"Protection!" casted Saya as she asked Jane "Nee-sama are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks Saya-chan" said Jane.

"Hoh, it seems like I have to take you seriously" said Thea as she grinned showing her shark teeth at both Jane and Saya.

Meanwhile, at Juno and Gremoria's confrontation. Juno was gradually getting pushed back while Gremoria still had a lot of leeway.

Gremoria didn't take her fight against Juno seriously as she knew they were acquainted with Leon. Otherwise why would they specifically target him while claiming he was a traitor.

Even after activating her Limit Break skill Juno still couldn't fight back. She was getting angrier by the moment and regretted Meyers not being there.

"Can we talk? I think your misunderstanding something here" said Gremoria while fully vigilant of Juno's sword.

"Tsk, I don't want any of your bullshit so shut the hell up!" shouted Juno in a frantic way.


"Troublesome, really troublesome" said Gremoria as she was thinking of a way to restrain the person in front of her.

"Don't underestimate me Demon!" Juno forced all her Mana to her sword and prepared to use her final trump card. "EXCEE-

Before Juno could cast her skill Leon shouted "Stop! That's enough!" and activated Anti-Magic field(Legend) preventing activation of any and every spell with the same class below and cancelling all active skills including Buffs/Debuffs except for the user.

However, since the Hero was still eager to fight everybody. He added another spell which was Earth Confinement(Disaster).

The earth came alive and wrapped Juno and Jane from the neck below. Jane tried to struggle, only to find her efforts futile. This skill is usually used on level 1500 and below melee type boss monsters. Physical attacks are nullified even at Myth class. Magic attacks of the same grade or higher are the only thing that could break this confinement. However, since Anti-Magic field was activated nothing can currently break this pseudo seal unless they used Myth class skills/items.

After the skill settled down. Saya immediately stood in front of Juno and Jane resolving herself in protecting both of them.

Gremoria and Thea admired Saya for her act of selflessness. While Jane and Juno felt touched, they still told Saya to Run.

Juno settled down from her berserk self because of Saya and tried to persuade her to run while still glaring at Leon.

Leon was dumfounded of the current situation. He held his head while sighing, thinking of ways to explain everything to Juno.

-chapter end


- Limit Break is a skill limited only to those who have the title of "Hero". Exceed on the other hand is a skill limited only to the Holy sword. It boost's the user's strength, agility, and intelligence up to 10 times by forcing the limiters of the brain open. However, this skill is only recommended as a last resort. Because the backlash of this skill is 100 times stronger than that of limit break. In worse cases, it could even mean death.

- This chapter was brought to you by Minerva the mythical Goddess of Hope that only leaves her room once every two weeks when she doesn't have "rations" anymore.

[Minerva: Why the hell am I mentioned here!?

Author: *Sweating* I- there's a logical explanation for this *RFYL*

Minerva: Get back here you bastard!]