
"Right, first of all Saya calm down. We aren't going to hurt anyone" said Leon assuring Saya.

"R-really?" asked Saya as she was still vigilant against Thea and Gremoria.

"Don't believe him Saya-chan! He's a traitor to humanity!" shouted Jane.

"Don't let him trick you Saya, he will say anything to deceive you. You can't trust him" said Juno.

"But-" said Saya as she stared worriedly at Leon.

"Hey, wait a minute would you please listen to me. Saya you believe me right?" said Leon.

Saya was about to answer when Juno and Jane interrupted with a ""No!""

"Pffft! Quite the friends you have there" Said Gremoria amused at, Juno and Jane's reaction.

"Are they perhaps retarded Leon?" asked Thea mocking the two of them.

"Who are you calling retarded you wench!" shouted Jane.

"Wench? You- you lowly human. I'm gonna beat you up till you know what's good for you" said Thea as she rolled up her sleeves.

"Calm down Thea. Let me talk to them" said Gremoria.

"Gremoria?" Leon.

"Don't worry I won't say anything unnecessary" said Gremoria as she walked in front of Saya.

"Saya run!" said Jane and Juno.

Saya although panicking a little stood firm against Gremoria. She wouldn't let her harm her precious family without going through her first. Gremoria found her gesture cute and she admired her courage for standing up for her friends. Not just anyone would do that for anyone she thought.

"Dont worry, I'm not gonna harm you or your friends. I just want to talk. Since it looks like you are the most level headed in your party. How about convincing them to sit down and have some tea while we chat" said Gremoria as she signalled Thea to bring out a large table, 6 chairs, 6 cups and a pot of tea in her storage. Leon also took a few slices of black Forrest cake from his storage which looked really tempting.

Although Saya still felt vigilant. She still didn't refuse them because she knew she wasn't a match for them. If they really wanted to harm them they wouldn't have done it in such a roundabout way. Plus, she said she was going to free Juno and Jane, which was currently her top priority. Also, although irrelevant but there was cake.

After convincing Jane and Juno with much, much, much difficulty they finally sat down on the table.

After sitting down Saya immediately devoured her cake. Which eased a bit of tension as all of them smiled wryly. Leon thought (What is this adorable creature! Damn it, I don't have a camera)

Juno still didn't trust them, but she had to admit that her actions from earlier was a bit hot blooded. She composed her self and consented on listening to what they had too say. Jane on the other hand was still glaring daggers at Leon, but calmed down enough to listen to them as well. Although, she would take a few glances at Gremoria's body while smiling from time to time.

After settling down and wiping her face as if nothing happened, Saya asked their motive which Gremoria explained.

Gremoria told her about her encounter with Leon. How they "Tied" in their fight and began to respect each other. She also explained, Thea's sudden action and what she got in return because of it.

Jane, Juno, and even Saya all looked at Leon as if looking at a bug. However, Leon just shrugged it off by saying he felt a connection with Thea and that it was love at first sight. Thea blushed at this statement and begun to flirt with Leon, but was stopped immediately by Juno's Holy light spell towards Leon's face.

After he faked being hurt, Leon was going to let it slide. However, Thea didn't as she asked Juno in an angered manner "What was that for!?" to which Juno replied with simple gesture of averting her gaze. She was embarrassed by her own actions and thought to her self (Why did I do that? My hands just suddenly moved.)


Gremoria faked a cough and hid her right hand which had a fireball spell ready. She dispelled her magic then continued. She told them about the deal she made with Leon, which was him defeating the Demon Lord and her as his reward.

Jane reacted with a "What!?"

Gremoria and Thea thought that her reaction was as expected, but they were dumfounded when Jane said "I want that deal as well!!"

Juno and Saya, as though they expected her to say that; grabbed her shoulder and made her sit down.

Jane reacted by saying "W-what did you do that fo- she couldn't finish what she was about to say because an invisible pressure assaulted her, when she looked around she saw a smiling (pissed off) Saya. Scared, Jane shut his mouth off. [A/N: Imagine Kushina from Naruto]

Smiling wryly Juno faced Gremoria and asked "If you were so eager to get rid of the Demon Lord, then why didn't you do it yourself? Hmm, is the Demon Lord really that strong?"

"Hmmp, how ignorant. Gremoria-sama can easily defeat the current Demon Lord. Even if he is stronger than Master, she could still out smart him with no problem. After all the current Demon Lord is an idiot who only knows how to attack from the front. If Gremoria-sama wasn't bound by her words to the previous Demon Lord she would have fought him for the throne." Said Thea.

"Quiet Thea, they don't need to know that" said Gremoria.

"I'm sorry Master I was out of line. However, please allow me to tell them this so they won't be so ignorant the next time. Our current situation in Dragkfur has deteriorated drastically, because the exchange from other countries was stopped due to the war. A lot of Demons from Dragkfur began to starve. Master petitioned the stop of this war. However, she was ignored by the current Demon Lord saying that when Biringan falls all their problems would be solved. But, that isn't the real reason the Demon Lord wants Biringan. The real reason is becaus-" said Thea when she was interrupted by Gremoria with a "That's enough!" to which Thea appologized.

"I see, so that's why you needed Leon's help" said Juno.

"You guys had it hard as well huh?" said Saya.

"War doesn't really benefit anybody" mumbled Jane.

Juno, Jane and Saya finally understood the situation. Gremoria that is bound by something couldn't help but just watch the current Demon Lord do what he wanted. Due to desperation she asked help from a third party who was "as strong as her" and even offered herself as compensation. Although they have their suspicions. Their view towards Gremoria and Thea still rose by a lot. Enough, that they even let their guard down towards them. They also felt a bit of guilt for doubting Leon, but only a bit. (Damn womanizer) they thought.

Gremoria felt embarrassed by their sudden change of attitude, but still held her composed expression when she asked "Then are you willing to lend us Leon?"

Jane, Juno and Saya looked at each other then said.

"Well we can't really decide for him, but he already promised to help us with the Biringan City crisis" said Juno as he looked at Leon who was nodding to what she said.

"Gremoria-san if you could wait until we have solved our issues at Biringan city. We could also help you with your problem, probably" said Jane.

"Gremoria-san, Thea-san please don't worry, we promise to help you out as well" said Saya.

"Well thank you, but were alright. You really don't have too. With Leon's strength he should- no I'm certain he will be able to defeat the Demon Lord" said Gremoria with confidence as Thea nodded.

"Just leave it to me" said Leon with a smile.

Juno shrugged at Leon's answer which made him dejected and said "Anyways, let's go to Dwargo first and discuss this further in detail later"

"Are you sure about that? Were Demons you know. We started the war against races. Are you really sure you want to invite us to your home" said Thea seriously.

Juno just smiled at them as she what she was implying and said "If I were to say that I trust you a hundred percent, then I would be lying. In fact, I still have my suspicions. However, I'll trust your words for now. Call me naive if you want but I already judged that you guys aren't lying so I don't have to be that wary towards you"

Thea smiled then said "Humans really are interesting, then please take care of us"

"Please take care of us as well. Anyways, enough with this talk. Let's go to Dwargo" said Juno.

"You guys must be tired after traveling and fighting. Let's rest up at Dwargo" said Jane.

"Gremoria-san and Thea-san must be hungry. Let's go to Dwargo so I could cook some dinner for you guys" said Saya.

"Oh, Saya-chan is a great cook you guys are in for a treat" said Jane.

Thea and Gremoria looked at Leon who nodded.

"Alright we'll take you up on your offer" said Thea as Gremoria nodded with consent.

Thea called back the coward Dragon spot and invited Juno and the others to ride. They were reluctant at first but soon got over it as they thought it was a rare experience to ride a Dragon.

Leon could've just teleported them back to Dwargo but changed his mind as it might cause a commotion when a Dragon suddenly appears in the middle of Dwargo.

After a few minutes of flying, Dwargo was finally within their sight. However, they did cause a commotion just as Leon feared. Because all the installed Defenses automatically fired at them when they were a few distance away from Dwargo's wall. After deactivating the sentries. They were able to land safely at Dwargo.

Meyers, Orthorn, and Milo were dumfounded when they saw Leon and the Hero party coming down the Dragon's back with 2 Demons tagging along.

Meyers, Orthorn and Milo didn't attack immediately and asked Juno and Leon to explain the situation. Juno did as they demanded and was able to convince them after a long debate.

-Chapter end