Roasted pork and Discussion

After a wild night with Thea. Leon got up from the bed gently as to not wake Thea and went to take a bath. The bath at Dwargo is a simple large bucket which is filled with water by maids of the castle.

However, since there are currently no maids or people except for the resistance guys. Leon used his basic water attribute magic "create water(normal)" and filled the bucket with water. He also heated it with a rare class fire spell "temperature manipulation(Rare)".

Leon went into the bucket which was large enough for one person and washed his fatigue from the previous night.

He could have used the synchronization magic of water and light magic "Cleanse" to clean his body. But that wouldn't have been fun thought Leon.

After taking a bath, he put on his clothes, kissed the sleeping Thea's forehead, then went outside.

After he left, Thea woke up, sat up, then looked around, she blushed after remembering all that happened last night. She immediately got up and went to her room so that she could prepare for the day.


Soon, Leon arrived at the dining hall. He saw the familiar faces of soldiers he helped during the ogre confrontation, greeted them then went to the kitchen to prepare a meal.

There were a lot of people in the kitchen. All of them were soldiers who Milo gave the task to cook. Since the chefs weren't here, the 11 soldiers who could cook were tasked with providing meals to their fellow soldiers from breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Leon was always thankful to them as they always provided him meals.

He asked the head soldier cook if he could use a stove and an oven in the kitchen. The soldier replied with "Of course Leon-sama, just use whatever you need"

Leon nodded and went to the corner of the kitchen that had a unused table and a vacant stove and oven.

As a precaution for Leon's NEET'ly habits, Father Smith prevented his mother from cooking him meals. This was to get Leon off his ass, leave his room and cook for himself. It worked as Father Smith planned, but it worked too effectively. Leon actually had the talent for cooking. He even imitated meals made by professional Chef's like G*rdon Ramsey. Although, not as delicious it was still enough for her parents to boost his cooking to their neighbors.

He took some ingredients from his inventory and placed them on the table. The soldiers made quite a ruckus when he did that, but went quiet because the head soldier chef scolded them saying "Go back to work we have a lot of comrades to feed!"

Leon just smiled wryly when observing them and went back to work.

After an hour of cooking, he had prepared Roasted pork belly with mushroom gravy(Porchetta), Cream of Mushroom soup, Blanched mixed buttered vegetables, and Mashed potatoes. The servings were good for 20 people. He also took out 10 bottles of 1 liter Coke from his inventory and chilled it with ice magic.

Soldiers were impressed by how fast he had prepared a meal for 20 people. At first they doubted the quality of the meals as it was prepared in almost no time. However, when the head soldier chef was asked to taste his cooking. He was in awe and almost cried as he exclaimed "It's the most incredible thing I've ever tasted!". Leon smiled then replied with a "thank you"

A soldier went in and informed them that the Hero party, as well as Gremoria and Thea were now in the VIP table waiting for their meal.

(Right on time) thought Leon as he asked the soldiers to serve 7 servings of the meals he made. When they asked why only 9 servings, he said "You guys, worked hard. Enjoy the meal" then walked out.

Shocked, none of them made a sound. Then when Leon was outside he heard them shout """""""Yoooosssshhhhaaaaaaa!!!"""""""


At the dining hall, Leon walked in front of a table especially made for receiving high ranking guests. What was waiting for him however, was a silent table. On one side there was the hero party. On the other side were Thea and Gremoria.

The atmosphere was weird. Meyers was still on guard against Thea and Gremoria. Jane was looking at Gremoria's body like an old man and would leak creepy laughter once in a while. Saya smiled wryly at Jane and Meyers actions. Juno was glaring at Gremoria as Gremoria was laughing mockingly at Juno with ku ku ku and Thea was looking around trying to locate Leon.

When she spotted him, Thea shouted "Leon!"

Everyone turned to look at him. He greeted everyone with a "Yo" as he raised his right hand.

"Yo my ass!" said Jane.

"Good morning Leon-sama" said Saya. While Gremoria, Juno and Meyers just nodded at him.

Thea looked at him in the eyes once, then blushed like a tomato unable to greet him.

"What's with the depressing atmosphere" asked Leon as he went to Thea's side and sat beside her. He reached for her hand under the table and held it. Thea blushed some more because of his actions.

"We were discussing our further plans, and came to a disagreement" said Meyers.

"We have different opinions, so it's understandable" said Saya with a wry smile.

"The hero party wanted to save all the villages, towns and cities in between here and Biringan. This of course includes one of the human ruled kingdom Lemuria which is currently over run by Lamia's. Demons that are half human, half snake. In our opinion it's a waste of time as Biringan will fall before we liberate and kill all those Demons" explained Gremoria as Thea was still in a daze sitting beside Leon.

"Like I said if we put all our powers together. Liberating all of them would likely be a walk in the park" said Juno.

"And like we told you, we're not here to help you. We are only tagging along as it seems amusing. Also, it is far more imperative that Leon defeats the Demon Lord. Once the Demon Lord is defeated and everyone in his faction dead. Somebody else that is against this war will likely take the throne. All those Demons will be recalled to Dragkfur and the war will be over" said Gremoria logically while glaring at Juno.

"No, I'm sorry to interrupt but we can't wait until the Demon Lord is defeated. People in those towns and villages would suffer more otherwise" said Saya.

"There is also a possibility that those Demons wouldn't return to Dragkfur. They are as you've said are part of the current Demon Lord's faction. They aren't going to return if they know the would be subjected to execution" said Meyers.

"That's a good point, but do remember that if the current Demon Lord is defeated. Those Demons would lose their support from Dragkfur. Liberating those places would be a piece of cake afterwards" said Thea.

"We can't let that happen. We are currently in a stand still. If those Demons loose their support and are agitated they might kill all the residents making our effort worthless" said Jane who snapped out of her daze and answered.

Everyone went quiet again after the back and forth talk.

"Alright, let's calm down first" said Leon as he signalled the waiters to serve the food.

"What's this?" asked Thea curiously as she looked at the dish in front of her.

"Well, it's something I whipped up for you guys to enjoy" said Leon.

"Leon-sama you can cook?" asked Saya.

"This is Porchetta If I'm not mistaken?" asked Juno.

"Yes, I could cook and Yes this is Porchetta" said Leon.

"Alright let's eat first, but do you have a solution to our current predicament?" asked Juno as she looked at Leon.

Leon smiled at Juno then said in a confident manner "I don't"

"Bastard are you messing with us!?" shouted Jane.

"Ane-sama that's-" said Saya.

"Ah! I'm sorry Saya-chan did that startle you" said Jane lovingly at Saya as she glared at Leon. Meyers on the other hand only sighed at her.

Irritated by Jane's attitude towards Leon, Thea answered brazenly saying "Leon Isn't obligated to help those people"

"Hmm? What do you mean he isn't? He already promised to-" said Jane before he was interrupted by Thea saying "Leon promised Biringan's protection, not those villages and cities liberation"

"Well, yeah. But-" said Jane taken a back.

"Okay, okay like I said let's calm down first" said Leon. Then he faced Jane, Juno and the others.

"What Thea said was right, I only promised Biringan's protection not any others liberation" said Leon. Then he looked towards Jane and continued "I'm not a tool you guys can use just because I'm convenient you know"

"Leon-sama that- we didn't mean for you to feel that way" said Saya worriedly.

"I know, but let me tell you now. Helping you guys was only a whim for me as I was moved by Juno's resolve" said Leon as he winked at Juno's direction making her blush before he ate a fireball fired by Gremoria.


Leon faked a cough then continued with "After we secure Biringan's protection, I'm leaving as I have a more personal quest I want to do" said Leon as he looked at Gremoria.

Jane was about to say something but was interrupted by Meyers.

"This- is delicious" said Meyers as he tasted the cream of mushroom soup. He didn't say it to loudly but was still heard by everyone.

Everyone looked at his delighted expression. The hero party never saw Meyers comment on anything they had eaten even in the capital so they got curious and started to taste the food as well forgetting about their current discussion. Gremoria and Thea went with the flow and started tasting their food as well. Juno facepalmed at how easily they got distracted, but didn't voice out her thoughts because she as well was curious about the food cooked by Leon.

"This is really good" commented Gremoria.

"What the heck is this!? It's so tasty!" said Jane.

"Delicious! delicious!" exclaimed Saya.

"Leon what is this drink? Is it some kind of wine?" asked Meyers as he poured himself a glass of coke.

"Hmm? oh that. That's Coke, it's a carbonated drink that is very popular at our world" said Leon.

"It's sweet and a little fun to drink" said Saya as she drank a glass of cola while giggling and then burped uncontrollably.


"Oh my" said Saya.

(Cute) thought Leon.

"This is soup is very tasty, the vegetables didn't loose it's freshness and are still crunchy, it's delicious" evaluated Juno.

"This roasted pork as well, it's so soft that it just melts in your mouth, this meal is even better than what our personal chefs prepare back at Gremoria-sama's castle" said Thea.

Leon laughed and said "Thank you, it looks like my hard work paid off"

"Well, this is good and all but let's get back to our topic on hand" urged Juno.

"Alright" said Leon while everyone nodded.

"Then let me ask this first. Aren't you the Agent of God, like Orthorn-san said? Didn't Goddess Minerva sent you here to save us or something?" asked Meyers while Thea and Gremoria were shocked as they even stopped eating and looked wide eyed at Leon.

Then they finally realized why Leon was so strong. He was the Agent of God. A Legend that was recorded in the oldest and most ancient documents of the Demons. Gremoria subconsciously put up her guard as the agent of God was the natural enemy of the Demon race. Even Thea got a little shaken but didn't let go of Leon's hand. She believed that Leon wouldn't trick or hurt them.

As if reading Thea and Gremoria's mind, Leon reassured them with "Don't worry I won't harm you, even if I was the Agent of God"

Although, he only said a few words Gremoria and Thea somehow believed him as they looked at Leon's serious expression. One that he rarely uses.

After reassuring Thea and Gremoria he faced Meyers and said "I was sent to this world by Minerva, but like I said she didn't give me a specific purpose for coming here. She only said that I should help the "people" of this world"

"Then help us! We are the "people" who need your help the most" said Jane. Although, the hero party was quite all of them thought the same.

"I am helping you guys" said Leon nonchalantly.

"Then why are you extending your hand to those Demons?" asked Jane.

"Because Demons are "people" of this world as well" said Leon. While Gremoria and Thea were delighted at how he views Demons.

"Demons are people too, huh? I never thought of it that way" said Juno in a whisper like voice, as she contemplated.

Since, she came from a world were it was natural to label Demons as Evil. [A/N: Religion] She subconsciously, labelled the Demons here as evil as well. Well it was understandable since she was summoned to defeat them and only saw them as an enemy before. But the truth is, Demons are just another race like the Elves and Demi-humans.

Although, she was enlightened a bit she still had doubts at Leon's reasoning. So she asked "They maybe people as well, but we are currently at war. Why not help us out more as they- no we are clearly the victims here"

"We came from a world were our generation fought a war. Haven't you learned that everyone is a victim of war? Anyways, I'm not changing my mind. Too much interference from our side isn't good. This is their world so they have to fix their problems themselves. I am only here to give them a push" said Leon.

"Then what do you propose we do?" asked Meyers.

"I want to go to Biringan City as soon as possible and help them fight off those Demons. After that I'll set up Defenses there just like I did here in Dwargo. Once everything is fully secured and we've made counter measures for the next Demon invasion. I'll go with Thea and Gremoria to Dragkfur and beat some sense into the current Demon Lord" said Leon.

"That's- Saya was about to say it was reckless but was stopped by Juno. She replied to Leon with "I see so you already made up your mind. Sigh~ Since we can't really stop you. Then we'll just do our best to support you. Just promise me everyone in Biringan City will be safe and that you will beat the Demon Lord and stop this war in the process"

"Okay, then I promise" said Leon in a serious but reliable manner reassuring Juno.

"Good, because I'll deal with the aftermath of liberating those other cities and kingdom myself" said Juno with a new found resolve.

Leon smiled at her then replied with "Good, then since this complicated discussion is over let's continue eating"

"""""Yeah!"""" said everyone as they all ate in relish.



-The first Agent of God a few thousand years ago was a priest from the Vatican back on earth. He dimed the Demons as Evil because of the teachings he learned and even tried to exterminate them. That is why the Agent of God was an enemy to the Demon race.