A-a Gundam!?

After their discussion, it was decided that Leon, The Hero party, plus Gremoria trio will head directly to Biringan to fortify it's Defenses.

However, on the day of their journey a slight problem occurred.

"How are we going to explain Gremoria-san and Thea-san's presence?" asked Juno.

"Exactly, if we go to Biringan with Demons. They might suspect us with collaborating with them or worse they might not believe we are the Hero party and accuse us as fakes" said Jane.

"That's a bother" said Leon.

"Just force your way in" suggested Thea.

"""We can't do that!!!"""" said everyone in the hero party.

"Well, Thea-san's appearance might not be a bother as long as she doesn't show her teeth. However, Gremoria-san's appearance might get us in trouble. She might get recognized, especially since she is the most famous out of all the four Devas even in the human and Demi-human continents" said Juno.

"Can't we just disguise Gremoria-sama?" asked Saya.


Gremoria sighed then she said "I can retract my wings but I can't do anything about the horns"

"Hmm, wait I might have something" said Leon as he checked his inventory. After browsing for a few seconds he finally found what he was looking for.


*Crescent moon clip*

-A clip that was crafted from a Moon rock by a Human blacksmith that dedicated his life in creating wonderful works of art. The Crescent Moon Clip was said to be his favorite work as it's beauty reminded him of his dead wife.

Type: Costume (Head)

Class: Epic

+15% Defense

+10% Vitality

+70% Light and Dark magic resistance

Passive skill: Mind Magic resistance

-Resistance to Mind Magic from Epic below.

Passive skill: Negate Attack

-Can negate 1 Fatal attack from any enemy with the sacrifice of the clip.


"Here put this on" said Leon.

"Hmm? it's a beautiful clip but how is this going to help?" asked Gremoria as she looked at the beautiful clip in her hand.

"Trust me, just put it on" urged Leon with a smile.

Gremoria blushed because of Leon's smile and put on the clip. After she did, her horns suddenly disappeared.

(She looks exactly like an ordinary human woman now. Yup, an ordinary woman who has a very seductive face and beautifully sculpted body) thought Leon.

Everyone was shocked as they looked at Gremoria new appearance. Gremoria was confused and tilted her head at their reaction, then she asked "What?"

"Gremoria-sama your horns!" exclaimed Thea.

"Huh, why? what happened to my horns? asked Gremoria as she raised her hands and tried to touch them. To her surprise they weren't there. He took out a mirror from her inventory and viewed herself, after a few seconds she exclaimed "My Horns!!!"

Gremoria started to panic as a succubi's horns were the embodiment of their pride.

"What sorcery is this!?" asked Jane shocked at Gremoria's flawless- no. Gremoria's perfect appearance.

"Should I say, as expected from Leon-san?" said Meyers as he held his head.

"Maybe I can heal them back" suggested Saya to the panicked Gremoria.

"Calm down, calm down everyone, it's just a Costume. Your horns will reappear once you remove the clip" said Leon.

After calming down Gremoria did as Leon said and then got relieved as her horns reappeared.

"Thank goodness their back" said Gremoria as she heaved a sigh of relief. Then she put the clip back on again and her horns once again disappeared.

"What kind of costume would- you know what nevermind" said Juno as she shrugged it off; knowing how meaningless it was to ask Leon.

"Is this one of those things were if you mind it you lose?" asked Saya innocently.

"""Yeah""" said Thea, Gremoria, and Jane with a wry smile.

"Oi oi, don't just shrug this off like that" said Meyers.

"Since Gremoria-san's problem is resolved, lets prepare for our journey" said Juno.

""""Ohhhhh!"""" everyone.

"Hey I said don't just shrug this off, can't you guys hear me?" said Meyers.

"Meet back here after an hour. Once we are done with our preparations and said our goodbyes we'll be heading on to Biringan City" said Juno with enthusiasm perfectly ignoring Meyers.

"""""Yes""""" said everyone except Meyers who still had a troubled look on his face.


After an Hour, they all met up again at the gates of Dwargo. Before they left Milo and Orthorn sent them off.

"Thanks again for everything, Leon-sama" said Milo.

"Thank you again for saving us kid, next time you come by Dwargo just look for us. We'll be sure to accommodate you happily" said Orthorn.

"Thanks Milo-san, Old man. I'll be sure to come back here when I have the time" said Leon as he bowed towards Milo and Orthorn then went outside the gate with Gremoria and Thea.

"Juno-sama please take care on your journey, and we wish you luck on your quest" said Milo.

"Thank you Milo-san" said Juno.

"Take care of yourselves and always be careful. Don't always charge into trouble like last time. Believe in your comrades and never take on problems on your own" said Orthorn.

Juno smiled wryly as she remembered her actions back when they were on the tower, then replied to Orthorn with "I'll keep that in mind and thank you"

After that the hero party said their farewells to Orthorn and Milo then went out the gate.


After gathering outside the gate. Saya asked a question.

"Uhm, ano- are we going to walk towards Biringan?" asked Saya.

""""Eh?"""" everyone.

"We forgot about that, it will take at least 2 weeks to get to Biringan by foot" said Juno.

"I thought we were going to ride that Dragon" said Jane as she asked Thea and Gremoria.

"Well, No. Although, Spot can travel long distances he can only take 2-3 people at a time" answered Thea.

"It'll be the end of the month if we travel there by foot, if only we had war horses from the capital we could've gotten to Biringan in less than a week" said Juno.

"How about some of us fly there with the dragon and then Thea-san can come back for the others?" suggested Meyers.

"Well, we can do that but we can only transport two people at a time as one of us; either me or Gremoria-sama has to command spot. Judging from the distance from here to Biringan we would take at least 3 days to get there and another 3days to get back, this is assuming that Spot doesn't take a rest" said Thea.

"So it's no good then. We have to think of another way" said Juno, then she was reminded by a person who was out of the norm.

She looked at Leon who was fiddling with something in the air and asked "Leon, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a skill or item we could use, I wonder what would be best for this kind of situation?" said Leon.

Everyone was puzzled at what he was doing, but still waited as they had run out of ideas.

Leon had already thought of using Teleportation to get to Biringan, but cancelled the thought after realizing Biringan City was outside the map he had scanned. Gate was a higher version of teleportation which could teleport him to any place he wanted as long as someone described the place or had a picture/map of the place they were going to, however he still cancelled that thought as he wanted to save all his more powerful spells as a trump card.

After thinking for a bit he decided on the next best thing, which was transportation/Mounts. He browsed for such items in his inventory, but all he had was:

*1 Grand Peco(Rare)

*3x Garm Descendant (Rare)

*2x Black moon Tiger (Rare)

*4x Challenger2 Tank (Rare)

*3x Knight XV (Rare)

*1x Batmobile (Epic)(Dark Knight version) (2 seater only)

*1x Nimbus Cloud(Epic)

*1x Ghost Rider Hell Cycle(Epic)

*1x Lancelot(Code Geass)(Original Version)(Epic)(Warning: Critical Durability)

*1x XXXG-01H2 Heavy Arms Kai (Endless Waltz Version) (Disaster)



*1x Godzilla Lvl. 1478 (Version Zilla Jr)(Legend)

Name: Godzilla

-Potential: Can evolve to Myth

-Requirements for summoning: 7 seed's of the Apocalypse

-Status: Cannot be summoned

*1x Ghost Lvl. 256


Name: Fred

-Potential: Can evolve to Legend

-Status: Can be summoned

*1x Roc Bird Egg


Name: None

-Potential: Unknown


-Status: Can be summoned

-Hatching conditions: Unknown


(Hmm? Looks like Lancelot is in Dire need of repairs. For pets, Godzilla might not be a good idea. Having a monster that is on par with an Ancient Dragon(Myth) suddenly appearing might cause a panic. Plus I only have 5 seeds of the Apocalypse left no go on the summoning. That leaves us with Heavy Arms, once I remove it's Gatling Guns I could use it's arms to carry all of them; then fly towards Biringan. With Heavy Arms speed we should be able to follow Spot. However, Heavy Arms wasn't meant for Long range flying so we might need to stop a few times a day.) thought Leon as he summoned Heavy Arms from his inventory.


While Leon was browsing his inventory, Meyers suddenly asked a question "Do you think his gonna do another absurd thing?"

"Yeah, most probably" said Jane with a wry smile.

"I wish it's not a tank, a hellicopter, or a Jet. That's all I wish for" mumbled Juno as she was holding his hands together above her head as if praying.

"What's a hellicopter?" asked Saya.

Then it appeared, with a THUD a giant Metal Golem that was red and white in color appeared suddenly out of thin air. Everyone one was dumfounded, even Thea had her mouth gaping wide. She asked "Wha-what is this!?"

"A Golem perhaps?" asked Gremoria.

Golems, although not common to the public it is still rather well known. Especially, at construction sites were they are used as labor. Another reason why they are so well known was because Finias holy city boost's of it's holy golem army that is controlled by multiple paladin summoners. However, her conclusion was wrong.

"A-a Gundam!!" shouted Juno

"Well yeah it's a Gundam" said Leon surprised that Juno even knew about it. Gundams were after all Men's Romance.

"A Gun-what?" asked Jane.

"A Gundam" said Leon

"And what exactly is a Gundam?" asked Thea curiously as she tilted her head.

"Well, in short it's our transportation" said Leon.

"Transportation my butt, It's a weapon of mass destruction. Although, I don't know much about the specifics but this thing is seriously bad news for those who go against it" said Juno.

"That too" said Leon nonchalantly.

While Juno facepalmed at Leon's absurdity.

"I see" said Gremoria.

"How are we going to ride this exactly?" asked Meyers.

"Oh right" said Leon as he was reminded by the Gatling Guns. He went towards the metal giant and flew towards it's chest. It's cockpit opened, Leon climbed in and then pressed a few buttons to remove Heavy Arms Gatling Guns.

It went THUD on the ground and caused a little shaking.

"What the hell are you doing!?" said Jane as Leon replied with a "Oops, sorry bout that"

Leon got out of Heavy Arms and put the Gatling Guns away on his inventory. He told Juno, Jane, Saya, and Meyers about his plan. Four people will be carried by both hands while they fly towards Biringan. Although they had a few things pointed out regarding safety measures. They still agreed since they were a bit in a hurry.

After Juno and the others got on Heavy Arms hands. He told Gremoria, Thea and Spot to lead the way.

Thus began their journey towards Biringan City.

-Chapter end


- Since a Robot/machine wasn't sustainable in a fantasy genre. The creators of Neverlasting added a special function. Instead of Firing Ballistic type bullets and missile that were consumable, they instead used laser like Mana bullets and Explosion type launchable spells like fireball, etc.. They also included a special repair function to the system which instantly repairs the machine as long as the user had the right items with him/her. To sustain it's function even when a Lvl 1 player was using it, they put a Compact Mana Fusion reactor inside the machines which gathers, purify and accumulate Mana in the surroundings. Although, this machines could still be used by the users own Mana. However, it was only recommended to players who were Lvl 500 above. As for Gundams and Megazords it was recommended to be at least Lvl 800.


*Gundam 03 Heavy Arms- https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/XXXG-01H2_Gundam_Heavyarms_Custom?file=Heavy_Arms_Custom_(TV_Version).jpg

*Zilla Jr- https://godzilla.fandom.com/wiki/Godzilla_(GTS)

*Knight XV- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_XV

I think everyone already knows about the Batmobile, Goku's nimbus cloud, and Ghost Rider's Motorcycle so I won't add any reference here. By the way other items such as Terminators weren't included as the items shown here are those that can be ridden or potential to be ridden.