
Lights were shining from all the direction, paparazzi were running from here to there for a few pictures of this enchanting beauty.

Yet just as expected before her there came the wall of sturdy bodyguards making way for their Boss, the poor reporters couldn't even have a small picture of her shadow.

That dazzling and elegant lady who was known for her cold and queen-like aura can never be pictured unless she willingly gives permission.

So the poor reporters had to go back brainstorming about how to deal with their superiors after they return to their workplaces tomorrow.

////// INSIDE THE CAR //////

"Welcome back President, hope your trip ended successfully." the Chauffeur greeted his Lady Boss with a warm smile.

The Chauffeur was a man in his early fifties; he was an amiable and warm man, who got along well with everyone.

A cold, simple nod with respect was all which came in return but the Chauffeur was the least bit surprised or disappointed, as he knew well that it was the most someone received from his Lady Boss.

He has accompanied his Boss for long enough to understand her well.

After all, his Lady Boss De Xi and her First God Brother Mu Cong were well known to treasure their words like precious gems.

In fact, them uttering more than a few words is like a death sentence to all the employees under them.

As only two kinds of people have the luck of hearing them speak more than a few words, one is their loved ones whom they treasured and others are the ones who unknowingly offended these two petty people.

Yes, they were well known for their pettiness as well and no one would ever offend them knowingly because only fools would do that.

They would give back each and everything you give no matter what it is, let it be a small insignificant writing pen or something as great as loyalty, you will get it back the same amount whenever needed.

For outsiders, they are a pair of god-siblings with a long and never-ending history of ruthlessness and achievements.

This pair of Legendary Tycoons are the Presidents of two of the world's top 5 conglomerates, who cannot be messed with, at any cost.

The travel from the airport is just travel of few minutes, precisely about half an hour to the De Mansion, which is not only known for its beauty and elegance but also for its grandeur and breathtaking architecture in complete Italy.


As soon as De Xi entered the mansion, a seven-year-old girl came running towards her, while spreading her arms and her face held an innocent and cute smile.

"Slowly, Little Princess you will get hurt." De Xi warned the little girl warmly, her cold and aloof attitude from a while back dissipated into thin air.

"Mummy, I missed you so much that if I could I will fly to you." the little girl said as she beamed a cheeky smile towards her Mother.

"Such a sweet talker, how many chocolates did you eat, for your mouth to be so sweet?" De Xi asked as she pinched the little girl's nose, which turned red as soon as De Xi released it.

"Ouch! that hurts Mummy!" the little girl complained as she whined and pouted cutely.

"Little Princess, did you have your dinner?" De Xi asked the little girl who was addressed as Little Princess by her loved ones.

"Yes, Mummy, I already had my dinner. At first, I wanted to wait for you but Grandma Melan said, you would be late and asked me to not wait for you." Little Princess pouted in disappointment.

"Sweetheart, don't look so sad, Mummy will accompany you for the next complete week, okay?" De Xi said as she smiled warmly towards her daughter, whose eyes turned wide like saucers in shock and surprise.

"Really!!?" Little Princess asked in shock and disbelief.

Though they shared a good bond along with each other, yet the time they spent with each other was very little, the number of hours they spent together in the previous month could be counted in one hand.

"Yes, really I'm going to spend the next complete week with my Little Princess." De Xi confirmed as she smiled warmly and pecked on Little Princess's forehead softly.

"Thank you, Mummy, you are the best!" Little Princess said as she beamed a cute smile towards De Xi.

"Young Miss, welcome home." a lady in her late forties who was standing at the side all along greeted De Xi politely and respectfully.

De Xi nodded curtly towards the lady, but not coldly. There was a hint of respect in her nod and the way she looked at the lady.

"Little Princess let's put you to sleep." De Xi said as she smiled towards Little Princess warmly in a motherly manner.

"Okay, Mummy" Little Princess said as she happily walked together with her mother hand-in-hand.

De Xi and Little Princess walked towards the stairs in the middle of the living room, which led to the first level of the grand mansion.

They slowly ascended the marble staircase, which was beautifully carpeted with beige fur carpet, which was soft and slip-proof to walk on.

They reached the first level of the mansion and walked towards the right side hallway, which had three bedrooms and a staircase at the end of the hallway.

They passed through the hallway adorned with priceless paintings and antics which perfectly contrasted the white wallpaper.

When they reached the end of the hallway, they once again ascended the staircase which led them to the second level of the mansion.

As soon as they reached the second level, they entered the first room towards their right side.

When the door opened, it felt like they entered a different world because unlike the white wallpapers and neutral shades of decorations along the way, this room was mainly decorated with the colours purple, sky blue, and baby pink.