The room had baby pink wallpaper and adorned with cute pictures of Little Princess in large frames.

There was a European Style, king-sized bed, with purple sheets and white curtains tied at its frames, which would cover the bed perfectly if untied.

A crystal chandelier hung above the bed, which resembled the twinkling stars in the dark night sky. The floor was carpeted with the same fur carpet as the stairs, but the colour being sky blue inside the room.

De Xi and Little Princess entered the room, and walked towards the bed, but before Little Princess could climb up on her bed, De Xi held her back.

"Little Princess, did you take your shower and brush your teeth?" De Xi asked as she looked at Little Princess sternly.

Little Princess gave De Xi a sheepish grin and ran towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

De Xi looked at her helplessly and then sighed as she walked towards the walk-in closet, which was exactly opposite the entrance of the room.

She opened the walk-in closet, which was over three hundred square meters in size.

Various types of attires, bags, shoes and other accessories were neatly arranged according to the colour range.

De Xi walked inside the closet and picked out a comfy sleepwear for Little Princess.

After hanging it on the door of the closet, she then started to segregate the jewelry inside the closet which was in a mess because of some reason.

Having segregated them properly she then walked out of it to find Little Princess walking out of the bathroom as well, draped in her light purple bathrobe.

"Come over Little Princess" De Xi motioned Little Princess to walk towards her.

De Xi quickly helped Little Princess to dry herself and slip into her sleepwear, which De Xi picked out.

After Little Princess was done wearing her sleepwear, De Xi then helped her to blow dry her long, silky smooth hair and tie it up into two high buns, one at the right tip and the other at the left tip of her head.

She then tugged Little Princess into her bed and softly adjusted the comforter on her, as she patted her head affectionately and pecked on her forehead lovingly.

"Good night Mummy!" Little Princess said as her eyes slowly drooped down because of sleepiness as the day's exhaustion took over her.

"Good night, Sweetheart." De Xi also whispered as she once again pecked on her forehead softly.

De Xi smiled warmly when she heard the steady and even breathing of Little Princess as she once again adjusted the comforter on Little Princess and then adjusted the room temperature to a comfortable one.

"Eva, you are..." a calm, deep voice came through the door but trailed off when De Xi motioned towards the sleeping Little Princess.

De Xi then slowly and silently slipped out of the room and turned off the lights before closing the door behind her.

"Cong, you are already here, weren't you coming tomorrow?" De Xi asked as she smiled warmly and hugged Mu Cong.

Mu Cong is the First son and Heir of Mu Family, which was a very influential family not only in the country but overseas as well. He was a handsome and charming man in his early thirties.

Mu Cong smiled and hugged back De Xi. He looked at De Xi warmly in a brotherly manner and was about to speak just to get interrupted by his younger brother Mu Chang.

"Lina, you are finally here. Is Little Princess already asleep?" Mu Chang asked as he engulfed De Xi in a warm hug and then looked towards the closed room door.

"Yes Chang, Little Princess is already asleep but why are you so eager to see me? What is the matter?" De Xi asked as she raised her brows at him in amusement and doubt.

"W-why can I not be happy to see my God-Sister?" Mu Chang asked in a wronged tone, his voice wavering slightly.

"You can Chang, but you usually aren't this excited." De Xi said as she looked at Mu Cong questioningly.

"He wants you to be the mediator in between Su and Mu Family elders for his marriage with Biyu." Mu Cong immediately revealed the reason without considering his brother, who was trying to act mysterious.

"Brother, you are no fun, how can you break it like this?" Mu Chang whined and looked at Mu Cong accusingly.

"When asking for a favor, it is better for you to not annoy the person and you know well that Xi hates indulging in such small talks." Mu Cong said calmly as he started walking towards the open area which was after three doors from the stairs.

De Xi also smiled calmly and started walking towards the open area with had beautiful night view of the serene artificial pond and the beautiful Olive and Oak tress.

Mu Chan also followed them like a small puppy wagging its tail for a treat from its master. The trio entered the open area, which had a round tea table for six.

"Lina, I want to get married to Biyu as soon as possible, please help me ask the elders. I don't have guts to ask them myself after the blunder I made last time." Mu Chang said as he looked at De Xi with puppy eyes.

"Why are you suddenly in a hurry? Didn't you say that you wanted to get married after she graduates from university?" De Xi asked as she was preparing tea for the three of them.

Though De Xi was a ruthless and great business tycoon, she was well versed in the Four Chinese Arts namely Tea Brewing, Go Chess, Calligraphy, and Guqin.

"That is because Ah Biyu is becoming beautiful every passing day, I'm afraid that someone else might snatch her away." Mu Chang said in a serious tone.

The teapot almost slipped from De Xi's grip when she heard Mu Chang, Mu Cong looked at his younger brother, utterly speechless from the latter's reason for marriage.