
De Xi coughed awkwardly after regaining her composure. She then continued to brew the tea fluidly and looked at Mu Chang in helplessness.

"Chang, did you discuss this with Biyu?" De Xi asked.

Her eyes were still trained on the teapot with boiling water as she waited for the tea leaves to release their flavor.

"Yes, we already discussed it." Mu Chang said confidently and looked at De Xi with unwavering determination.

"The way you speak seems like she also shared the same opinion as you." Mu Cong asked as he looked at Mu Chang with a slightly distinguishable smirk hanging on his lips.

"Yes... Wait, what?" Mu Chang realized that the question was a double-edged sword, either way, his answer would not end in his favor.

De Xi handed them their tea and relaxed back in her seat, as she chuckled softly and looked at Mu Cong.

"Stop teasing him." De Xi chided Mu Cong lightly and looked at Mu Chang seriously.

"I am asking seriously, what is the hurry? You waited for four years, a year more and the elders will talk about your marriage on their own, why not wait?" De Xi asked calmly but the small frown between her brows told she was not convinced by Mu Chang's reasons.

"It was you who said, 'If you are waiting for something to happen, you are already too late.' I considered your words and decided to get married at the soonest and coincidentally Ah Biyu's vacations are also starting" Mu Chang said in a determined tone.

"Are you sure you want to get married? You won't back out in the last minute, right?" De Xi asked as she looked at Mu Chang seriously.

She slowly sipped on her tea after blowing on it softly and so did Mu Cong, whereas Mu Chang was deep in his thoughts, thinking over the decision he made about marriage.

"Yes Lina, I am sure I won't get cold feet at the last minute." Mu Chang said with determination after much consideration.

"Very well then, you have given me your word, so no matter what you cannot back out." De Xi said as she looked at Mu Chang seriously.

The latter nodded in understanding and agreement, Mu Cong also smiled and sipped on his tea. The trio then finished their tea in silence and peace, while enjoying the scenery.

After completing their cup of tea, they bid each other good night and retired for the night in their rooms.

--------***Next Morning***---------

"Lina, where are you?" Mu Chang came down, calling out for De Xi in an anxious tone.

"What happened Chang why are you so anxious early in the morning?" De Xi asked in a calm and indifferent tone as she continued reading through the document in her hand.

"Even though you are ignoring me like this, I won't hold a grudge and tell you about this as I have a big forgiving heart." Mu Chang said sulkily and handed De Xi his tab, which had some news displayed on its screen.

De Xi read through the screen quickly. Her eyes darkened momentarily but disappeared the very next moment, which Mu Chang missed as he was busy rambling on about the news.

"Some people just need a high-five, in the face, with a chair. These are just the people." Mu Chang scoffed angrily.

"Why are you getting angry? This doesn't matter to me. We know what happened and we are also not guilty for something, if they are so interested in writing about me then let them." De Xi said in a nonchalant tone.

"What do you mean by letting them write what they feel like writing, you wait and see I am going to sue every one of them." Mu Chang said in fuming range.

"Don't bother, I'm not interested in playing with them." De Xi said and resumed reading the document she was previously reading after handing the tab back to Mu Chang.

Mu Chang was stunned when he heard De Xi's statement, though it was true that De Xi hardly bothered herself with others unless they did not harm her loved ones, it was simply too hard for Mu Chang to digest her indifferent statement.

"Good morning..." Mu Cong who came downstairs greeted them but stopped mid-way after looking at the scene before him.

De Xi was leisurely reading her document while sipping on her Americano without any care for the world, whereas a stunned Mu Chang was standing beside her, rooted to his place in disbelief.

"Chang, what is with that expression of yours?" Mu Cong asked with a questioning look directed towards De Xi.

"Good morning." De Xi greeted him calmly, as she took a sip of her Americano and looked at Mu Cong with a small smile.

"Well... what happened to him?" Mu Cong asked with an amused look, as he pointed towards Mu Chang, who was rooted to his place.

"Go see for yourself on the news." De Xi said in an unhurried and calm voice, while looking at him nonchalantly.

Mu Cong frowned slightly and looked at Mu Chang before retrieving his mobile from his trouser pockets and going through the news.

"They sure have guts to dig out things from the past." Mu Cong said as he looked at the mobile's screen coldly.

"At least one of you agrees with me, even I said the same and wanted to sue all of them for defaming Xixi like this." Mu Chang said in a furious tone.

"When did I say, I never agreed with you to sue them, who said by suing them we are going to make them pay? There are many other ways, don't you think so, Eva?" Mu Cong asked as he looked at De Xi, menace dancing in his cold black orbs.

"My goodness, why do I feel like, I am on a different wavelength than you two?" Mu Chang said in exasperation as he looked at the duo before him.