"Maybe you are right." Li Chen said as he smiled warmly and kissed Chang Mei's forehead dotingly.

"I'm always right, ain't I?" Chang Mei said as she winked playfully.

"I came down for food, not dog food." Fang Gang said bitterly as he looked at Chang Mei and Li Chen accusingly.

"You are just jealous." Li Chen scoffed as he led Chang Mei upstairs to their room.

"As if." Fang Gang said as he scoffed in annoyance and continued going downstairs as his hunger was greater than to stand his ground in front of Chang Mei.

***********NEXT DAY***********

As soon as De Xi was done getting ready, instead of going downstairs as usual De Xi went to Natalia's room across the floor.

She knocked on the door twice before opening the door and entering, then closing the door behind her.

"Good Morning Mummy!" Natalia greeted cheerfully as she sat on her balcony still in her pajamas with a glass of milk in her hand.

"Good Morning Sweetheart. You still haven't bathed and changed?" De Xi asked in surprise as she looked at her watch.

"I was... feeling lazy today Mummy and anyways it was weekend, so I indulged myself," Natalia said as she looked everywhere but her mother.

"Little Princess, have I ever told you how much of a bad liar you are?" De Xi asked with a soft chuckle.

"Am I?" Natalia asked with an awkward look.

"Nervous?" De Xi asked softly as she walked towards Natalia.

"More of worried and scared," Natalia said as she stood up and gulped down the rest of the milk.

She then placed the empty glass on the tea table on the balcony and walked towards her mother and hugged her tightly.

"Scared? Good. We don't grow when we stay, inside our comfort zone." De Xi said as she smiled her eyes stern and assuring.

"How is this going to help me grow Mummy?" Natalia asked in exasperation and confusion.

"Listen, sweetheart, there will always be people who will make us doubt ourselves and question ourselves if we are good enough for them or are we making the right decision?" De Xi said as she seriously and warmly advised.

"Then how were you sure you made the right decision? You are always confident, I have never seen you waver even for a moment." Natalia asked as she curiously peered at her mother's hazel eyes glowing brightly under the morning sun.

"I don't like to make the right decisions, I take decisions and make them right." De Xi said as she smiled playfully.

"And here I thought we were having a serious conversation," Natalia said as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, I am still your mother." De Xi said as she angrily glared at Natalia.

"Then you should act like one," Natalia said curtly as she smirked slyly and ran off to the bathroom, escaping from De Xi.

"We still live under the same roof, I'll get my hands on you for sure." De Xi said as she shouted over the door and the sound of flowing water.

De Xi smiled helplessly and walked to the walk-in closet to pick Natalia's clothes for the day.

Usually Head Butler Melan or one of Natalia's personal maids would be the one picking her outfits but De Xi also picked her outfits occasionally like today.

After quickly picking out the outfit, footwear, and accessories, De Xi placed them on the bed and walked out of the room only to bump into Lu Bai and Li Chen.

"Eh! How come you are coming from this room? Did you not sleep in that room yesterday?" Li Chen asked with a frown.

"Why does it matter where I sleep? Did you sleep well?" De Xi asked calmly as she walked towards the stairs leading them downstairs.

"I did." Li Chen answered hesitantly.

He really wanted to curse his luck today, not only did he bump into Lu Bai he even bumped into De Xi, now the first thing in the morning he needs to experience this awkward conversation.

"Lina! Good Morning" they heard a cheerful greeting as soon as they reached the central staircase of the living room.

"Good Morning Chang, and to you zombies with jet lag." De Xi said as she looked towards the others who were holding onto a cup of coffee each with huge eye bags.

"Looks like the only perk with constant travel abroad is quickly getting accustomed to the time difference, seeing from how Brother and Brother Chen are looking so better." Lu Meng grumbled as she complained.

Lu Bai and Li Chen looked at Lu Meng expressionlessly as if they were looking at an idiot who was talking nonsense.

"Ask your husband, I'm sure he has a cure to your jetlag." De Xi said calmly but what she said stunned everyone including Li Chen and Lu Bai.

"Sister-in-law, even age can't seem to smoothen out your tongue's edges, it is as sharp as I remember." Lu Meng said as she looked at De Xi with grievances.

"You don't seem to have grown wiser with age either, you are as dumb as I last remember." De Xi said with a small smile.

"Have you ever won an argument with her? Why get insulted first thing in the morning?" Lu Feng asked as he looked at Lu Meng with pity.

"Actually it is pretty easy to win an argument with her." Natalia's sweet, velvety voice came from the start of the central staircase.

"Little Princess, you are already dressed? Are you going out?" Mu Chang asked in surprise.

"Is James picking you up?" George asked as he looked at the time.

"Brother James is coming? Is he not practicing at Old Mansion today?" Natalia asked in confusion.

"Pretty lady what is your name?" De Xiu asked as she looked at Natalia with sparkly eyes.

De Xiu always coveted beauty and beautiful children were on the top of her list, Natalia just passed De Xiu's standards with flying colours.