"Natalia De, Aunt Xiu," Natalia answered with a warm and bubbly smile but as soon as her words registered in everyone's minds, they froze.

"Right. Everyone meet my daughter, Natalia De." De Xi also followed suit and introduced Natalia to everyone, effortlessly dropping an atom bomb on them.

Natalia looked at everyone and strangely found her nerves settling in, instead, she was feeling amused when she looked at all the ghastly pale faces.

She curiously looked at the face, a face which she resembled the most.

There Lu Bai was, carefully studying Natalia, her expressions. Calmly taking in her nervous look, which turned from amusement to curiosity when it landed on him.

De Xi was also calmly taking in Lu Bai's reaction from the corner of her eyes but to her surprise and shock, there was not the slightest bit of surprise and shock on his face.

In fact, he looked like he already expected this, there was nothing but pure delight and indulgence as he let Natalia stare at him to satisfy her curiosity.

"*cough*..." Li Chen uncomfortably cleared his throat as he looked at the family of three, all busy in their own world that they forgot about them.

Lu Bai looked at Li Chen emotionlessly, whereas Natalia looked at him with a cute smile and De Xi looked at him with amusement.

"What you said..." Li Chen somehow managed to form a proper sentence that did not sound incoherent but did not know how to continue after that.

"What I said about her being my daughter was not a joke, I was dead serious." De Xi said calmly, leisurely looking at Li Chen.

"Shouldn't it be 'Our' daughter, Little Xixi?" Lu Bai asked De Xi in a smooth voice, like a cool morning sea breeze, for the first time since his arrival talking to De Xi.

"Little!?" De Xi asked with a frown as she looked at him with disdain.

"Or would you prefer me calling you 'Honey', just like before?" Lu Bai asked with a small playful smirk.

"You have grown quite some nerves, haven't you?" De Xi asked with a mocking laugh.

Lu Bai looked at De Xi calmly as he shrugged casually before looking towards Natalia with a smile.

"Little Princess, right?" Lu Bai asked as he nodded her to come to him.

Natalia looked at him with an amused smile, slowly walking to him, only to be caught off guard with a hug from her father.

"We finally meet." Lu Bai said with a warm, endearing smile as he looked at his daughter.

"It is nice to meet you, finally... Daddy." Natalia said as she hesitantly called out the last word, only to hear a delighted laugh from the person whom she addressed with much difficulty.

"You are similar..." Lu Bai said as he tapped on Natalia's nose, her face clouded with confusion.

De Xi stiffened slightly when she heard what he said, obviously the only one who knew the meaning behind his words.

"I feel lost..." Lu Feng said as he looked at Lu Bai, then to De Xi, and finally stopping on Natalia.

"Yes... Unfortunately, I have to agree with this idiot for once." Lu Meng said helplessly which earned her a glare from her twin.

"Before you both argue, we have something more important at hand." Fang Ai intervened just when Lu Feng was about to scold Lu Meng.

"So... Sister, Brother-in-law, some explanation will do us, nutcases, some good." De Xing said as he looked at the duo in question.

The duo looked at Natalia, unsure if she should be present, which the latter understood and tactfully excused herself saying she had something to do in her study.

"She is more tactful than you." Su Yang said as he looked at De Xi with a provocative smirk.

"Trust me, you would not want to provoke her now." Nan Xi said as she warned her husband.

"So..." Li Chen quickly brought everyone back to the topic as he pointedly looked towards the couple.

"I was pregnant when I left." De Xi said in a slightly guilty but steady tone.

"And I saw her test reports after she left, probably she forgot to take them with her." Lu Bai said as he looked at De Xi, something changed in their eyes.

"You knew you were pregnant and still left?" Chang Mei asked in disbelief, with her eyes full of anger and frustration.

De Xi pursued her lips in a thin line, she did not want to answer that, as the more she tried to explain the more it will complicate the things than it already is.

"I think, Brother Bai and Xixi have a lot to talk about, why don't we excuse them?" Feng Chuan said as he looked at Lu Bai who was pointedly looking towards De Xi and the latter was avoiding his gaze.

Everyone looked at the couple, all of them sighed inwardly, knowing well that the differences between them are not something which will solve itself, they need a much-needed push to solve the difference.

"I'm sure Aunt Melan won't mind sending two sets of breakfast to De Xi's room." Mu Cong said as he stood and looked at others.

"Aunt Melan is on the patio, I'll let her know." Mu Chang said as he stood up and left.

De Xi knew none of them were ready to take no for an answer and especially the other person in question was too eager to back her up.

Lu Bai looked at De Xi, his eyes full of complicated emotions but most importantly it was hurt and guilt, which confused De Xi the most.

She wanted to know, why and for what was he guilty for, when he knew nothing about it and she was the one who decided everything on her own accord.

"This way." De Xi said as she ascended the stairs once again and leading Lu Bai to her room.

The latter followed behind her wordlessly, making sure to keep a respectful distance between them.