"I chose this for me." De Xi said calmly, her smile serene and regal, befitting a Queen who has been through hell and high waters.

"It is getting late, let's return to the mansion, or else I won't be able to answer your husband's questions and nagging." De Xi joked softly as she stood up and asked for the check.

Jiang Mei chuckled fondly when she remembered the grumpy yet sweet husband who was eagerly waiting for at the De Mansion.

After settling the bill, De Xi and Jiang Mei drove back their individual cars to the De Mansion, where awaited a sweet surprise for De Xi.

**********Fifteen Minutes Later**********

De Xi and Jiang Mei arrived at the De Mansion one behind the other and handed their cars over to the chauffeurs so that they park them in the underground garage.

"It has been so long since I last came here... Was it the last Milan Fashion Week when I came here?" Jiang Mei asked as she took in the beautiful surroundings and the beautiful mansion towering before her.

De Xi shrugged as she did not remember when Jiang Mei last visited her house. She entered the mansion to hear the loud and delighted laughter, of kids and elders.

"Look at who finally decided to show up after disappearing for a whole week without telling." Chang Mei mocked De Xi as she coldly looked at the latter.

If it were some other time De Xi would have retorted back in a heartbeat but now her all her attention was on someone or a group of humans to be specific.

"Aunt Xi..." the group of kids breathed out nervously, whereas one certain boy was looking at De Xi intently and nervously as if he blinked, De Xi would disappear.

De Xi snapped out of her daze when she heard the nervous voices of her precious treasures.

She immediately smiled warmly as she kneeled on the floor and opened her arms, inviting them for a warm hug.

The kids were stunned momentarily before they quickly regained their consciousness and ran to De Xi, engulfing her in a group hug.

"I really did not know Mom could smile so wide," Natalia said as she looked at De Xi in faked disdain.

"Even if you don't speak we can still smell your jealousy. Stop it." a boy who looked similar to James but a bit younger said calmly.

"Liam, you better don't mess with her, she will really beat you up today." a boy with chocolate brown hair and sunkissed skin, his bright golden eyes would mesmerize anyone at the first look.

"Sam I agree with you for once," Natalia said as she glared at Liam who ignored her.

Meanwhile, De Xi kissed every child on both their cheeks, while they returned the same.

She reached the last boy and paused, looking at him longingly, with her hazel eyes reflecting the motherly love and warmth in her heart.

"Did you miss me?" De Xi asked softly, with a small warm smile on her lips.

"How can I not?" the boy who looked just like a photocopy of De Xi said as he looked at his mother warmly.

"Then come here, Little Treasure." De Xi said as she engulfed him in a warm hug.

Little Treasure a.k.a Lu Chao wrapped his arms around De Xi's back as he hugged De Xi lightly as if still afraid she would disappear.

Sensing his hesitance and nervousness De Xi tightened her hold on him as if telling him that it is all real and not a dream.

"Eva, any more and here two barrels of vinegar will burst open and drown the city in it." Jiang Mei joked as she brought the mother-son duo from their reverie.

De Xi and Lu Chao looked towards Jiang Mei in displeasure as she disturbed their little reunion, the latter immediately feeling chills down her spine.

"Jeez, these two are really too similar to be true." Jiang Mei shivered lightly as she leaned into Mu Cong's embrace to feel comforted.

"Why mess with them when you know what will happen next?" Mu Cong chided his wife gently in a loving manner.

De Xi ignored the duo and looked towards the little barrel of vinegar who had an awkward expression as if she ate dog food.

"What are you jealous about? It is not like you acting so lovingly with me." De Xi said as she scoffed lightly towards her jealous daughter.

Natalia looked at De Xi dramatically widening her eyes and keeping her right hand on her left chest.

"Mom, how can you say that? Everyone here has been a witness to my love for you. My little heart is seriously hurt Mom." Natalia said dramatically as she wiped her fake non-existent tears.

"You even have a heart? That's a new fact." De Xi mocked Natalia least bit bothered by her daughter's over-the-top acting.

"I am seriously offended now," Natalia said as she huffed angrily at her mother.

"Do you think I care?" De Xi asked as she looked at Natalia indifferently.

"Heartless, Dad did you look at that, this is what I have been going through all these years. Oh, my pitiful soul." Natalia let out aggravated sighs and cries as she looked for her father to back her up.

"How did I give birth to such a daughter?" De Xi questioned herself as she pinched her nose bridge, her face getting darker by the moment.

"This Sister of mine is interesting Mummy." Lu Chao said with a small chuckle as he whispered softly in De Xi's ear.

De Xi looked at her son and smiled softly in exasperation and amusement.

On the other hand, Lu Bai looked at his daughter who was indirectly asking him to back her up, and then towards his wife and son still busy in their own world.

"They are paying us no heed sweetheart, drop the act." Lu Bai said softly to Natalia who heard her father and stopped.