Then again, he can't possibly say that it was his beloved daughter who asked him to keep it a secret as she never did so. It was just his selfish thought of keeping Little Princess all to himself.

"You... old fogey, you don't love me anymore, you are hiding things from me now." Mother De said sorrowfully, as she pitifully looked at her husband with teary eyes.

"Grandpa!!" Natalia called out excitedly shifting everyone's attention from Father De and De Xi to the adorable little girl.

"So adorable!" Grandma Lu seated beside Grandma Mu exclaimed in low-key excitement.

"Little Princess, slow down, don't run or you'll get hurt." Father De stood up and quickly walked towards Natalia, who was running towards him.

Father De covered halfway went Natalia sprinted towards him, colliding with Father De and the latter engulfed her in his embrace.

Even though Father De was in his early 50s, he was as fit as he was in his prime years as he maintained his body very well, hence could easily withstand the force with which Natalia ran up to him.

"Little Princess, how many times did I tell you not to run? What if you trip and get hurt? Grandpa's heart will ache very badly for you Sweetheart, for Grandpa's sake don't run okay?"

"But Grandpa, don't I have you here to catch me? Now I even have Dad with me to catch me if I fall, how will I get hurt?" Natalia asked adorably with pouty lips.

"Little Princess, come here." De Xi beckoned Natalia to stand beside her, and Father De let go of his granddaughter reluctantly.

Natalia walked towards her mother and stood beside her with a warm smile like the morning sun, melting the elders' hearts immediately.

"Little Princess, they are all your grandparents and great-grandparents. You remember them from the pictures right?" De Xi asked warmly.

Natalia nodded her head with a wide excited smile, infecting everyone with her warm, adorable smiles.

"De Nuan greets all the Great-grandparents and Grandparents." Natalia bowed respectfully towards everyone, with a warm and delighted smile, whereas the elders looked at her with fond smiles on their faces.

"You seem to share a really close relationship with your Grandpa, I'm jealous of him now." Mother De grumbled sorrowfully.

"I met him first, so I'm close with him already and I'm sure I'll be close with all of you great-grandparents and grandparents real soon." Natalia quickly consoled her grumbling grandmother.

"Such a sweet talker you are, I'm sure you definitely did not grow up under your mother, or else you definitely won't have such a sweet tongue." Grandpa De said as she glared at De Xi in an unfriendly manner.

Her family's antics amused De Xi, she suddenly felt like the most unfavoured one in the family and her daughter was the reason for it.

"Indeed Grandpa De, your guess hundred percent right. Little Princess grew up with me, so of course, she will have my sweet tongue." Mu Chang boasted with a wide grin.

"Oh! Then it is all thanks to Little Princess that this immature grandson of mine grew up." Grandma Lu teased Mu Chang in return.

Mu Chang's smile immediately vanished, and he looked at Grandma Lu with a hurt and sorrowful expression.

"Grandma Lu, that hurts. My little heart has been broken into a million pieces." Mu Chang entered into his over-dramatic self, amusing everyone in the living room.

"Come here you brat! Let me show you what real pain is. It is all thanks to you that now my old bones are aching all over." Grandma Li said angrily as she beckoned Mu Chang to go near her.

"G-Grandma Li, h-how is this my fault?" Mu Chang asked warily as he looked for Su Biyu to help him out, but she had yet not returned from the dining area.

"If not for you and Biyu, wanting to get married so urgently, why would we old people have to travel so far on such short notice?" Grandma Lu chided Mu Chang in a slightly angry but doting tone.

"Actually, Great-grandma, I believe we should be thanking Uncle Chang and Aunt Biyu, after all, if not for them, I doubt that Mom would have brought me to China even if seven more years passed," Natalia said cutely, sending a quick sly smirk towards De Xi.

"Indeed I wouldn't have brought you to China unless you asked me about your blood relatives. Had you asked just once, I would have brought you there within a week if not the same day." De Xi said calmly, without much change in her expression.

"You brat! Look at you trying to bully my Great-granddaughter right in front of me." Grandpa De bellowed at De Xi angrily.

"Yes, Great-grandpa, look Mom is bullying me like this in front of you, then think about how much I would have suffered all these years." Natalia immediately started complaining and whining to her all her Great-grandparents in a dramatic way.

"She is even more shameless than you, so I like her more than you." Mother Li who had already walked beside De Xi whispered softly in De Xi's ear.

"Are you indirectly telling me that I have lost your favorability as well?" De Xi question in a slightly disheartened tone but the clear amusement in her eyes said otherwise.

"I'll tell you directly. Yes, you indeed lost your favorability, who asked you to give birth to such an adorable daughter, who is better than you in all the aspects?" Mother Li looked at De Xi indifferently.

"Aren't you being a little heartless?" De Xi asked in disdain as she looked at Natalia still complaining pitifully to her Great-grandparents and Grandparents.

"Even if I was, I won't be more heartless than you." Saying this Mother Li looked at De Xi meaningfully as if trying to convey something else.

De Xi simply shrugged, not wanting to continue with this topic but Mother Li had no such intentions of letting it slide so easily.