"You are really..." Just when Mother Li was about to start again, De Xi's mobile pinged indicating an incoming message.

She unlocked her mobile and read the message with a frown before briefly looking upstairs towards the first floor.

"What is the matter?" Mother Li asked with a frown as she followed De Xi's line of sight but found nothing.

"Nothing, I'll be back in a while." De Xi said as she excused herself and went upstairs to her room.

She entered her room to find a nervous Liam already seated on one of the sofas in her room.

"What is making you so nervous?" De Xi asked warmly with an assuring smile.

"Mom..." Liam started but was unsure how to continue.

"What is it, honey?" De Xi asked softly as she sat beside Liam, taking his hand in hers in an assuring manner.

"Mom... I received a modeling offer, a few days back." Liam said nervously, his hesitant eyes looking at De Xi holding his breath for her reaction.

The latter was silent when she heard Liam, nodding slightly as if processing what Liam said.

"Didn't you always want to pursue a career in fashion?" De Xi asked calmly but her eyes were warm giving Liam the much-needed support and assurance.

Liam was surprised when he heard De Xi because he never revealed his dream and passion for fashion to anyone around him.

Hence the fact that De Xi noticed it and understood it warmed his heart to the next level, lifting a heavyweight of his heart.

"You knew?" Liam asked while fidgeting, he did not know if he was nervous or embarrassed.

"Is my Liam embarrassed?" De Xi asked with a soft chuckle, as she petted his head.

Liam shook his head denying but his red ears gave him away.

"So... What is the offer?" De Xi asked getting back to the serious business.

"It is from Globe, they want me to audition and take part in the photoshoot for the upcoming London Fashion Week as a temporary model of their company."

"They will see the response I receive and decide upon whether to sign a longer contract. The response I receive will also decide upon my value." Liam explained calmly his previous nervousness and embarrassment gone.

De Xi nodded her head, she did hear that Globe was looking for young models this season, though the opportunity was great, the pressure was immense, making her concerned for Liam's mental health and self-confidence.

"So?" Liam asked De Xi, pulling her out of her train of thoughts.

"What is making you hesitant?" De Xi asked calmly, immediately catching onto the main point, which was Liam's hesitance and uncertainty.

"Will I be able to do it, Mom? Do I have the potential?" Liam asked with a sigh, the thoughts which were troubling him for the past few days were finally off his chest.

"Until you spread your wings, you will have no idea, how far you can fly." De Xi said with a warm smile, assuring Liam, despite her own worries.

Though she was sure she would be able to protect him in all situations, she also knows that Liam is very sensitive to things around him and would not want her to help him out in any way because he always liked doing things independently.

"So, I should do it?" Liam asked still slightly hesitant.

De Xi simply nodded her head positively with a warm smile, triggering a warm smile on Liam's face as well, which fell as soon as it appeared.

"But... will Grandma and Grandpa allow it?" Liam asked suddenly remembering the most crucial of his worries.

"Don't worry, they will agree. Even if they don't, I'll convince them, leave it to me." De Xi said in assurance as she patted his head once again.

Liam nodded his head with a smile, completely showing his trust in De Xi.

The duo then left the room and went downstairs to hear boisterous laughter from the elders.

"Such a sweetheart with a glib tongue." Father Lu said as he patted Natalia's head lovingly.

"Now let her go, I need to take a good look at my great-granddaughter as well." Grandma Lu commanded Father Lu in a stern tone, as he eyed his eldest son with displeasure.

'Why do I suddenly feel like my mother dislikes me even more now...' Father Lu thought, the displeasure in his father's eyes dumfounded him.

Father Lu obediently let go of Natalia, as he did not want to be criticized by his mother in front of his granddaughter, whom he just met.

De Xi sighed helplessly, as a small soft smile formed on her lips, her eyes were full of warmth.

Li Chen, who noticed Lu Bai's gaze silently stood up and walked towards him gaining no one's attention.

"Do you know how you look right now?" Li Chen asked with a teasing smile.

Lu Bai's smile froze momentarily, only for it to turn into a scary smile as he glanced towards Li Chen with icy cold eyes.

"How is it?" Lu Bai asked Li Chen in a cold, scary tone, but Li Chen was not some scardy cat.

After knowing Lu Bai for around two decades, he knew for sure that Lu Bai would never hurt him even unintentionally.

"The look you had when you fell for Xixi, without even realizing." Li Chen said with a helpless smile.

Lu Bai looked at Li Chen questioningly before the look of realization dawned on him.

His head snapped towards his son who was standing right beside him, looking at him with amusement and a teasing look.

"It is not what you think." Lu Bai said in a warning tone.

"Deny all you want, I'm no more gullible past me." Lu Chao said calmly as he walked towards his mother and silently held her hand as he leaned on her gently.

"What is it, Little Treasure?" De Xi asked gently, as she looked towards her son warmly.